cooking w/ mouldy bud?


Well-Known Member
well, i went to my jar to pull out another quarter bag of my harvest from a few weeks ago, and i discovered that some mould was growing in a couple bags, and i lost over 1/2 oz. so sad. but i'm wondering if it would be safe to make butter out of?



Active Member
Did it...Tasted really bad, and smelled even worse. It was good bud too...Blueberry.
The brownies tasted like shit, but I did get the full effect.

You could dry it out real well, and make some hash out of it. Put it in a freezer once
it's dry, and use a silk screen or some other method to extract the trichomes and
press some hash.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i might try that. it's not super mouldy. doesn't even really smell like mould yet. just starting to see some spots.

did the bud you cooked with stink like mould? i wonder if since it's only in the early stages, it would still be alright to cook with


Well-Known Member
Remove as much of the mould as possible and then soak it in vodka.
Vodka will kill the mould.
Leave it in the vodka for 24 hours and then press it through a tea strainer and you will get a good high and you wont be able to taste the mould:blsmoke:


Active Member
There's one problem with that though, vodka makes weed taste awful! :O

But I guess that really depends on how much you like the taste of vodka.


Well-Known Member
There's one problem with that though, vodka makes weed taste awful! :O

But I guess that really depends on how much you like the taste of vodka.
I hate vodka to,but its a pure white edible spirit.
You can flavour it with anything you like though so its not a worry:blsmoke: