Re: Distinguishing 'Hate': JESUS' Hate Compared To Satan's Hate.


New Member

Distinguishing ‘Hate’: DIVINE (Rationale, PRINCIPALLY Reasonable, And Orderly And Just. Motivated By LOVE, SPIRITUALITY, And REALITY) Hate Compared To Worldly Hate (Irrational, Unreasonable, Disorderly, Unjust. Motivated By Lust, Carnality And Superficiality).

JESUS’ Hate For Satan Was DIVINE And Selfless Priorities, Whereas Satan’s Hate For JESUS CHRIST Was/Is Worldly And Selfish Priorities.

JESUS’ Hate Is The Equivalent Of An Electron Or The Negative Affect Of Infinity Or Divinity; Satan’s Hate Is The Equivalent Of A Toxic.



Well-Known Member
you got it all worng, man.
satan doesn't hate jesus. satan hates us humans.
and jesus doesn't hate anything, unless you're talking about
a mexican jesus, in which case i probably don't know the guy.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Distinguishing ‘Hate’: DIVINE (Rationale, PRINCIPALLY Reasonable, And Orderly And Just. Motivated By LOVE, SPIRITUALITY, And REALITY) Hate Compared To Worldly Hate (Irrational, Unreasonable, Disorderly, Unjust. Motivated By Lust, Carnality And Superficiality).

JESUS’ Hate For Satan Was DIVINE And Selfless Priorities, Whereas Satan’s Hate For JESUS CHRIST Was/Is Worldly And Selfish Priorities.

JESUS’ Hate Is The Equivalent Of An Electron Or The Negative Affect Of Infinity Or Divinity; Satan’s Hate Is The Equivalent Of A Toxic.
Why do you capitalize every word in your diatribe?
Is your education so lacking that you actually don't know when or where to use capitals?


Active Member
What hypocrites. Can a dead tree grow good fruit? Or can a healthy tree that grows good fruit be called a dead and worthless tree?

Either call the tree good and it's fruit good or call the tree bad because it bares no fruit.

How can a man who is perfect and gives his life for the sin of imperfect man be called evil? Can there be a greater love then for a man to give his life for a friend?
But if you will call some one who is perfect evil, then how great is the evil in YOUR heart?

By your own words you will be judged.

Jesus calls all men to repent and be perfect. His burden is light, and he offers rest to the soul of those who will believe in him. Those who abhor truth will on day confess Jesus is the Christ.

Wisdom will be justified of her children.


Well-Known Member
those 2 guys work on the docks where i buy my feed, they probally just got into a drunk fight. give them a few days and they'll be bending elbows together again.

its about this guy hay zoozs and stan must have gotten into a fight


Well-Known Member
What hypocrites. Can a dead tree grow good fruit? Or can a healthy tree that grows good fruit be called a dead and worthless tree?

Either call the tree good and it's fruit good or call the tree bad because it bares no fruit.

How can a man who is perfect and gives his life for the sin of imperfect man be called evil? Can there be a greater love then for a man to give his life for a friend?
But if you will call some one who is perfect evil, then how great is the evil in YOUR heart?

By your own words you will be judged.

Jesus calls all men to repent and be perfect. His burden is light, and he offers rest to the soul of those who will believe in him. Those who abhor truth will on day confess Jesus is the Christ.

Wisdom will be justified of her children.
blah blah blah.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, it's like saying there are divine lies, wait, that would be the bible then yeah? Doesn't matter that it's a lie, it's putting across divine, peaceful moral values :lol:


Active Member
Divine hate? What a crock! Jesus was a compassionate and caring man. (I personally do not believe that he was divine in any manner, just an honorable man who's reputation got blown way out of proportion) His love for his fellow human beings is to be admired and even used as an example of how this world should be. The problem is that those without compassion or love for anyone different than themselves have corrupted his teachings and have twisted them to the message of hate and intolerance we see today. Do your really think he would have had people burned alive at the stake, tortured to death, or imprisoned for not agreeing with him? Your "divine hate" is merely a way to justify a way of thinking that allows this type of violence to continue. I think Ghandi put it best when he said "I like your Jesus. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."