Random Fuckery


Well-Known Member
Dr. Phil and his audience are full of shit... I seen a news episode once where the bums weres sticken up for the dude the created bum fights...
And some other dude asking why the government has a prob with bum fights...yet they are spendin money on the war...not the people on our streets.

Fuckin hypocrite mother fucker...re:DR PHIL...hes a fag


Well-Known Member
haha yeah....... i hate dr. phil but i see his point......... it's not his point it's how alot of people felt about it though..... it's kinda like going to africa and waveing a sandwhich in a starving kid's face and say hey i'll give this to ya if you eat a piece of dog shit......

the bum fights guy has made like millions....and he never paid the bum's i guess....he might of now cause the Roofus guy sued him and got like a quarter mill or somthin..... but yeah......


Well-Known Member
LMAO you added Ashy Larry and Moneys to the tags..........lol..... sweet.... if ya want a few more....

Dirty Diapers...Arsenio Hall....


Well-Known Member
haha yeah....... i hate dr. phil but i see his point......... it's not his point it's how alot of people felt about it though..... it's kinda like going to africa and waveing a sandwhich in a starving kid's face and say hey i'll give this to ya if you eat a piece of dog shit......

the bum fights guy has made like millions....and he never paid the bum's i guess....he might of now cause the Roofus guy sued him and got like a quarter mill or somthin..... but yeah......
He hooked those bums up actually...not sayn they couldnt have been hooked up more, but if you watch the full videos one of the bums calls the dudes house from jail...and the dude goes and gets him out I think...


Well-Known Member
LMAO you added Ashy Larry and Moneys to the tags..........lol..... sweet.... if ya want a few more....

Dirty Diapers...Arsenio Hall....
Fuckn tomatoes... I <3 you Sublime... you guys are all so funny... such a fun friday and here I am sitten at home...pathetic...yet hella amusing and fun. Im sure we would all have a blast if we were met up in a bar.


Well-Known Member
i gotcha yeah....like i said he never held a gun to there head or nothin......... i fuckin hate bums anyways.... there's a couple of them around were i live actually.....which is odd but they just popped up the last year...... like they look perfectly healthy to me.....they look like they been abuseing alcohol for a long time......but they can walk and know enough english to write up signs....... but they stand on street all day waitin for money.....it's like go get a job at mcdonalds or somthin dumb fuck.....dont look for a handout..... the only bum's i feel bad for are ones in wheel chairs......and there isnt any of those in bum fights....... i dont think atleast.......


Well-Known Member
i've been slackin on my drinkin been to distracted with all these videos.....i'm bout to start slammin though.....btw jamie i skipped the capt.....i walked passed the jim beam with it and it was like lookin at a puppy sayin "why not me...what happend....i thought we were best friends" and then when i put the capt down and grabbed the Jim...Budweiser started yellin "hey dont forget about me"

so yeah i got some shit that needs some drankin