Tiny White Spidermite Looking Things


Active Member
ok yesterday i watered my plant and later noticed some lil white (not light brown or red or yellow with brown spots. WHITE.)i could easily see the lil legs and antenna.they are NOT ON THE LEAVES OR STEMS OR DO I SEE ANY WEBS.OR LEAF DAMAGE..i only seen them moving on the pot edges itself..They are not long like rice.no wings they dont jump..they move fairly fast.they seem like tiny white spiders..but they dont fit the mold of spider mites.???????
i dont have a camera that would get close enough rhigt now..With my iphone it will just be a whitish dot..I looked for pictures online that look like it but found none..they dont have the color of a spider mite though..and i have not seen webs or any eggs or pests under leaves
Do you see them on the soil? Especially check right after watering. I can't say for sure, but soil lice come to mind. They stay down on the soil, and don't hurt anything - they're actually good to have, if anything. Try a search for them and see if they look similar.
do they look like this?
if so then its whitefly or whitfly larva. when you run your finger across them do they just smear?
I dont really see them on or in the soil when i move it around, they crawl on the BLACK pot up the insides and along the edge.
do they look like this?
if so then its whitefly or whitfly larva. when you run your finger across them do they just smear?

Also none on leaves or in the soil..I just grabbed a hand full and placed it on a black surface and spread it and found none.there not long worm like or like tiny ants at all.
i just noticed them yesterday.IF they are spider mites how long until i would have noticed webs and spotting on the leaves?
I'm not sure how long, but watch very closely for the white spots. Once you get to the point of webs, you're pretty fucked - that's when they're really established. To be safe, might as well spray some neem for now IMO. Personally, I wouldn't break out any super toxic stuff until you're sure you're going to have a problem.
I'm not sure how long, but watch very closely for the white spots. Once you get to the point of webs, you're pretty fucked - that's when they're really established. To be safe, might as well spray some neem for now IMO. Personally, I wouldn't break out any super toxic stuff until you're sure you're going to have a problem.

gonna get some neem oil today.