Too many experts on RIU


There are too many "experts" on this site. I think the majority of these self proclaimed experts, would do better in this section...

Like everything else, I've come to MJ growing with a positive attitude. It's natural medication, that encourages positive moods. I even went as far as getting licensed to avoid any legally negative outcomes.

With all that said, I figured I'd join, share, advise, and learn from other like minded people. Rollitup seemed perfect... But the majority of the responses in these forums leave me feeling more annoyed than anything...

So I will take a step back and enjoy this website as an observer, and I'll leave the forums to others with a higher tolerance for pride in ignorance.

**btw, I don't deny that all forums are like this.. This was the only one that I joined...
There are too many "experts" on this site. I think the majority of these self proclaimed experts, would do better in this section...

Like everything else, I've come to MJ growing with a positive attitude. It's natural medication, that encourages positive moods. I even went as far as getting licensed to avoid any legally negative outcomes.

With all that said, I figured I'd join, share, advise, and learn from other like minded people. Rollitup seemed perfect... But the majority of the responses in these forums leave me feeling more annoyed than anything...

So I will take a step back and enjoy this website as an observer, and I'll leave the forums to others with a higher tolerance for pride in ignorance.

**btw, I don't deny that all forums are like this.. This was the only one that I joined...
Man you just gotta go with what works for you fuck what everybody says...


Active Member
Like you said all forums are like this. Lol
I'm no expert all I know is what I learned through months of hardcore research. Any help you could give us noobs would be amazing. And if someone responds and they are wrong prove they are wrong. Most will wise up and stop arguing with you
Like you said all forums are like this. Lol
I'm no expert all I know is what I learned through months of hardcore research. Any help you could give us noobs would be amazing. And if someone responds and they are wrong prove they are wrong. Most will wise up and stop arguing with you
I know what i learned from what i do in my own grow room.Id say i take everything i read with a grain of salt until i see documented grows and pics for proof i dont beleive nothing

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
There are too many "experts" on this site. I think the majority of these self proclaimed experts, would do better in this section...

Like everything else, I've come to MJ growing with a positive attitude. It's natural medication, that encourages positive moods. I even went as far as getting licensed to avoid any legally negative outcomes.

With all that said, I figured I'd join, share, advise, and learn from other like minded people. Rollitup seemed perfect... But the majority of the responses in these forums leave me feeling more annoyed than anything...

So I will take a step back and enjoy this website as an observer, and I'll leave the forums to others with a higher tolerance for pride in ignorance.

**btw, I don't deny that all forums are like this.. This was the only one that I joined...
Welcome to RIU!


Well-Known Member
Positive atittude? Yeah right. Although there may be a few with wrong shit, it does not mean that everyone or every thread is the same. There are so many folks in here that are EXPERTS and its your instincts to weed out the ones that aren't. Every site will have those wanna be experts. its up to you to see who are not.

I guess its better that you do step back with atittude like that.
Positive atittude? Yeah right. Although there may be a few with wrong shit, it does not mean that everyone or every thread is the same. There are so many folks in here that are EXPERTS and its your instincts to weed out the ones that aren't. Every site will have those wanna be experts. its up to you to see who are not.

I guess its better that you do step back with atittude like that.
You do have alot of know it alls on here


Well-Known Member
Looks like you just joined .All forums are like this .Really where else are you going to find such a large pool of growers with experts.
I would have to say by your comments this is a case of user error . "YOU" have to spend some time on here and actually learn who the experts are . The resources are here for you to learn who they are . Look for ppl who have an old join date and start viewing their threads .
You dont jump in the pool if you don't know how to swim , you got to get your feet wett first .I owe my sucess soley to this site .Check my threads for proof . I went from sickly streached out low yielding plants , to healthy big green bushes ! Thank YOU RIU !
Looks like you just joined .All forums are like this .Really where else are you going to find such a large pool of growers with experts.
I would have to say by your comments this is a case of user error . "YOU" have to spend some time on here and actually learn who the experts are . The resources are here for you to learn who they are . Look for ppl who have an old join date and start viewing their threads .
You dont jump in the pool if you don't know how to swim , you got to get your feet wett first .I owe my sucess soley to this site .Check my threads for proof . I went from sickly streached out low yielding plants , to healthy big green bushes ! Thank YOU RIU !
ditto im sure he can find them out...Just give it time and check out people grows especially the ones who think they know it all


Well-Known Member
Take everything with a grain of salt man, the best thing you can do is buy books and read up on it. Trail by error is really the only way your going to learn.
There are a lot of good people here that can help though!


Well-Known Member
Theres always some douche bag that comes out of the woodwork that's been growing for 10-20 years, and says some shit that contradicts everything you've heard. I'm no expert, but I've been reading on this stuff for years, and years, and I have a decent understanding of the basics.


Active Member
i agee there r a lot self righteous i know evrything f---s on here but like a couple people already said my plants were shit starting out and just about everything i learned was from riu now im runnin a constent 3 1000w hps, have beautifull girls and a great product when they r done. it would have been a long fuckin road without this site and all the helpfull people on here.i dont know everything but i know what has and has not worked for me so i chime in now when i can help somebody else.and still pick up stuff here and there that helps. love this site!


Well-Known Member
Exactly. What works for some might not work for others. It's also pretty damn hard to diagnose plant issues over the internet.


Active Member
this outta fire a few people up, im not even a smoker, shit knocks me out. i grow for profit since construction took a shit. that is not to say i dont have my heart in it 100% im hooked and want the best quality my people can possibly get theyre hands on. i can smoke a little mids when im good and drunk but never anything i grow. i dont know how u guys do it


Well-Known Member
But it's amazing the feedback you can get with proper pictures and details .U can't beat it . If u doubt someones advice go to there thread and and click view all started threads to see if they are asking newb questions or if they got there stuff together.


Well-Known Member
The whole internet is like that. You have to seek out the truth and that doesn't come easy. I'm still new to grow and here but I wouldn't have gotten here this fast without some of these people. I searched out and found a good group of guys to hang out with and all's good. I'm not telling you who cause I don't want to ruin a good thing so you'll have to find your own click. Soooo much time and money saved being here.


Active Member
Welcome to RIU!
RiU? Shoot. Welcome to the internet, friend. Lots of phonies, but lots of creativity too. As with everything though, do your own research. Someone gives you advice on politics, or a car, or the law, or where to eat or a potential date - listen, get new ideas - take advice with grace and a grain of salt but in the end its always about doing your own research. Don't let other people's egos get in your way. Hope you don't go too far we all learn from each other!