Super Cropping?????

Ganga Cook

hey guys my first grow is gonna be this spring and Im looking for big yields. I have a question about super cropping. Does it put a lot of stress on the plant? I have done research and seen somewhere that female seeds have a higher percentage of being hermie from stress and shit like that. I was wondering if I should even attempt to super crop if Im worried about herms but Im looking to get as big of a yield as I can. Any help is appreciated. Thanks fellas!


Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I LST and pinch and have been able to double and even tripple the weght others are getting from the same strain.
The only thing we do not do the same is LST. LST= Low Stress Training.

Here are some pic's of 4 lemon G pants LSTed untill week 5 of flower, 7 weeks into flower. Mesuring less then 28 inchs from floor to tops. the beach and needle 8318.jpgthe beach and needle 8317.jpg


Ganga Cook

I dont plan to cut them in any way at all. So LSTing them is a good technique that is low stress huh? Might have to look into that. Shouldnt be that difficult should it? I just dont wanna fuck up my first grow, Ive got hundreds into the soil and materials I need. Thanks


Active Member
i prefer lst to supercropping, but they work in 2 different ways. supercropping involves damaging the branch to stunt it a bit and allow the stem to grow a more dense vascular bundle. LST bends the main growth tips so they are no longer the highest point in the plant. this causes the plant to redirect hormones into other growth tips. these techniques are useful and definitely influence the growth of the plant but the real secret to getting big yields outdoors is to veg the plant for a while before you put it out. you are going to have to thin and trim the plant. this is really hard for most new growers to accept but if you are growing huge plants it is best to thin them out 2 or 3 times during the season. if you dont it can lead to all sorts of diseases.

Ganga Cook

Trim it down? If its a big bushy bitch it can lead to diseases? Thats no good. Yeah I was gonna germinate my babies under a cfl and use a heating pad to get them going and then put them outside. I plan to just dig holes and fill with some good soil. Im gonna use worm castings and guano in the soil, so Im hoping to grow some dank shit. Im just nervous, it being my very first grow, I need all the info I can possibly get cause the seeds Im getting are not cheap. Thanks all


Active Member
hey guys my first grow is gonna be this spring and Im looking for big yields. I have a question about super cropping. Does it put a lot of stress on the plant? I have done research and seen somewhere that female seeds have a higher percentage of being hermie from stress and shit like that. I was wondering if I should even attempt to super crop if Im worried about herms but Im looking to get as big of a yield as I can. Any help is appreciated. Thanks fellas!

super cropping (in my experience) doesnt put very much stress on the plant at all. infact if anything it will boost the rate of growth and the number of tops/branches.

you can do it anytime after the first 10-14days in veg all the way up until you switch to flower. DONT SUPER CROP DURING FLOWER! it wont repair itself as it does in veg. so once you go 12/12 leave it alone (of if you're outdoors don't do it once you see the "hairs".

i never got a hermie from super cropping and i exclusively use fem seeds due to the efficiency (less plants = less soil, more room, etc).


Active Member
oh btw. since you're growing outside its really best to veg them indoors as long as matter what anyone tells you, the most overlooked thing when going for yield (in my opinion) is length of veg...longer veg = bigger yield.

so i'd start them asap...get them a foot tall...maybe two.. you'll be much happier with the end result.

Ganga Cook

From all that I have been reading I think im gonna have to look into possibly LSTing for my babies. Whats the best way to tie them down once theyre outside? Maybe get some kind of hook or some shit for the ground and just use a rope or some shit?


Active Member
super cropping (in my experience) doesnt put very much stress on the plant at all. infact if anything it will boost the rate of growth and the number of tops/branches.

you can do it anytime after the first 10-14days in veg all the way up until you switch to flower. DONT SUPER CROP DURING FLOWER! it wont repair itself as it does in veg. so once you go 12/12 leave it alone (of if you're outdoors don't do it once you see the "hairs".

i never got a hermie from super cropping and i exclusively use fem seeds due to the efficiency (less plants = less soil, more room, etc).
i super crop until 2nd week of flowering with no probs, gona try get a pic up of my killa watt, usually get around 8 to 9 oz off 1 plant under a 250w hps. The plant will repair itself ANYTIME, sometimes if its an accidental snap a bit of tape or a cable tie is needed but appart from that its probably the toughest plant in the world. Remember its a weed, and how hard is it to kill a weed?

Ganga Cook

Im just gonna go the LSTing route. Im afraid I will mess it up somehow and I dont wanna do that. Thanks for the info tho


Active Member
Im just gonna go the LSTing route. Im afraid I will mess it up somehow and I dont wanna do that. Thanks for the info tho
Good luck to you and happy growing. Thats the best thing to learn first when it comes to increasing your yield, get urself some canna boost and pk 13/14 and you'll be laughing. again good luck bro