So, I got a job


Well-Known Member
and it pays less than what i earned in high school. no benefits.

let's be thankful for those reaganomics, trickling down upon us all!

my dad also earns less than what he did 12 years ago. my mom's wages are the same, so she also earns less than she did 12 years ago when you factor in cost of living.

let's all give a huzzah for those tax cuts for the wealthy!

someone please explain the seemingly irreconcilable enigma of how employee productivity has increased, taxes have decreased, yet wages have remained stagnant or dropped while achieving zero net job growth.
someone please explain the seemingly irreconcilable enigma of how employee productivity has increased, taxes have decreased, yet wages have remained stagnant or dropped while achieving zero net job growth.
because the economy is fucked, the 5 largest banks in the US increased their holdings of security derivatives by 7.8% this year, Which is 7.3 trillion dollars worth of junk that YOU and I will end up paying for when these TBTF banks finally croak.

If your job sucks so much why even take the job? Why can't you hold out for the $75 an hour job? Does your employer know that you feel this way? Or do you act all happy and thankful when the boss is near?
because the economy is fucked, the 5 largest banks in the US increased their holdings of security derivatives by 7.8% this year, Which is 7.3 trillion dollars worth of junk that YOU and I will end up paying for when these TBTF banks finally croak.

If your job sucks so much why even take the job? Why can't you hold out for the $75 an hour job? Does your employer know that you feel this way? Or do you act all happy and thankful when the boss is near?
Yeah, in this job market, he should just tell his boss the job sucks bigtime. You are one nutty dude.
because the economy is fucked, the 5 largest banks in the US increased their holdings of security derivatives by 7.8% this year, Which is 7.3 trillion dollars worth of junk that YOU and I will end up paying for when these TBTF banks finally croak.

If your job sucks so much why even take the job? Why can't you hold out for the $75 an hour job? Does your employer know that you feel this way? Or do you act all happy and thankful when the boss is near?

why take the job? the air of legitimacy, for one. pay the bills a little easier, two.

i'm not asking for the $75/hour job, but half of what i earned 20 months or so ago with none of the benefits is not exactly what i call upward mobility.

i just got the call today that i was hired, but i'm sure i'll be pretty chipper on the job when i get there.
...If your job sucks so much why even take the job? Why can't you hold out for the $75 an hour job? Does your employer know that you feel this way? Or do you act all happy and thankful when the boss is near?
I assume he took the job because with this economy and bad job market, it is better than living on the streets and being hungry. There are a lot of people who used to have high paying jobs that vanished and now make way less than they did. People are taking any job they can to try and keep food on the table and a place to live.
Ive had friends and family refuse jobs because they didnt pay enough...and it does suck not to make what you think you should..but some money is better than no money...
Even if a person is paid the same amount of money as they were a few years back, they have less purchasing power.
When the government authorized more money into circulation the VALUE of the dollar dropped. Seems like "stimulus packages" have unintended consequences eh?
I'm sorry that you took a pay cut but guess what? so did most people in the US. Tax cuts for the rich didn't get us here. Overspending and not watching ALL of our elected officials on BOTH parties involved is how America came to be this way. I took a 2/3 pay cut and had to change out my lifestyle some but not much. I don't teeter on the edge of my budget and had plenty stowed away for a rainy day instead of living paycheck to paycheck. I will say that being debt free helped out but i honestly got out of debt while being in the middle of the first of 3 layoffs in the last 3 years. I'm sick and tired of the boohooing from everyone that "I can't find a decent wage waaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" You know what I did? I put on a suit and went out for a week until i found a job. Honestly I am 25 and have my stuff together regardless of what ANY politician does to the economy I make my own honest wage by dictating my work. If times are down and even retail is not cutting it hours or pay wise if i got laid off again i would honestly go put my own 2 hands to work like they did back in the day and MAKE some money. Not complain that the wages aren't fair...... In conclusion go suck a lemon since your such a sourpuss.

P.S. I have no college degree but honestly I think it would have held me back.
P.S. I have no college degree but honestly I think it would have held me back.
Education holding you back? May want to elaborate on this one. As a current college student I'm getting paid almost double what my friends who didn't go to college get paid.
let's be thankful for those reaganomics, trickling down upon us all!
Unfortunately blaming Reagan isn't going to make the economy better... damnit! Nor is stating that Obama is/isn't going to do anything. Sad Panda times indeed. You may also want to elaborate on why you believe Reagan screwed you.
Why the slight dis at the OP for saying he took a lower paying job? He is doing more than those who are waiting for their government check for not working. I think he is doing his best to keep his house in order, and I respect that.
Dude our economy is so screwed! I live in a somewhat rural area and there are NO jobs available, and if you have a record you can forget about a normal job. There is one simple answer LEGALIZE industrial hemp and medical use of marijuana with hopes for recreational would bring us out of this recession. And people say that making drugs legal for money are ignorant...cannabis is not a drug, it's an herb.
... And people say that making drugs legal for money are ignorant...cannabis is not a drug, it's an herb.
Yes! Also a banana is an herb and it contains potassium. Potassium is good for the heart as low levels of it can cause heart failure. Just think if the government or big pharma decided that was a drug and banned it so you have to buy their potassium pills. I believe willow tree bark is what aspirin is derived from but those are not banned. It's a native American knowledge than chewing the bark of a willow reduces pain.
Yes! Also a banana is an herb and it contains potassium. Potassium is good for the heart as low levels of it can cause heart failure. Just think if the government or big pharma decided that was a drug and banned it so you have to buy their potassium pills. I believe willow tree bark is what aspirin is derived from but those are not banned. It's a native American knowledge than chewing the bark of a willow reduces pain.

