6 Plants LST, 3 Week Cycle,Harvest Every 3 Weeks 250W HPS Flower 200W MultiCFL Veg


Well-Known Member
Digging these warmer temps , I'm able to run less lighting and more ventilation normally when its nicer temps out.


Well-Known Member
Had to take some more pics last night .They are still on a definite mission , and that mission is reaching for the sky .



Well-Known Member
Foilar Feeding is a good method to use when nursing a recovering plant . Especially if the root system is suffering from over underwatering , insects ,or ph problems . I have a Medibud plant that took off to a slow start . It was a crappy clone from a dispensary , it's went through horrible transplant shock and calcium and nitrogen def.'s . I will begin foliar feeding today to boost it back to a healthy lush plant. Here is a current photo of her .

(quote from wikipedia)
Foliar feeding is sometimes used in organic gardening by those who, in their effort to "feed the soil", keeping it naturally healthy, often find themselves unable to provide trace nutrients to plants in sufficient quantity[citation needed]. Feeding through the leaves may allow gardeners to add such nutrients directly, without disrupting the soil.(end quote )

I will be mixing 1 g of water , mild strength liquid grow 1 Tbsp , 1 drop of Cocoa Wett as a speader sticker , 1 drop of Super Thrive ,1/2 teaspoon of molassas .
Don't ever use to much molassas when foliar feeding it will leave a tacky residue . I use just a little to supplement for calcium and magnesium since I'm using RO water you can use any cal/mag supplement , I'm growing Organically and choose to use molassas since it also feeds beneficial organisms in the soil .


Well-Known Member

1st off I would like to commend you on your very professional, clean and tight set up. Damn bro I am very impressed. You really got your beans in a row, if you know what I mean. You nugs are so yumm looking. I am sub'd. I am almost done with my 1st grow and I already started my 2nd. I am all ears to any suggestions you have or if you want to help me when I need it. Its always good to see another RIU member with the shit together. Great work and I am here to stay. +REP.

"EDIT": Question already King....do you have to Foilar Feed with nutes? Can you use just plain nuetral water when lights are out? I was thinking about doing it but dont want to burn any plants with a nute mix. Thanks

Keep them Green!!


Active Member
lookin good man subscribed cant wait to see them finished the lst looks like it working out pretty good for you i thik im deff going to lst my next round...another question with the foilar feed what is your water PHd at when you do this?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for all the positive feedback and welcome . For the questions on foliar feeding I just ph the mix the same as you ph your nutes around 6.5 .I dont use a PH meter , I use the drops and test tube kit.Just spraying them with water would not be very effective . They would only get what minerals happen to be already in your water .I use the same nutes i root feed with just at a mild strength.

Foliar feeding is most effective when the stomata on leaves are open.Nutrient uptake is optimal at this point.This occurs when the lights are off .So spraying them right as they come on or right b4 they go out ,but I have seen good results even spraying them during the day . The spray can and will light burn your plants . I turn of my hid and turn on a couple cfls until they are dry .CFls don,t seem to cause light burns .


Well-Known Member
sounds good im in for the ride+ rep for you..
Thanks bro ! It's gonna be fun I believe these plants are going to yield welland finish on time ,There's not a good pic of it but the Pineapple is showing some impressive flowering already for just 1 week . Based of my last harvest with the same strains I'm calculating 3-4 zips a plant .These vegged 3 weeks longer and are flowering in 3 more gallons of soil than my last method . I also stepped up my soil mix , I,m gradullay working my way into a "super soil mix " adding more and more ferts/mironutes every grow . I'm also going to pick up some Sunshine mix and give soiless with "Jacks Classic " in an effort to step out of Organics and more so duplicate RM3's methods . I,m about sick of fighting the fungus gnats that come with soil , and you should,t really "Make it rain" with Organics.


Well-Known Member
3-4 zips a plant with just a 250?
Why sure , I purposely went to less plants and bigger pots to work toward achieving this . When your legally limited to 6 plants total you have to use methods to pump them for all they are worth . I,d rather run a 400 , I will if the 250 turns out to be my limiting factor . I do supplement with CFLS my hood has a small foot print ,so eventually as they get bigger I start adding Cfls around the borders . I keep that 250 about 4-6 in from the canopy to rape it for all its worth . My biggest plant so far flowered in 2 gallons of soil and yielded almost 1.5 zip .As soon as possiple I,m switching to a CMH those seem to have a good increase on yield I,m learning.
Why sure , I purposely went to less plants and bigger pots to work toward achieving this . When your legally limited to 6 plants total you have to use methods to pump them for all they are worth . I,d rather run a 400 , I will if the 250 turns out to be my limiting factor . I do supplement with CFLS my hood has a small foot print ,so eventually as they get bigger I start adding Cfls around the borders . I keep that 250 about 4-6 in from the canopy to rape it for all its worth . My biggest plant so far flowered in 2 gallons of soil and yielded almost 1.5 zip .As soon as possiple I,m switching to a CMH those seem to have a good increase on yield I,m learning.
Yeah i plan on using a cmh bulb aswell either that or a hortilux eye bulb or the phillips 430 watt bulb something thats good...


Well-Known Member
This the plant that yielded the 1.5 oz It's Pineapple Express .


It suffered some low temps at the end , I really think it could have yielded a little better .
Im going thru cold temps right now but im not really worried about yield as much as quality and if the temps give my buds crazy colors i can deal with it..But i will get this temp shit situated


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like the fact that you can run the CMH through Veg and flower , it runs cooler and has the best color spectrum of any other bulb.
It has to run off a HPS ballast . I got a MH 400w ballast and lamps but not using them . I already have a 250 hps ballst so the 250 cmh it will be for me .That way I dont have to buy another 400w ballast . Sucks though because there is only a few dollars difference between a 400w and 250w cmh .