how much?

what is a rough estimate on how much it would cost to run a 1000 watt HPS light on 12 and twelve a month? i know it depends on the area but just a rough estimate! how much are you guys paying?


Well-Known Member
A 1000 watt light is easy to figure out. You have to know what your charge is per kw/hr. Mine is $0.125. You take the wattage of the device and divide by 1000, that will give you the kilo watts per hour. In this case, a 1000 watt light would use 1 kw/hr, so we take our kw/hr rate of .125 and multiply it by our hourly, which was 1. So, 12.5 cents per hour, times 12 times 30.5 will give you your average monthly...

If your kilo watt per hour charge was .125 like mine, that light would cost you about $45 in electricty per month. If you were running a MH bulb in that hood for 24 hours a day, it would be $90 a month extra on your power bill.