Hello everybody, I am new here as you can see!
I really like the forums here, very informative, and tons of great new ideas to expand my mind and plants!
Anyhow, there are 2x Wonder Woman not from Nirvava
and 2 Jack Herer X NL #5 (thus my name HererBorealis) seeds were from a reputable local supplier. Running a 430 Son agro HPS along with a small floro tube for a lil extra kick. total surface area is 8 sq ft.
They are now 3 weeks old and I fear i severely overwatered them. Plants were all very droopy and "soft" including leaves, stems and main stalks as well as leaves being clawlike/curled. After doing 2 days worth of research through this site and others, I concluded that the soil had to be dried/aerated as quickly as possible. I removed all plants from their pots, and broke away all of the soil that i safely could. Found bottom 4 inches to be almost soggy. Upon inspection, roots seemed healthy, although very thin. Then I tossed the soil in the air for a few mins to let it dry out. Then returned all plants to their respective pots.
It has been 2 days now, and have been seeing a little improvement. Main stalks have hardened again, as well as stems, although leaves are beginning to become a little dried out. May this be because the root system was probably damaged, and now water uptake is reduced?
Would appreciate any input, comments or suggestions anyone may have!
P.S. Tops of plants have seemed healthy/lush all the way through, these are tough little plants!

Anyhow, there are 2x Wonder Woman not from Nirvava

They are now 3 weeks old and I fear i severely overwatered them. Plants were all very droopy and "soft" including leaves, stems and main stalks as well as leaves being clawlike/curled. After doing 2 days worth of research through this site and others, I concluded that the soil had to be dried/aerated as quickly as possible. I removed all plants from their pots, and broke away all of the soil that i safely could. Found bottom 4 inches to be almost soggy. Upon inspection, roots seemed healthy, although very thin. Then I tossed the soil in the air for a few mins to let it dry out. Then returned all plants to their respective pots.
It has been 2 days now, and have been seeing a little improvement. Main stalks have hardened again, as well as stems, although leaves are beginning to become a little dried out. May this be because the root system was probably damaged, and now water uptake is reduced?
Would appreciate any input, comments or suggestions anyone may have!
P.S. Tops of plants have seemed healthy/lush all the way through, these are tough little plants!