Or is it? It is nice to know that post count to ease of offending ratio is still strong.
Thanks for replying yet again, you are a prime example of someone not understanding 'how' to be civil. Now pick the shovel up & reply yet again, I know you will. How do I know? Because children have a hard time shutting up when they're on the losing end of things, you wouldn't know that not having children yourself. Satisfaction comes within a child when the adult continues to feed attention, therefore, I will cut your supply now. Thank you for playing. =) [Please make my point stronger by replying again...]
Ps; I meant closed to you. Now that you understand that, there is nothing more to say.
Want to make a Documentary to make money or to make a statement or to show ppl what they dont normally see..............................If I were to make a Doc I think I would interview all of the OLD PPL that lived History and get there story of it before its lost.
I like this idea a lot, it will be going in my vault of ideas. Although, it wasn't my idea, lol. I wanted to do a documentary on homeless people, to interview them seeing how they got in the situation they were in. Many people think alcohol/drugs are a direct result of homelessness, but in reality, the rate of homeless people due to those circumstances are low. Many of the homeless people you see got in that situation because of other reasons, which I won't get into. But, many of them also fought for our country before we were born. I would like to give a little respect to them because the substance abuse doesn't actually start until they're homeless & people don't understand that. They see now, not then.
This is why your idea really strikes in my mind... it's similar in ways. As for why I'm doing it, college. I went back to college [not due to failing the first time around] lol, but because I wanted to take extra classes. I've completed 6yrs, working on 8 now. Small film festival success is also in mind of course.