how safe is buying marijuana off craigslist?

anybody who buys weed off craiglist in cali needs to just go get a med card and get legal and into a real dispensary. :-?
My man, ask around. Find someone who is legal and has years of experience he or she would be your best bet. I would'nt use CL myself, but that's me. I'm sure you know someone!! Good Luck.
I never did. I found someone through the clinic I went to. He had good stuff, but the prices are outrageous (as with everyone else). My crops are starting to roll in though, so I think I am off the grid and smoking my own from now on.
anybody who buys weed off craiglist in cali needs to just go get a med card and get legal and into a real dispensary. :-?

see around here the dispensary prices are average 420 to 560 an ounce. from cl its 275 to 375 on average.

just make sure when your buying from online to ONLY buy from rzza:) youll be safe nuff.

btw budtrader is much better.
I always do it. Never had an issue. Before I used to have to deal with gangsters, now, I've only dealt with nice middle aged people in nice neighborhoods. No one can beat their prices, a dispensary has overhead; I could get an ounce that would cost 300+ at a dispensary for 140! or a QP for 500, you can't beat that. Just be smart about it.
I always do it. Never had an issue. Before I used to have to deal with gangsters, now, I've only dealt with nice middle aged people in nice neighborhoods. No one can beat their prices, a dispensary has overhead; I could get an ounce that would cost 300+ at a dispensary for 140! or a QP for 500, you can't beat that. Just be smart about it.

are you in michigan? if so, would you be interested in making a new friend?
Lol MMJ all the way!
I've seen ounces of indoor go for as low as 80 an oz, currently there is indoor cheese for 120 an oz lol
They're so cheap cause they're legit. They only charge to recover the true cost of operation, there are some people on CL that just want to make money off of their crop, which is illegal.

are you in michigan? if so, would you be interested in making a new friend?
First off, while you do quote the law about not being prosecuted, you fail to cover the rest of the quote. Mainly the
"for the medical use of marijuana IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ACT" as in if you follow the patient or caregiver rules.
People usually don't just wake up with chronic pain and decide to go get legal. I lived with chronic back and knee pain after
four operations in 24 years failed to help. While waiting six months to get legal may seem like a long time,
a good number of people have spent years, or in many cases decades in pain.
Just because something is legal doesn't grant you instant access to become legal for it. It is a process and having to wait
isn't an excuse to cut short, or skirt the law it's just part of that process.
In the example you give, the fastest way to legally medicate would be to have a caregiver anyway.

To me Guy incognito has the rght attitude and probo24 has the wrong atttude. Guy asks the question why ISNT it legal while probo is asking what about it is legal. We got to stop looking at this thing like THEY do as if it's some sort of awful thing we doin a dark corner to try and get thru the day. You cannot be harmed by medical marijuana, you cannot OD, you cannot do anything but possibly fall aslep as a "negative side effect". All this proving I'm legal and he's legal and I got this legal and my paperwork is in order is HORSESHIT. It's like regulating water for my safety so don't fall into that catagory, don't be that guy. Stand up, get your meds and make a giant stink if anyone says boo to you about it. FIGHT is what I'm saying and buy everywhere, grow everywhere smoke everywhere and make them tell you again why this harmless plant is going to kill you and destroy your community. even the dumbest person can't sound smart defending that point of view so let them.
I put my overages on CL and budtrader. I've never had a displeased patient or heard complaints from them. I did have a "patient" from budtrader rip me off.
people getting set up all the time on be ripped off..... some have even ended up dead over cars deals.

Grow your own