Need help diagnosing a problem and a strain.

Ok so I ordered a few strains from a reputable seed bank in the UK a while back and they were shipped stealth obviously. Anyways I ordered Jack Herer, Big Bug, Mazar, and Northern Lights, when they arrived there was no way to tell one strain from another and they were not labeled in any way, you can understand my frustration. Can anyone with experience with these strains tell me if any of these beans look similar. And lastly I have been running an all DWC set-up previously but got lazy this grow and opted for soil (indoors ) I am getting ready to transplant the big one...but something just started going on with her. Can anyone take a look at her in the pics and diagnose her problems? She is in soil, tap water fed at this point, no nute schedule yet, 3 26w cfl's and one big cfl, forget exactly the wattage on that one. fans coming in and out, not too far from light, not too close, temp sits between 80-86f....there are no pests or mold......anyways any help on these two issues would be greatly appreciated.
SAM_3542.jpgSAM_3533.jpgSAM_3543.jpgSAM_3531.jpgSAM_3538.jpgForgot to add pic's of the beans....So you can see something going on with the big one, and then theres a pic of a little guy just taking off, and then one of my setup in case you need to diagnose through living conditions....thanks in advance for any help I receive.


Active Member
What a bunch of jerks to send you a handful of unlabeled seeds.

Kinda looks like a severe stress reaction is bringing out mosaic virus symptoms. Irregular rounding of the leaf serrations and that kind of stuff.

Have you had any heat issues recently?
Well temp did go way up when I added that big cfl...I cant close the door because the heat will rise well up into the 90's. However with the door cracked it is sitting at 84 degrees. Should I take out the big light or replace it with another 26w cfl or two? The pc fans that came equipped with this boxed obviously can clear the box fast enough to stop the rising heat.


Active Member
84º is pretty hot, not ideal but not deadly or anything. If you're going to flower in this box you're going to need to fix that issue sooner or later. Better to just keep the big light in there and find a way to keep it cool.


Active Member
They looked burned up probably from the ph of your tap water. if anything buy a britta or get store bought water. You really should be PH-ing your water.
Also your pots look like a swamp. Let them dry out, you're going to get all sorts of problems like pests and mold and everything else if you keep your pots super muddy. also by letting them dry out the roots will seek out more nutrients and grow stronger.

You're temps are ok but on the high side. Your plants can stand up to 90 but for very, very limited amounts of time. If your top fan is sucking in, change it to suck out, and have your fans at the bottom suck may need to make some more vent holes

Honestly your soil looks like shit..I almost thought it was coir


Active Member
Well temp did go way up when I added that big cfl...I cant close the door because the heat will rise well up into the 90's. However with the door cracked it is sitting at 84 degrees. Should I take out the big light or replace it with another 26w cfl or two? The pc fans that came equipped with this boxed obviously can clear the box fast enough to stop the rising heat.

I would put ONE and only one 100w equivalent 5200k cfl in there and use that until they get bigger.

That's what I use to keep 8 clones a bit larger than yours growing in my areo cloner and it works perfect.