First CFL grow with NO cash spent!

It seems to vary over and over again, but can anyone give me a good average time period from seed to smoke?

So far the average Ive been going by cant keep up with me, what should have taken 4 to 6 weeks to get into veg, i'm only 2 weeks in what do you think?

I would like you to meet Megan, Anna, Jennifer, and Alanis.
Not sure on the strain, come out of a good bag though! I'm looking to pull as much yield in as little time as possible, then hopefully get some clones and start taking my time from there.
The topping and cloning still kinda scares me but I'm doing my research, hopefully I dont screw it up.

Thanks Ole Red Eyed, I'm running 4 26w@6500k and 2 27w@5000k for right now, want to add a couple more in the next week. No nutes yet, the only thing I found local was MG organic choice concentrate to water in but most people have been advising against it and I didnt want to order anything online yet. My mix is simply 2 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite, and 1 part perlite, all organic! and i'm watering with distilled water only.


Active Member
^ ur stoned lol

P.s I wish I could be disciplined enough to grow cost free but often it's just easier to buy the sh*t you need lol
Nice grow man. Keep us posted dude. Good luck
Thanks man, I'll get the rest of my pics up tonight Ive been having trouble getting the pics uploaded.

The only reason I decided to start out so cheap is one I had most of the basics and some of the extras available already and two after enough research my conclusion was that the first round is pretty much trial and error so I didn't want to put to much money down on a bust, but watching my, "hopefully"lol, girls take off I'm second guessing my strategy by the hour!

Thanks again guys, I'll defenitly keep posting when I can, the more help through out the better.


Active Member
The only reason I decided to start out so cheap is one I had most of the basics and some of the extras available already and two after enough research my conclusion was that the first round is pretty much trial and error so I didn't want to put to much money down on a bust, but watching my, "hopefully"lol, girls take off I'm second guessing my strategy by the hour!

Thanks again guys, I'll defenitly keep posting when I can, the more help through out the better.
Yeh I honestly didn't head the warning of starting simple. I've built my cabs for top grow but have made many mistakes and am learning so I totally agree with starting simple.
I have wasted a lot of money on my mistakes as well.
And I don't really care :) I'm having fun as I learn :weed:
Yea I agree It's about the fun. As far as the learning process I would say I did relatively great in school but I've done more research and reading on this subject than anything else before! And still I feel lost.......Marijuana, proud sponsors of...Um.....I forgot!
Scrap that last question and scrap the idea of putting up my older pics, it turns out that the new windows phone is even less compatible with my pc than the iphone...GRRR!

Anyways heres todays glamor shot of Anna,

When and how should these lovely ladies be topped for the first time? concept is very new to me and researching others before hand hasn't boosted my confidence any.


Well-Known Member
Hey man good job, those babies look great, dont be scared to top those bitches, and dont worry bout cuttin them with sterile scizzors or any of that shit , just pull the new groth right off with you index and thumb, i topped my girls at the 3rd node and im only using miracle grow, check out my plants if you wqnt i have a similar set up, its "all miracle grow cfl bagseed grow" search it man im sub'd so ill be watchin, and im currently doing my first cloning aswell and it aint nothin to be scared of buddy, good luck
Hey man good job, those babies look great, dont be scared to top those bitches, and dont worry bout cuttin them with sterile scizzors or any of that shit , just pull the new groth right off with you index and thumb, i topped my girls at the 3rd node and im only using miracle grow, check out my plants if you wqnt i have a similar set up, its "all miracle grow cfl bagseed grow" search it man im sub'd so ill be watchin, and im currently doing my first cloning aswell and it aint nothin to be scared of buddy, good luck
Thanks man watching yall do yalls thing is reassuring and intimedating at the same time but i'm still having fun! I've got a little bit of browning on the new growth at the top any ideas?


Well-Known Member
How close are your lights, when the last time you watered, aT the moment im guessing it is a deffienciency once you feed em some nutrients that should clear up, if ur low on cash grab some miracle grow that you can mix with water, just remember to divide what the direcions say by %50