First off, while you do quote the law about not being prosecuted, you fail to cover the rest of the quote. Mainly the
"for the medical use of marijuana IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS ACT" as in if you follow the patient or caregiver rules.
People usually don't just wake up with chronic pain and decide to go get legal. I lived with chronic back and knee pain after
four operations in 24 years failed to help. While waiting six months to get legal may seem like a long time,
a good number of people have spent years, or in many cases decades in pain.
Just because something is legal doesn't grant you instant access to become legal for it. It is a process and having to wait
isn't an excuse to cut short, or skirt the law it's just part of that process.
In the example you give, the fastest way to legally medicate would be to have a caregiver anyway.