Led Users Unite!

if you are looking into gotham, the owner victor seems to be pretty nice guy and will answer any and all questions you have. I decided against his product but he is good to talk to and will give you a lower price over the phone if you decide to actually ask him legit questions and sound real interested... i think he quoted me 540$ shipped for their 600w flower model which isnt bad but i got sketchy when their 300w model was leaps and bounds more expensive... figured that speaks about the quality of their supposed higher wattage light...
Gotham has been stand up with me and an excellent value. You will get better prices calling them directly than through Ebay.

My current vegg has gone so well I had to order more LEDs in anticipation of flower. Got 2 magenta Kessils. Will be very curious to see if they do significantly better than areas covered by the Blackstar panels.
so if I call gotham directly they will give me a better deal on there lights than on ebay.... Im looking to buy wither two of the 2011 100w models or one 240w flowering model how much of a deal you think they can give me.
Their 300W HO (from lighthouse) model uses cree whites, and lots of them, that is a veg model, not really a red/pink/magenta light. Their regular flowering model LED's use less white spectrum (much less) and causes the price to be much less...Also they actually do deal with different models and blends, he is at times trying to get rid of certain models to get more of another in stock. He was trying to get me on a 600W as well, ended up with the 500W (more white) for 500. Apparently we are going to see a different 600W model soon, I saw a couple of experimental 600W blackstars on ebay for sale (used) and they look awesome, plus have a completely different LED layout...

if you are looking into gotham, the owner victor seems to be pretty nice guy and will answer any and all questions you have. I decided against his product but he is good to talk to and will give you a lower price over the phone if you decide to actually ask him legit questions and sound real interested... i think he quoted me 540$ shipped for their 600w flower model which isnt bad but i got sketchy when their 300w model was leaps and bounds more expensive... figured that speaks about the quality of their supposed higher wattage light...
So what are your guys thoughts on the 45w panels you know the ones with like 100 leds in them.
I wouldn't use them for my main light but i have been thinking of getting some and putting them on the walls around the plant.

like these

If they are 1/2 watt or 1/3 watt LED's they are basically only good for pretty much laying on top of seedlings or clones as they won't penetrate enough to promote vigorous growth more than 4-6" from the light and that might be pushing it. Most of the serious panels are using 2W minimum and often 3W leds and some of the badass ones are starting to use 5W and 6W automotive ones to get the big penetration.

Just my $.02
Where can I find SOLID reading on LED's it will only be my second grow however I had to borrow the 430 HPS I"m using now for my first grow and I have a reaaaly bad feeling I"m not going to be happy with the bill. I would love to be on the cutting edge of growing if at all possible and LED seem to really be great for me since I"m going to get a 4x4 tent. If anyone has any good sites that they don't want to mention here feel free to PM me..thanks

If you want SOLID reading first off stay away from anyone selling LED's. The next problem is the article pages that retailers get written just to direct web traffic to their own site. They usually sound like some good guy writing from the bottom of his heart but just happen to have an ad on the page for XYZ Grow Co. Hit google and look for articles and test results from Universities and Tech Institutes. Even after that the biggest issue is still figuring out who's actually being honest in their advertising to get what you are looking for.

In the end all the technical reading and advertising B.S don't mean a thing until someone hangs a light over a plant and gets results.

I'm trying that right now with 357 Magnums. My journal is in my sig. Also. search LedBudGuy on here and check out the wicked results he just pulled down using 170W ISIS. HudsonValley is running HPS/Blackstar combo. Viagro has a Kessil on the go.

The good news is that even if it doesn't go as planned, it's an adventure and you will more than likely get stoned at the end :-)
Go to Kessil.com and read the new breed of LED page. It explains their intensified lightsream.

Closer to $200. One place has them for 206, Greners has them for 215.

I couldn't fit my Blackstar in my little tent, so I bought a Kessil magenta. I've used it start to finish and am nearing the end of my first run. Impressive little light, I'm thinking about getting another.

Picked a light and ran with it....nice :-) Do you have a journal on it or can you give us the low down. How big is the plant or plants? How's the bud growth, got some dense nugs or are they airy? Any clue what you expect for dried weight based on how it looks so far? You got pics?

That kind of space you are running is very realistic for closet grows and at least with LED's no one is gonna catch fire to their closet....lol
Woot, I know who uses 90 degrees haha. Can people actually patent that?

Can't patent lens angle. Definatley is a critical piece of information for figuring out footprint and penetration. Basically the lower the number the higher the intensity but the smaller the footprint. It's just like those flashlights you can turn the lens and get a smaller, brighter beam on the wall.

I think that anything over 90 degrees is pretty much a waste for flowering unless you are running super short plants. I'm talking 10". The panels I run have 60's which don't make for a big footprint but the penetration is sick :-)
Picked a light and ran with it....nice :-) Do you have a journal on it or can you give us the low down. How big is the plant or plants? How's the bud growth, got some dense nugs or are they airy? Any clue what you expect for dried weight based on how it looks so far? You got pics?

