Psychadelics and their connections to the after life [serious discussion]

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Hey everybody :bigjoint:

I wanted to discuss my ideas of the after life, and how my perspective has changed with my use of psychedelics.. I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same way :peace:

First to start: I have no religion . I've never believed in it. I don't believe I've ever been baptized.

Now, as I grow older. I see the truth. I see how many religions, and religious ideas COULD be attributed to psychedelics.

I see how near death experiences described by people who actually died are almost identical to DMT experiences. I often have instances of Deja Vu, and I feel that is our minds digging into deeper realms of memory. That's just to start..

With psychedelics - I feel closer to the essence of life, or what drives life.. and I feel more mortal with every trip. (in a good way)

I don't really remember what I was driving at, as far as a point. I wanted to put this out there, and get some other commentary from my brothers on HS.

Feel free to use a few statements or ideas as a jumping off point for your own perception of 'life' as we know it :bigjoint:

I'm really hoping you guys can jump on the vibe of this.
i think we all can relate to this, subbd...i feel if some of us had a wider vocabulary we would be able to express the way we veiw life alot easier
AS I have gotten deeper into religion the further I have evolved into my own religion. Not discounting God or the Christian thinking, thats at the core, but more of a personal religion. A religion where I am in control of the afterlife and what happens just as I am in control of my actions on a day to day basis.
I am not baked yet as I am working in a few hours but tonight if I rmember this I will be back. I love this type of thing when baked..err medicated.
Now, as I grow older. I see the truth. I see how many religions, and religious ideas COULD be attributed to psychedelics.

Something interesting I just learned recently was that the prophet Muhammad of Islam had his first contact with "god" through the angel Gabrielle who came to him and spoke the will of Allah to him while he was meditating.I don't know if it's true but I heard through strong focused meditation one is able to self stimulate the pineal gland to release DMT while awake.

An I assume you know about my spiritual use with psychedelics if you read my 2nd post on your "Thought's on 2c-b" thread.
Something interesting I just learned recently was that the prophet Muhammad of Islam had his first contact with "god" through the angel Gabrielle who came to him and spoke the will of Allah to him while he was meditating.I don't know if it's true but I heard through strong focused meditation one is able to self stimulate the Pineal Gland to release DMT while awake.

An I assume you know about my spiritual use with psychedelics if you read my 2nd post on your "Thought's on 2c-b" thread.

I actually heard that a certain psychadelic mushroom was present on the mountain that Mohammad climbed :) or some story like that :( I'm very baked :lol:

It could have been this:

check this out
I actually heard that a certain psychadelic mushroom was present on the mountain that Mohammad climbed :) or some story like that :( I'm very baked :lol:

It could have been this:

check this out

Haha I love it when Christians say the belief of Scientology is just insane. I feel scientifically that the possibility of aliens existing is more likely to be true than a burning bush talking, a senior citizen building an giant arc and gathering two of every animal, and a guy who could bleed wine and walk on water. I find it funny all of them basically stem from one rock where a man was going to kill his son for god. I hope god is real and when people of the three monotheism religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) get to heaven he looks at them and says "Nah man... that's just a rock..."
Quantum Realm

This link was posted by another member before, but I find it appropriate to this discussion, and that it points to what's being suggested. It's quite a long read, but quite intriguing as well.

I also remember a video being posted previously that talked about our evolution taking place hand in hand with hallucinogens, but I forgot to save it, and I have since forgotten who posted it. It was very good as well.
Haha I love it when Christians say the belief of Scientology is just insane. I feel scientifically that the possibility of aliens existing is more likely to be true than a burning bush talking, a senior citizen building an giant arc and gathering two of every animal, and a guy who could bleed wine and walk on water. I find it funny all of them basically stem from one rock where a man was going to kill his son for god. I hope god is real and when people of the three monotheism religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) get to heaven he looks at them and says "Nah man... that's just a rock..."
There are more monotheistic religions then that. LOL Those are dubbed the Abrahamic Religions. But I feel the same way. I absolutely loathe the phrase, 'That's my belief'. This type of thinking is just a cop out and another way of saying, I DON'T KNOW. You can't know. We are all just waiting to see what happens when we die. Religion is the most destructive invention by man and is a plain and simple abomination. I'm fine with spiritualism. Have all the spirituality you want, but don't try and convince me of it. Better yet, don't even mention it to me. That's your most personal opinions. OPINIONS. Eh, I digress. This discussion will turn interesting soon enough and that's when the real debate begins. :) Should be fun. ;)
There are more monotheistic religions then that. LOL Those are dubbed the Abrahamic Religions

Ah I knew someone was going to call me out on that one. In my original post I had "most widely practiced monotheism religions". Sad that I actually mentioned that they all are based off of Abraham but forgot to label them as that :neutral:.

