The thread that doesn't belong here...


Well-Known Member
Gypsy here... making a mess of things again... :-P

Times have changed... not in a place and time where I can grow some dank...

So I decided to grow some mushrooms...

I will need a severe cover, so I will be growing mostly edible mushies... but I assure you there will be a few cubes in

The idea is to experiment and get the set up dialed in for the future...


The idea is to set up a GL 145 - 4'9" x 4'9" x 6'7" growtent... like this...

Shelving units like these....

I have a 4 fan and a small carbon filter... to clean the intake air... :-P

I intend to keep a positive pressure, blowing filtered air in to the tent with a passive exhaust...

I ordered one of these kits... simply because of the convenience... in the future I will just get my own materials... but as a first timer, it made sense to get it...

I also got some Shiitake spores, some cubes and Amanita Pantherina...

Now it's time to plan and decide EXACTLY what I will do... time to make a plan to execute...

All are welcome to comment and critique...

This thread is probably going to be a little slow at first as I don;t have all the supplies here yet, but "soon time come".. and we'll see what the Gypsy can do...

First time attempt, so feel free to add in and don't be shy, as usual, this is an open space...

Cheers... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
So I wonder if any of you have ever used the "1 tub with water and a heater + the FC tub"...

I chose this design because it is very cold here... right now the bedroom I intend to have the tent in , is barely above freezing... so the FC sitting in warm water seemed like a good plan...


Well-Known Member
I would love to stay clean enough to do large cakes... but I am just not sure how it will all go down yet... I'm not discarding anything just yet...

I wonder if tundra or peat moss can be used... a lot of it is just decomposing organic matter... lol...

The first go around will probably just be the little cakes in the tubs... but I would love to turn that tent in to a mushroom producing machine...

I'd love to see something like this in there... :razz:
But on the shelves shown above...



Well-Known Member
I just started getting mushrooms off my first grow a month ago.

They're so easy and a great way to pass the time of waiting for a grow to finish.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea man always wondered how much of a process growing your own shrooms is should be exciting!


Well-Known Member
Ive been wanting to try this subbed...WERE DID YOU GET THE KIT AT...


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any input on the ventilation system?

I'm thinking the carbon filter and the 4" fan blowing clean air into the tent... with a passive exhaust...

Any suggestions on run times?

I was thinking of having it on a low setting, but always having positive pressure... and when I plan on going inside, I'll just shut it off for 30 minutes or so ahead of time...

I'll also have to have a heater and a humidifier in the tent...


Well-Known Member
Its all mumbo jumbo 2 me better place to ask would probably be or w/e
how long does it take?


Well-Known Member
I've only done shrooms about 4 times my whole live, I always get mad tracers and slight color changes and the feel of soft stuff is amazing + laughing my ass off at everything


Well-Known Member
I have never grown shrooms. But there are some very knowledgeable people on these forums. Hot the halluc threads on here. You will get all the help and advise you need. Researchkitty did an awesome ...grow. I plan to do grow some myself when i get the cash for the setup. Good luck to you.


Well-Known Member
Never grown shrooms but have always wanted to see someone. SUBBED

BTW: Gypsy Much respect for everything you've grown, jut spent 3 hours at work stalking your online identity lol, Gave me some good ideas along the way.


Well-Known Member
Welcome... pull up a chair... :razz:

But be warned... I don't have a freaking clue... lol...
Were in it for the long run mate. Something of this magnitude must be respected. My business prospect in the future is to grow "these" very rare and highly medicinal mushrooms and market them to wholly organic farmer markets.


Well-Known Member
Were in it for the long run mate. Something of this magnitude must be respected. My business prospect in the future is to grow "these" very rare and highly medicinal mushrooms and market them to wholly organic farmer markets.
"You ever try farming not high? It's boring as shit!".. I feel at a farmers market you'd probably have a lot of competition since many other sellers have multi-acre access to such psychedelic edibles and for free.


Well-Known Member
Of course. A river stream full of competition! But my working angle is a bit different then theres. I won't go into specifics here as I'm forming a "LLC" soon and don't want my idea to be adapted by someone else. Maybe we can speak in private about this :D