That kind of space you are running is very realistic for closet grows and at least with LED's no one is gonna catch fire to their closet....lol

Yeah, fire was a major consideration in going LED. No pics but I'll tell you that this plant was pretty amazing for an auto. Fast Bud, and it was a beautiful little bush till I scorched it with a hot dose of nutes. Went a little crunchy around the edges. Went from deep green to ordinary overnight. Once it shook that off it began to put on some pretty dense bud. Could be bigger, but I kicked it around some. Besides the hot dose, I bleached it a bit in the beginning of flowering. Let the Kessil get inside a foot. Live and learn.
Yeah, fire was a major consideration in going LED. No pics but I'll tell you that this plant was pretty amazing for an auto. Fast Bud, and it was a beautiful little bush till I scorched it with a hot dose of nutes. Went a little crunchy around the edges. Went from deep green to ordinary overnight. Once it shook that off it began to put on some pretty dense bud. Could be bigger, but I kicked it around some. Besides the hot dose, I bleached it a bit in the beginning of flowering. Let the Kessil get inside a foot. Live and learn.
im with you on the fire concern..... im apt growing and anything that takes away a heat sig plus cuts my risk for fire while i go work my 9-5 corp gig is fine with me. im kinda excited to find out there will be newer 600w panels coming in the near future. late march im going to be in the market for a large wattage led to stuff in my new 4x4 tent and im going to push like 6 main ladies in 5 gallons in there and grow a set of autos around the outter rim in 2 gal and suppliment with hanging cfl's so i can enjoy my shorties while im waiting for my monsters to finish out.
Yeah, fire was a major consideration in going LED. No pics but I'll tell you that this plant was pretty amazing for an auto. Fast Bud, and it was a beautiful little bush till I scorched it with a hot dose of nutes. Went a little crunchy around the edges. Went from deep green to ordinary overnight. Once it shook that off it began to put on some pretty dense bud. Could be bigger, but I kicked it around some. Besides the hot dose, I bleached it a bit in the beginning of flowering. Let the Kessil get inside a foot. Live and learn.

Well sucks that it didn't go as planned but doesn't that sum up life :-) Let me know what you do pull down anyway. Be interesting to see what it pulls on a not-so-great grow.
im with you on the fire concern..... im apt growing and anything that takes away a heat sig plus cuts my risk for fire while i go work my 9-5 corp gig is fine with me. im kinda excited to find out there will be newer 600w panels coming in the near future. late march im going to be in the market for a large wattage led to stuff in my new 4x4 tent and im going to push like 6 main ladies in 5 gallons in there and grow a set of autos around the outter rim in 2 gal and suppliment with hanging cfl's so i can enjoy my shorties while im waiting for my monsters to finish out.

Okay so not sure what the rules are on referencing different websites but watched a great grow on 420mag run by IrishBoy and the guy ran a 600w LED panel and got just under 1g per watt and his take was that he would rather run 2x300 panels to take advantage of the cross lighting to minimize the shade areas and maximize production. That's kinda why I bought 2x357's and so far I really think the cross lighting thing is impressive. When I ran tables with HPS in the "old days" I changed from 2x1000Whps to a 3x600Whps configuration and actually got slightly more yield with 10% less light and I think the crosslighting was largely responisble for that.

You might want to look at 2x300W panels or even 4X150W panels. After watching the success of LedBudGuy on here with 5x170W ISIS panels I think when I expand my grow area instead of another two 357's I might look at 4 ISIS but will have to wait and see how I perform with what I got and decide from there.
Okay so not sure what the rules are on referencing different websites but watched a great grow on 420mag run by IrishBoy and the guy ran a 600w LED panel and got just under 1g per watt and his take was that he would rather run 2x300 panels to take advantage of the cross lighting to minimize the shade areas and maximize production. That's kinda why I bought 2x357's and so far I really think the cross lighting thing is impressive. When I ran tables with HPS in the "old days" I changed from 2x1000Whps to a 3x600Whps configuration and actually got slightly more yield with 10% less light and I think the crosslighting was largely responisble for that.

You might want to look at 2x300W panels or even 4X150W panels. After watching the success of LedBudGuy on here with 5x170W ISIS panels I think when I expand my grow area instead of another two 357's I might look at 4 ISIS but will have to wait and see how I perform with what I got and decide from there.

Irishboy is swapping in all his 300w(total 360old model 395 new) growledhydro lights for their lower 180 (well new 2011 is 240w total) so he can have twice as many lights for the money (more coverage). I plan on getting two 240w models unless that heat is too much (I doubt it if they really put out 80% less heat than HIDs) for my space. Here is a page with some features/stats on his new 2011 models http://www.420magazine.com/forums/j...480w-720w-grow-led-hydro-land-clovers-49.html
yah i was looking at stuffing 2 240w in there so i could run the big ones in the back on a veg light and the autos up front with a flower light until its time for my monsters to flower then they get the 240 flower panel and my 100w flower panel i have now. also remind you that cfl's will supplement the whole thing as well.
Well sucks that it didn't go as planned but doesn't that sum up life :-) Let me know what you do pull down anyway. Be interesting to see what it pulls on a not-so-great grow.

I don't project yields, or meaure harvests...don't relate to my plants that way...so, won't know precisely. There's plenty of nice, tight (not huge) buds from basically a 30w grow, though (I did boost the last week or two with 23w induction.).

I'm fairly amazed. First Auto, too...and they're a bit tricky. Next round will be better, I'm sure, but there's no turning back from LEDs for me, and that's what this go was all about. If I hadn't had the setbacks, it might've been phenomenal. I'll let you know how it smokes...a week to go.