......... Bit of advice needed please ...........


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Right i have some ak48 on the go which i germinated on the 6th jan and all potted on the 10th. They are all under a florecent light at the minute but i do have 2 600w lights for when i feel ready to move em to them. They are looking ok. But cant put pics on at the mo due to laptop broke. Anyway. I have just got 5 bubblelicious feminised seeds from nirvana (ak48 from nirvana too but mixed). And i was thinking. Should i germinate like now and get them all on the same grow????

They would be 11 days behind the ak48's what do ya reckon to it?

Also i have 2 4ft florecent lights. Is that any good for just flowering stage as the 2 600 w lights i have cost a bit to run as i have found out :(

This is my 2nd grow so im still a newbie. Thanks people


Well-Known Member
Not unless you plan to start a perpetual grow. The new seeds will be too far behind the other ones. On the other hand, if you're a very patient person you could start them and just keep trimming the older ones so they end up the same size, but the older ones will be more potent regardless of size. Peace!


Well-Known Member
No germanate the new seeds at week 4 of flowering and keep the new seeds under a flouresent so you will be ready to go asa the others are done.............................................tyke...............................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Do you have the space for 5+ plants?
Yes got a lot of room. Will have a room to start off in florecents n one to flower. Can i just use florecents to veg or should i get them under the 600w lights when they are at a good size?
Yes got a lot of room. Will have a room to start off in florecents n one to flower. Can i just use florecents to veg or should i get them under the 600w lights when they are at a good size?
Yes use flouros to veg and when you are ready to flower the,m throw them under the 600


Well-Known Member
No germanate the new seeds at week 4 of flowering and keep the new seeds under a flouresent so you will be ready to go asa the others are done.............................................tyke...............................................................................................
Yea i was thinking of that but was going to maybe get some more seeds to start in about 4 weeks time. You reckon thats a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Yes use flouros to veg and when you are ready to flower the,m throw them under the 600
Yea thats what i will do. Thanks. Also i have a double n a single flouro at the min should i get a few more then? And i have them
On 24/0 at the min. What do u recomend? I did my last grow of white widdow at 15/9 before i put into 12/12
Yea thats what i will do. Thanks. Also i have a double n a single flouro at the min should i get a few more then? And i have them
On 24/0 at the min. What do u recomend? I did my last grow of white widdow at 15/9 before i put into 12/12
the one and double how many watts?
that should be fine to veg plants for a couple weeks then when they are about a month or so you can put them under the big boy...


Active Member
If you want to do it as close to natural as possible then slowly adjust day by day from 24/0-22/2-20/4-18/6-16/8-14/10-12/12 do it over a weeks time.


Well-Known Member
the one and double how many watts?
that should be fine to veg plants for a couple weeks then when they are about a month or so you can put them under the big boy...
Double 23w

Single 35 w

I can always buy better bulbs if thats the case or are they ok?
How many plants r u plannning on vegging?
Thats ok but get a couple more bulbs and you should be straight..
I like vegging 4-6 plants with two 55 watt t5 bulbs and they love it..


Active Member
No lol my point in doing that is to adjust the lady to the 12/12 the sun also don't go from being 18/6 and the next day only being 12/12 doing it slowly means less stress
No lol my point in doing that is to adjust the lady to the 12/12 the sun also don't go from being 18/6 and the next day only being 12/12 doing it slowly means less stress
Oh ok i was confused i was gonna ask what part of the earth are u from??

Also i always just go from 18/6 to 12/12 because i have a veg cab and flower cab and i put plants in when i want too.


Active Member
Lol no I just believe in taking things slowly. Slow transitions means smoother results in just about everything


Well-Known Member
How many plants r u plannning on vegging?
Thats ok but get a couple more bulbs and you should be straight..
I like vegging 4-6 plants with two 55 watt t5 bulbs and they love it..
About 10 plants veg. I think i will get another fluro and then get all new bulbs for them.