is it me or just really good luck


Active Member
is it just me or sheer good look
hi a just wanted to post this cos i actully think its past coinsidence that every time iv done a grow iv done it from seed and every 1 has been a female.wot iv done all the time is had a 400w metal halide ova the pots before theyve even sprouted and just left the light on 24/7 for about 5 weeks.iv done 4 grows 8 plants a time and im yet to see a male.the seeds iv used, seeds that have came out of green iv smoked u find if its been ova grew.never used feminised seeds from a shop just wanted to share that with yous on here.any 1 want to add to this please share thanks.sorry about any spellings im shit

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I recently grew 20 plants from seed and wound up with 15 females, so I feel your luck for sure.

I was running Day Light CFL and then 1000w MH. Temperatures were kept really low, and I was using a 5-4-3 nutrient with a 2-0-0 Cal-Mag supplement.

I've been reading recently that low temperature, high nitrogen, low potassium, conditions during the 2nd to 5th week of vegetative life are conducive to getting a higher percentage of females. Dumb luck for sure.


Active Member
Hey Phil - personally I don't believe in luck! Blessings yes, luck no. That being said - you may just have something there with that high powered light 24/7! Not sure...with me that much power has roasted my babies so I germinate with fluorescents -- but who knows. Next time do a control study for us!

PS: My theory is in nature more females are likely to sprout 'cos one male can pollinate lots of females. But females on the other hand can only get preggers by one guy (unless we're talking dogs?). So for proprieties sake more females in nature just seems logical.


Active Member
is it just me or sheer good look
hi a just wanted to post this cos i actully think its past coinsidence that every time iv done a grow iv done it from seed and every 1 has been a female.wot iv done all the time is had a 400w metal halide ova the pots before theyve even sprouted and just left the light on 24/7 for about 5 weeks.iv done 4 grows 8 plants a time and im yet to see a male.the seeds iv used, seeds that have came out of green iv smoked u find if its been ova grew.never used feminised seeds from a shop just wanted to share that with yous on here.any 1 want to add to this please share thanks.sorry about any spellings im shit
Then it could be that you are one of those people with a green thumb and can grow well with better odds for female plants.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Active Member
I recently grew 20 plants from seed and wound up with 15 females, so I feel your luck for sure.
I was running Day Light CFL and then 1000w MH. Temperatures were kept really low, and I was using a 5-4-3 nutrient with a 2-0-0 Cal-Mag supplement.

I've been reading recently that low temperature, high nitrogen, low potassium, conditions during the 2nd to 5th week of vegetative life are conducive to getting a higher percentage of females. Dumb luck for sure.
I read the same exact things about the low temperature etc. for a better probability of female plants. The odds were in your favor, not to mention the work and effort you put into it.:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here's something to think on:

If the seeds came from a bag, they're most likely feminised as it is..

Let me explain. Breeders are typically the only kinds of growers that will keep and maintain male plants. Otherwise 99% of the people growing do not mess with males. So let's say whoever grew that bag did not know what they were doing(or something happened out of their control) and because of that the plant hermied. The pollen from a hermy plant does not contain any male DNA, therefor all of the seeds will naturally be female. Most people think that a hermy plant is both female and male, but this simply isn't true. It is a female plant that was put under stress to create pollen to keep the plant species alive. It's really a wonderful defense mechanism, even if it isn't desired.

My last grow had this happen actually, one of my most bottom(and nearly invisible due to all the branching) branches snapped during flowering, because it didn't fall completely off it's natural instinct was to produce pollen to keep the plant species alive. Fast forward 2 months after harvest and when I finally sprouted the seeds; turns out the 30 or so beans I found all sprouted and ended up female.

I don't know if this is for sure fact, but it seems very logical to me that the person who grew that weed had some pollination problems, hence you're great 'luck' for females.

Oh, and one last thing: Plants grown from hermy seeds will be more prone to hermy. This is why most breeders use regular seeds, a female from a regular seed will not hermy as fast as one grown from a fem seed.

Just my $0.02.



Active Member
thanks for that very noligiable,and yes theres always a percentage to say that it could be a male but yet to a thing iv just set 2 cronic seeds away doing it the way iv always done it ill post on here weather they come female or not.and if possible i need a little advice on any good seeds to buy from a website?when i grow i usully average around 2 ounce a plant.i grow in coco soil and would love to get more yeild but the stuff has to be smelly.quite honestly just a mixture of everything smell,crystal,yeild.thanks again for any posts


Active Member
im still in a thought of how there brought up and the white/blue from a metal halide +the heat mimics the sun on the vegative phase,then i swap to high pressure sodium for the flower phase which is summer red/orange specrum i think u go from the way they would grow as a wild 1.never let me down yet :)

lukey boii

Active Member
Ive grown 8 plants recently and all wer females grown from seed, i have never once had a male which kinda sux cus i cant clone for shit so i gotta keep bugging my mates for seeds and than half of them i dont even no what type strain they are!!

6 of them i grew outside after germinating on wet paper towl inside, the other two wer germinated and put under a 25w fluro strip for a few days and than re-potted under a 250w HPS and they wer done scrOG style so than F!#k they both came out as fems. Anyways it sounds like this happens with a few peeps so i wouldnt say its rare but god damn it makes me smile lol


Active Member
Pre-sexed: One female for sure AK-48, Maybe female Shiva Shanti #2, almost certain male Shiva Shanti #1, time will tell:leaf::leaf::leaf: