please help before it gets worse!


Well-Known Member
Oh man...I've seen this before...

Your pooched...



:) ok.. Stoned & kidding.. I think you got a little burn going there. Perhaps flush & lay of the nutrients a bit & see what happens.

I only grow in soil & I remember using Miracle Grow & that's what happened to them. I switched them out of the MG & all went well.


There is no need to be giving them ANY nutes at this point. When the tips of the leaves begin to curl under it almost always means that it is nute burn. There is really no need to be adding nutrients because even at low strength this begins to happen. Allow the plant to gain a larger root structure before you begin to add nutes. And when the time comes start VERY slowly and usually you will never want to use the recommended amount of nutrients that is on the bottle. Start at 15-20 percent and work your way up to 50% nute strength. Good luck, for now, flush with PH adjusted water. It may be a bit too late for those leaves and chances are they will not recover. Hope for new green growth and continue to flush until your babies look healthy again.

Happy growing, and good luck


Well-Known Member
There is no need to be giving them ANY nutes at this point. When the tips of the leaves begin to curl under it almost always means that it is nute burn. There is really no need to be adding nutrients because even at low strength this begins to happen. Allow the plant to gain a larger root structure before you begin to add nutes. And when the time comes start VERY slowly and usually you will never want to use the recommended amount of nutrients that is on the bottle. Start at 15-20 percent and work your way up to 50% nute strength. Good luck, for now, flush with PH adjusted water. It may be a bit too late for those leaves and chances are they will not recover. Hope for new green growth and continue to flush until your babies look healthy again.

Happy growing, and good luck
No, That plant has leaves older than cotyledons. It needs nutrient,


I'vebeen using nutriets for only a week now since I've got more leaves, I had it at around 750ppm I just changed it out and got 350ppm now hoping that will help , I've got eleven going on and only two or three look the the pics and the first set of true leaves on my northerrn lights are curling up and the few yellow spots, thanks very much for the input, first time hydro so I've never had these problems before