This discussion will turn interesting soon enough and that's when the real debate begins. :) Should be fun. ;)

Yeah I feel like it's going to get really personal and probably end with a few bans.... There are two beliefs/opinions that can tear apart even a best friendship and that is religion and politics :lol:
Ah I knew someone was going to call me out on that one. In my original post I had "most widely practiced monotheism religions". Sad that I actually mentioned that they all are based off of Abraham but forgot to label them as that :neutral:.

Yeah I feel like it's going to get really personal and probably end with a few bans.... There are two beliefs/opinions that can tear apart even a best friendship and that is religion and politics :lol:
As long as it basically just us Hallucinatory Denizens we should be fine I'd say. However topics based on religion always draw in the shiftier lot. I'm sure most of us H.S.D.s (Hallucinatory Substance Denizens) can circumnavigate these people with some witty repartee and deflect the ban on to them. But I have my doubts. :D
Wow ... Psychonauts ... on God, existence and religion .... let me pull up my Lazy Boy and get comfy .... this should be fun.
Lets see how hard core you people are.

Wow ... Psychonauts ... on God, existence and religion .... let me pull up my Lazy Boy and get comfy .... this should be fun.
Lets see how hard core you people are.

Me and you already had a discussion relating to this in a quantum physics thread down in Toke N' Talk haven't we. :D Care to enlighten us on the empirical data you've gathered on the afterlife's steam engine to paradise. :D
Dude bad ass LSD puts you on the verge of entering the realm of the spirit world I think you start seeing red vapors floating through the air outside not just you everyone that's with you and being outside in the dark almost looks just like what frodo sees when he puts the ring on not to often you get LSD this potent but it is out there I love LSD more then anyother drug on the planet but sometimes it can be
Me and you already had a discussion relating to this in a quantum physics thread down in Toke N' Talk haven't we. :D Care to enlighten us on the empirical data you've gathered on the afterlife's steam engine to paradise. :D

I am going to sit in my lazyboy .... smoke some DMT ... then inject K into the muscle ... absorb and digest all the theories posed .... and crush them.
I am working on a quantum particle theory here ... no data sir ... first hands experience ... way beyond numbers ... Alien Shit my Brother !



I wonder if we can get ANC to participate .... as he is GOD
I am working on a quantum particle theory here ... no data sir ... first hands experience ... way beyond numbers ... Alien Shit my Brother !


I wonder if we can get ANC to participate .... as he is GOD
That's what 'Empirical Data' means my brother. LMAO :) First hand experience. ;)

I'm sure he'll meander in here sooner or later. Gotta give these old-timers a little grace period. :D
My brother .... empirical ... denotes ...experience based on observation ... this is way beyond that ... if you can comprehend ... aka alien shit.
We are talking ... fifth dimension kinda stuff ..
Please kindly refrain from nit picking at the words used .... these are skillfully chosen (yet sightly descriptive ... used as to link ideas) .... as to describe ... concepts alien in this reality.

As a philosopher I don't believe in the afterlife.

That's why I focus on this one.

There's not a way to have consciousness after death, imo. If you did, then why even have a body?

To me, the body and mind are like harmony. When a man plays the guitar, harmony supervenes. If you don't have a guitar or a player, you don't have harmony.

Same as consciousness. Without a mind and body, it doesn't exist.

Next question!
As a philosopher I don't believe in the afterlife.

That's why I focus on this one.

There's not a way to have consciousness after death, imo. If you did, then why even have a body?

To me, the body and mind are like harmony. When a man plays the guitar, harmony supervenes. If you don't have a guitar or a player, you don't have harmony.

Same as consciousness. Without a mind and body, it doesn't exist.

Next question!

There are reports of people having out of body experiences who temporarily died during surgery and saw over head out of body views of the doctors resuscitating them and were even able to describe what each doctor was doing at that point and time. Now whether you decide to interpret these supposed "experiences" as being true or not is up to you. But like Crypt said we will all be waiting till the end to find out what actually happens. People have witnessed unexplained after life phenomenons that science still cannot answer yet. EDIT: Nevermind I looked closer at the definition and it is someone who uses factual answers to interpret reality. That was my error I apologize :(
So just accepting what evidence science has shown you thus far about the after life and interpreting it as fact wouldn't that make you not a philosopher...?

Now that is something worth contemplating ....hmmm
