Club 600

I have two 12" subs in my Grand Cherokee but I'm going to pull one out and make a new enclosure that is the size and shape of the stock spare tire that is supposed to be mounted inside the back area of the car. I'm going to put the original spare tire cover over it so it'll be stealth. I replaced the door speakers and dash speakers in it and put in all new audio wiring. The amps are mounted to the bottom of the rear seats and there's a surround sound processor under one of the front seats.
My brother is a tech nerd and lives for making custom computer related stuff. He's a programmer and a IT manager for a large gym company and has done some really cool stuff in our cars in the past. The Jeep setup is kind of plain in comparison to my old Titan and the F150 he drives now. He built car computers for them that use a flip up touch screen in the dash and we left the factory stereos in place but they only had power run to them so they'd light up. Everything runs through the car computer and we just load all our music and videos into that. It's dope...
There's something similar that's comercially available now but it's way more expensive than what he built ours for.
I was using my laptop as my car-puter for a while, I had no idea that I wasnt the only audio freak here!
I like good sound but I don't know much about any of it to tell you the truth. It's all to my younger brother's credit. I think the Jeep will sound better with 1 less sub. The bass has to be turned down quite a bit or it drowns out everything else and I'm not about to put any money into the Jeep unless it's to fix it so I'll just pull a sub and be done with it.
Here's the recipe. I can't take credit for this, I found it on the web. I can tell you that it kicks ass though.

You'll need to make sure you have a candy thermometer (one that clips onto side of pan is best), a metal tablespoon measure and metal sandwich spatula.

1/4 cup cannabutter
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1 box (3 ounce) jello, any flavor
Twenty lolliepops sticks

Butter two cookie sheets. Arrange half of the lolliepop sticks on each and set aside.

In a small saucepan over low heat, stir butter, sugar, and corn syrup together until sugar has dissolved. Slowly bring to a boil, stirring frequently.

Insert a candy thermometer into syrup and continue cooking until temperature reaches 275 degrees. Stir in jello until smooth.

Remove from heat. (This sugar syrup is very hot and can cause a painful burn!)

Using a metal tablespoon and working quickly, drop heaping spoonfuls of lolliepop syrup on end of each stick. Flatten into a circle shape with metal spatula sprayed with cooking spray.

Cool completely. Wrap each sucker in plastic wrap and store in an air tight container.

EDIT: CLARIFY your butter before using it to make the cannabutter. It makes a huge difference in the final product. I did it for the first time the oither day and the dish in the pic is the best tasting thing I've made so far. MY wife and I talked the in-laws into gicing them a go and it was funny. They both smoked pot in the 60s and 70s and haven't since then. They were down to eat some of this stuff and got wrecked.
I had no idea that I wasnt the only audio freak here!

I have 2 RF 8 ohm 12" in a cab I built myself for the living room. Wife won a $5,000 target gift card a couple years ago, so I got some nice JBL tower speakers to put along side. If we ever want to make action movies epic, we can. Mostly I just listed to music through it. Oh... and of course the PS3 is wired through as well. If I'm playing Gran Turismo, it sounds like I'm in a car, and if playing Black ops, it sounds like World War 3 in the fucking house. Makes me kinda insane though... only do that for kicks sometimes. Not good to get post traumatic stress shit from a video game.

I also have an old 15" that goes in the car... just haven't had a car in a long long time till I got the jeep a few months ago... been too lazy to cart the thing down the steps to hook it up. Jeez, I suck sometimes.
I have 2 RF 8 ohm 12" in a cab I built myself for the living room. Wife won a $5,000 target gift card a couple years ago, so I got some nice JBL tower speakers to put along side. If we ever want to make action movies epic, we can. Mostly I just listed to music through it. Oh... and of course the PS3 is wired through as well. If I'm playing Gran Turismo, it sounds like I'm in a car, and if playing Black ops, it sounds like World War 3 in the fucking house. Makes me kinda insane though... only do that for kicks sometimes. Not good to get post traumatic stress shit from a video game.

I also have an old 15" that goes in the car... just haven't had a car in a long long time till I got the jeep a few months ago... been too lazy to cart the thing down the steps to hook it up. Jeez, I suck sometimes.
I have so much gear that I usually switch things around all the time. I havent done much at all lately though either. I have a TC Sounds TC3000 12" that is insane!! I have some videos on youtube actually I might share.
The movies at my house r insane, but toned way down now that the neighbor calls the cops all the time now if I get it going. I dont want any extra attention so it puts a damper on the sound effects. I can make my windows in my house flap though. Oh and I have another theater in my bedroom with a ED 18" in a 8ft^3 box I built. I am obsessed!! I have extra subs all around the house....
Oh and I have another theater in my bedroom with a ED 18" in a 8ft^3 box I built. I am obsessed!!

Now THAT is something else. Does it make the moon wobble out of orbit or anything?

Not to divert from the fun on sound, but here's a couple shots of what's growing round the house.

Now THAT is something else. Does it make the moon wobble out of orbit or anything?

Not to divert from the fun on sound, but here's a couple shots of what's growing round the house.

The bedroom gets pretty loud:!:
What do you have going on there? It looks like you have a 6" ducting with plants in it? I am very curious!!!
Alpine, Audiobahn & Kenwood = <3
I have run Alpine decks for 20 yrs!!!
I guess you are flooding that 6" pipe?

Yeah, you can check my signature... 4" flooded tubes. I have a 2' x 3' space so anything to maximize it. I ran a 1 level version last round, expanded to 2 levels this time. Hoping to do big things with it. There's a 30 gal tub underneath (i only fill about 6-10 gallons). 400 g/h water pump... that's about it. Oh and a DIY cooltube setup with a 6" inline fan pulling 465 cfm's to cool the beast of a light.
I use alpine speakers and amps. I believe they have some of the highest quality high.mid range frequency speakers. Their amps last decades.

Kenwood has more than anyone could need for a deck, and speakers.

Audiobahn gives some of the meanest back massages. In the form of aluminium cased kevlar coned subs.

Like my father told me.....Do it right, or Dont do it at all! :)
I rock Bose Quiet Comfort 15 Headphones on my bicycle!!!! Great if you don't want to hear traffic and get into lots of near misses!!! lol.
I use alpine speakers and amps. I believe they have some of the highest quality high.mid range frequency speakers. Their amps last decades.

Kenwood has more than anyone could need for a deck, and speakers.

Audiobahn gives some of the meanest back massages. In the form of aluminium cased kevlar coned subs.

Like my father told me.....Do it right, or Dont do it at all! :)

Audiobahn....round these parts they are known as auddabeblown....LOL...I had a 12" once though...not bad...I'm pretty partial to my Mephis tho.
I used to rock the iPod/earbuds combo while racing the dirtbike. Music kept me company during the 2+ hours that I'd be hauling ass through the desert and kept me from getting all worked up while creeping through the tech sections.

Not a safe thing to do because there's a chance of really damaging your ears if you go down but I never had a problem with it. I went down at pretty good speeds a couple of times while wearing them without messing up my ears. Easier to tell if you lose consciousness if there's music playing too because either the music is continuous or you are all of a audden a litle further along in the song in a matter of a few seconds. If you go down and the first thing you think is 'remix', you most likely have a concussion, lol.