Meth is magic...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
That was a good way to pass some time.....

Anyway, I went to a dinner with my dad tonight at a monthly farmer's organization meeting. The guest speaker was the local sheriff and he gave a talk on farm related stuff; liabilities and a few other things.

The biggest thing he talked about was drugs. He claimed that marijuana was a close relative to the poppy plant that originated in Mexico and was introduced to the US in the 70's and was used by young white males, "You know, mostly long hair type."

He talked about crack. Nothing really extreme on that one except that it was just black males that used.

Then he talked about meth which is a real problem in the area much like the rest of the US. He claimed that meth, when ingested, bypasses everything, lungs; digestive track; even the blood stream, and magically goes directly to the brain and "attacks" the memory.

He said spice was just an ordinary incense meant to smell good until people figured out you could eat it to get meth like effects.

Then he said that bath salts were the new scourge. Apparently some guy shot and killed a deputy around here after being up a few days on the stuff. Which, that stuff seems pretty bad and it seems like people are justing getting in over their head with a substance they don't understand. A convenience store that sells it had an armed robbery where the burglar stole a bunch from the store. The same night some people broke into the same store to steal the bath salt supplies. The sheriff made sure to point out that the people selling the stuff where foreigners.

Last, he passed around the "bag of drugs" so everyone could see the stuff up close. There were two hang man scales in the bag. I leaned over to my dad and said "I used to have one of those. I've got a digital one now." He looked back and smiled.

The best part of the whole night was the reaction from the crowd of mostly over 50, rural people. All these old women had a look of shear terror on their faces.


I heard my first in person refer madness speech and it was angering and funny at the same time.



This is hilarious... the sad part is, you know there were people in the crowd agreeing with everything he said lol.

Dick Moser

Active Member
i grew up down south and that sounds like the local meth head preacher or porn addict sherrif bible thumpin anti drug anti thought rants. god i miss those invigorating mind numbing brain fuck sodomy on sundays. GO TO CHURCH, AND EAT YOUR WEEDIES!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont know if thats funny or sad..i guess both...but until a lot of the older generation dies off them things will be said and believed...

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Wow, that a trip .... to be there ... and witness this would be treat.
Thank you for lending me your eyes.
Anytime good sir. It felt like I got sucked back in time. But I got a free steak dinner and on the way out my dad said "He was spouting some bullshit about grass." I just looked over and said "I love you dad."


Well-Known Member
Hahaha thats crazy man, i love talking to people like that, not cops just ignorant people, your dad rocks, fucking funny part to me was weed and poppy being relatives and coming from mexico

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
It was surreal. I guess I'm too much of an optimist on the subject. You think about it from the 50's and 60's but this is two thousand fucking eleven and this guy with control huge law enforcement resources is spouting pure bullshit. The one thing that pissed me off the most was he said if there's pot growing on your land, it will soon not be your land. Living in the sticks and trying to make a few bucks from land that has often been worked by several generations of the same family and some dick head, liar pig threatens people, however so subtely, that he'll take their shit if they don't get out everyday and look for pot grows. At that point I was fuming.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
In the very beginning, I would be laughing my ass of everybody in the room would be staring at me, but as it progressed, I would be so pissed off steam would be fuming from my ears. O.O


Active Member
this story reminds me of one time i was arrested, i was sober but the sherrif was gunning for me said that i was so high that i didnt even know it, of course ua came up positivefor multiple drugs, bam sober dui,


Active Member
Damn, like he couldn't have just googled his facts for 10 minutes before his dumb ass speech? I would have been yelling random words every time he gave B.S. info. 'Misinformation! malarkey! hokum! horse flop!' =D