There are a lot of native American remedies that have great merit. Try some medicineman blessed (Not me) peyote some time. That will be sure to get your attention.
Exactly, I just wish that more people would realize this! I started doing interviews around my small town on peoples opinions on the subject and got totally shitty results....most people didn't even want to do the interviews! They were scared to get on camera and express their opinions, it was pretty ridiculous.
I'm sorry that you took a pay cut but guess what? so did most people in the US. Tax cuts for the rich didn't get us here. Overspending and not watching ALL of our elected officials on BOTH parties involved is how America came to be this way. I took a 2/3 pay cut and had to change out my lifestyle some but not much. I don't teeter on the edge of my budget and had plenty stowed away for a rainy day instead of living paycheck to paycheck. I will say that being debt free helped out but i honestly got out of debt while being in the middle of the first of 3 layoffs in the last 3 years. I'm sick and tired of the boohooing from everyone that "I can't find a decent wage waaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!" You know what I did? I put on a suit and went out for a week until i found a job. Honestly I am 25 and have my stuff together regardless of what ANY politician does to the economy I make my own honest wage by dictating my work. If times are down and even retail is not cutting it hours or pay wise if i got laid off again i would honestly go put my own 2 hands to work like they did back in the day and MAKE some money. Not complain that the wages aren't fair...... In conclusion go suck a lemon since your such a sourpuss.

P.S. I have no college degree but honestly I think it would have held me back.

i agree with you for the most part, i am throwing a bit of a pity party but i think you are missing the point.

i know it is normal to start a little lower at a new job. before this, i left a 14.75 job and took a 13 job. before that, i left a 14-ish job (commission) for a 12 job. i have no problem working my way up and will do the same with this job. but my last job was 19.50 with full benefits, and this one is 10 or 10.50 with none.

i can get by just fine on 40 hours a week, $10 per hour. especially with a little side income like i have. and the job market is rough, no problem, i can cope.

the point is this: it should be glaringly apparent to even the biggest dolt that extending the 4.6% lower tax rate for the 3 or 4 owners the the very top of the company i'll work for simply does not trickle down to the 40 or so employees working there. they pocket the money and take advantage of the market created by other recipients of the 4.6% lower tax rate to hire people at lower wages.

they have every right to do so, and it is the 'smart' thing to do, from a purely economic standpoint.

but why so many people would delude themselves into believing that these tax cuts are needed, after ten years of shrinking wages and zero net job growth, is beyond me. lower taxes are good, but if that is all that one thinks is the matter, it will eventually lead to 0% taxes. not sure how that would work, but i wouldn't like to be around to see it.

/rant concerning supply side economics
i agree with you for the most part, i am throwing a bit of a pity party but i think you are missing the point.

i know it is normal to start a little lower at a new job. before this, i left a 14.75 job and took a 13 job. before that, i left a 14-ish job (commission) for a 12 job. i have no problem working my way up and will do the same with this job. but my last job was 19.50 with full benefits, and this one is 10 or 10.50 with none.

i can get by just fine on 40 hours a week, $10 per hour. especially with a little side income like i have. and the job market is rough, no problem, i can cope.

the point is this: it should be glaringly apparent to even the biggest dolt that extending the 4.6% lower tax rate for the 3 or 4 owners the the very top of the company i'll work for simply does not trickle down to the 40 or so employees working there. they pocket the money and take advantage of the market created by other recipients of the 4.6% lower tax rate to hire people at lower wages.

they have every right to do so, and it is the 'smart' thing to do, from a purely economic standpoint.

but why so many people would delude themselves into believing that these tax cuts are needed, after ten years of shrinking wages and zero net job growth, is beyond me. lower taxes are good, but if that is all that one thinks is the matter, it will eventually lead to 0% taxes. not sure how that would work, but i wouldn't like to be around to see it.

/rant concerning supply side economics
Haha dude $10 an hour 40 hours a week I would be great...Down here in the dirty south most jobs are minimum wage.
Tell me UB did you have that $19.50 an hour job WHILE THE TAX CUTS WERE IN PLACE? Or did you lose that good job the same day the tax cuts were put in place back about EIGHT YEARS AGO? The tax cuts aren't doing ANYTHING to your income, face it you have no good answers so you poke and blame Bush, yeah i agree Bush was a real Mutha Fucker, but its time to stop blaming him and start blaming the people who really got us here, the 535 other people who really hold the purse strings.
Tell me UB did you have that $19.50 an hour job WHILE THE TAX CUTS WERE IN PLACE? Or did you lose that good job the same day the tax cuts were put in place back about EIGHT YEARS AGO? The tax cuts aren't doing ANYTHING to your income, face it you have no good answers so you poke and blame Bush, yeah i agree Bush was a real Mutha Fucker, but its time to stop blaming him and start blaming the people who really got us here, the 535 other people who really hold the purse strings.

I mean really Bush was a sack of shit, and Obama isn't doing any better as far as finances and taxes go....
I mean really Bush was a sack of shit, and Obama isn't doing any better as far as finances and taxes go....
Obama administration is spending the money at a rate EIGHT times faster than Bush did, and Bush spent faster than any president had ever done before.