Is this plant salvageable?


Active Member
So, I have two plants, both girls. I recently repotted both of them into big buckets, in soil. They are under 18/6 scheduled CFL lights. Before I repotted them, I topped both and took some cuttings to try and clone.

Since doing this about five days ago, one looks like it is thriving, the other looks very stressed. All of the leaves have drooped down and started curling up, and it just doesn't look like it has much life in it anymore.

I also gave them both a good watering w/ nutes after the repotting and have since given each only a bit more water. The problems with the sick one manifested pretty quickly after all this activity.

My best guess is that the combination of topping and repotting was too much stress for it, but then again the other is doing just fine. Any suggestions would be helpful, as I'm afraid I may lose this one and the clones haven't rooted yet :(

Here are some pics, should be three of the sick plant and then a couple with the other for reference.

that doesn't look good at all, it might be saved, don't water it anymore. Not much you can do at this point but pray to the ganja gods.
you topped them too early most likely for that strain, it could have been a unstable phenotype and couldn't recover from the shock. i heard its best to cut or top a plant after 8 weeks of veg stage therefore it will show minimal if any signs of shock. If you also cut off 15% or more of a plants foliage in one cutting i hear it can kill it aswell.

if you didn't nute burn her she should recover ok. Dont over complicate your life with your grass dude, it's a weed! It wants to survive instinctively! So in your case let her recover stop fucking with her! :D, give her water and maybe 1/4 strength nutes just to be safe. Then gradually build back up to regular strength. She'll come through unless u nute burned her. Then you may have some issues. you can check the thread in my sig for more on that!

wait a sec, u topped em, repotted em, then fertilized em all at near the same time? sounds like a stress combo package punch bro,
Yeah Man you just stressed that one,, the other might be a super female and could take.
But I agrees with above. leave it alone and if it comes back good.
Cut the nutes to 1/4 strength and ease up on the water
mist the hell out of it and i wouldnt fert it, just use D h20. you'll probably find out in next day or so if she'll make it, if not just wait a bit for the other one n take some clones mate, all is good
it couldnt handle your roughhouse transplant, no nutes for 2 weeks. In future dont top a plant that is already stressed .
So, I have two plants, both girls. I recently repotted both of them into big buckets, in soil. They are under 18/6 scheduled CFL lights. Before I repotted them, I topped both and took some cuttings to try and clone.

Since doing this about five days ago, one looks like it is thriving, the other looks very stressed. All of the leaves have drooped down and started curling up, and it just doesn't look like it has much life in it anymore.

I also gave them both a good watering w/ nutes after the repotting and have since given each only a bit more water. The problems with the sick one manifested pretty quickly after all this activity.

My best guess is that the combination of topping and repotting was too much stress for it, but then again the other is doing just fine. Any suggestions would be helpful, as I'm afraid I may lose this one and the clones haven't rooted yet :(

Here are some pics, should be three of the sick plant and then a couple with the other for reference.

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Hey Allslomoed,

in the end you will be ok and this will be experience!! Don't stress on all the off point posts. Even if you made a mistake this time the plants still alive (at least for no) :lol: Sorry that slipped!!! But the plants alive she will probably pull through like a champ. I'm a Marine so my take is only baby her enough!! So give her 1/4 nutes so she'll still get some nutrients if she decides to kick ON while your sleep. then relax dude, you've done a bang up job, and the road isn't finished so roll up those sleeves....

Thanks for all the constructive responses folks. She didn't improve overnight, and I doubt if she'll pull through, kinda has that tea-like smell that plants get when they're about dead, lol.

In the end I've still got the other, and if the clones that I made beforehand pull through, then she'll still be with me, hehe.

Guess I'll just chalk it up to experience! Grow and learn, grow and learn.