carbon filters and 100% odor removal


i have a carbon filter, now when i say it works i mean it definitley doesnt make my entire home reek of marijuana, HOWEVER, if you stick you nose up in the garage and take a whiff, you can smell the faint smell of a grow room and marijuana i know im venting correctly and all that as ive been doing this for a time or two, ive checked all my ducting and theres 0 holes anywhere that i can see anyway, is there anyways its just my carbon filter?. i did purchase a cheap one so im hoping this is what it is, if so can anyone tell me a good carbon filter for a 4 by 4 that will take away ONE HUNDRED percent of the smell, i mean u walk into the house and room its growing in and cannot smell, thats what im looking for thanks for your help all


Well-Known Member
You wont be able to walk into the room its growing in and not smell it, the filters are made to clean the air as it leaves the room its growing in


Well-Known Member
you need to have a strong enough fan to vacate the room within 5 minutes, if your fan isn't strong enough your filter isn't working to its full potential.


well i have a 6inch 450 cfm fan, im pretty sure thats not it, walls of tent sucking in so i know exhaust is right, temp never above 79 also knows its venting well, humidity below 40 percent so i know its not the humidity makin the carbon inactive, please ive done my research i know everything is set up right yet im still getting smell, it has to be the filter...or the smallest hole ever in my ducting, anyone point me in the direction of a filter with 100% removal rate?


Well-Known Member
First I thought it was me. I bought a couple of cans of ONA mist as my sprayer went empty.

Today went and bought a replacement Phresh Air Carbon filter, my old one was more than a year old.

Doesn't smell outside my garage anymore. :bigjoint:

How old is you filter?


Well-Known Member
ur not just talkin about cleaning the air if u need 100%, u talkin bout wiping surfaces down with alcohol or sumthin, ur clothes catch air born pollen and even things like ducting clips arent 100% airtight. i really dont think it'd be possible for a true 100% but 'rhino' produce decent quality filters and maybe get some 'ona gel' as well.


its about a yr olld or so maybe 2, been thru about 5-7 grows not really sure, maybe its time for a new one anyways i guess i dunno


Well-Known Member
another point high humidity renders a carbon filter useless

im in a 39 in square tent and i run 2 scrubbers one inside tent and one outside that all leaveing air gets ducted into

i also use ona blocks and an electric device by vaportech an electronic scent release system

i believe that a scrubber must be on your defence team but can not bring down dankety funk by itself or you will smell bud every now and then

good luck


Well-Known Member
replace your filter after 1 year, I scrub two grow rooms in a two bedroom apartment and have zero smell unless your nose is literaly on the plant. I use cheap ass HTG filters, 100% effective to my nose

Oh and it's not just a little grow cab, I run 1400k watts, lots of flowering plants


thats where i purchased this filter htg. for awhile it was niceit worked pretty well but about last 2 and a half grows ive been noticing it more and more and nowi walk in mt house and it hits me right in the face, well not right now cause i just harvested and im in veg but , u know what i mean


Active Member
replace your filter after 1 year, I scrub two grow rooms in a two bedroom apartment and have zero smell unless your nose is literaly on the plant. I use cheap ass HTG filters, 100% effective to my nose

Oh and it's not just a little grow cab, I run 1400k watts, lots of flowering plants
i totally second that...htg makes efficient carbon filters for a good deal


Well-Known Member
i totally second that...htg makes efficient carbon filters for a good deal
Thanks man, seriously we speak because we use em, If you've gone over a year of use, time to fork over $40-$60 and get a new one. That would explain why you "gradually" started smelling your plants. your carbon is just worn out bro =)


Well-Known Member
replace carbon in filter not as affective cause of the way its put in it vibrates to fill so no air spaces between carbon pieces a refill not the same results but can be done


Well-Known Member
Does anyone have a link to a site which offers the replacement carbon for sale?

Thanks in advance. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
go to your local pet store, unless you need bulk. i think you can order 9 lb tubs of it off of amazon


i dont mind paying for a new one, shit is penny on the dollar when your talking about this type of buisness.... thanks to everyone who had input, i am going to purchase a new filter, ive thought about it and its prob about 2 yrs old anyways and has been through at least 4 maybe 5 grows i cant remember lol but anyways its time...thanks again all