Club 600

As usual, beautiful plant. Does it ever get boring growing such beautiful specimens?

I know what a cesspool is in the english language but what is it strain background?

posted by T.

RESERVA PRIVADA sour kush aka headband
(og x sour diesel)


(chemdawg91 x mass super skunk/nl)


Here is what you need Dez....don't skimp and get a 600...even though it would fit for the thread...LOL...07 Honda second love...well third if you count the unborn baby.


And I'm sure you know...don't skimp on the helmet either..even if laws don't require you to wear one..wear they are pretty flashy too...when this model came out it was $699 plus a $90 shield....You know what they say..."how much is your head worth to you"


Something I noticed over the past few weeks, somewhat slow growth for what I thought I should be accomplishing in my tent. I was wondering why, and then for some reason it dawned on me that my light just was not as bright as it should be. I don't know why I did not notice, maybe a slow but steady loss in brightness is the reason I didn't notice right away? Not sure, but I replace the bulb with my back up which I was only used for like 6 weeks on a grow I helped with. I honestly don't know which is better if they were both brand new, one is a X-Brite and the other is an Artemis 600w. Supposed to be enhanced spectrum or whatever. I think both of them. But either way back to the point, I took the 600 I was using out, the light looking rather dim and all, and the sodium piece on the middle had much blacker ends than when I put it in before the last run. So that bulb didnt even last 4 whole months, guess I got what I paid for. I replace the Artemis with the X-Brite I had put away, and bam, 600w of illuminating fury back in full action. I knew there was something wrong the other day when I looked up at my light and didnt have to look away. So hopefully they will be doing some major catching up here in the next week or so and maybe still finish in a decent time frame. Though I know they are backed way up. I was keeping up with some people in flower at my stage but getting blown away by others. I knew there was something majorly wrong other than I need to add some myco's and hygrozyme to my plants life. I have good roots, but not great roots. I want great roots. I transplanted an Mk Ultra into a one gallon potter and will replace the Big Devil with it, when it is ready to come out, or more rather when I take it out due to needing something to smoke. Its almost done anyway, but I put it in for this reason, I knew I would really need something sooner than these regular girls would finish, thats where autos come in. Then a week or two after that a Violator Kush clone or a Galaxy clone will replace the Fast Bud. At least my girls are frosty as a mofo if not fat. But they will be fat. I knew it was not me making those buds grow slow. They have a much brighter future now. The lack of light surely did not hurt their resin production thats for sure.
Dude that is way too funny! I used to have a CB750 that we made into a cafe style bike. It didn't look too different form yours except mine actually had rear suspension and brakes, lol.
Here is what you need Dez....don't skimp and get a 600...even though it would fit for the thread...LOL...07 Honda second love...well third if you count the unborn baby.


And I'm sure you know...don't skimp on the helmet either..even if laws don't require you to wear one..wear they are pretty flashy too...when this model came out it was $699 plus a $90 shield....You know what they say..."how much is your head worth to you"



I only weigh 150-155lbs depending on time o the month :shock:. J/K, haha. I really do only weigh 150-155 though so a 600 is plenty of bike for me. I used to have a GSXR750 and the thing would stand right up 1st-4th gears with me on it without clutching it. Freeway speed took a little creative timing and clutching but it would do it. I don't plan on riding the new one like I did my old one but still.
And yes, I will get a new lid since mine is a few years old. It's never been dropped or anything but due to it's age the inners are breaking down I'm sure. I used to be sponsored by Arai and got two free helmets per season. After that I got them at dealer cost so I'll hit them up and see if they'll work me some kind of deal. The one I like is $900 or something so if I want to have any chance at getting it I'll have to get a serious hookup.
I have a collection of Arai and Fox helmets from over the years. I would get a new one whenever I had a get off in the rocks and hit my head or at speed. You never know if there's cracks in them and a cracked helmet will do you no good.

I did see a really sweet 929RR today though that is tempting me to buy it. It was calling my name, I swear...
I grew that Special girl out. It was great smoke. Ive been looking for a picture of her in flower. I got a few like this, I had used a batch of promix I hadnt washed, kinda hot.

I love honda motorcycles, but there is nothing like building or customizing your own shit. :D Any joe can buy something, you just have to "make it yours"!

Dez Im in your weight class. Ive slowed down a bit though. I do the heavy low equipment. Slow ride, Take it easy!
I weigh 145 on a good day with clothes on and if I haven't shit yet....weight has nothing to do with it....It's how fast you want to go....176mph by myself...164 with the girl on back....I wouldn't straddle a v-twin...too much noise not enough be a a real bike..LOL...JK

Edit....954 is my next bike...want to find a wrecked one and build it for stunt....or should I say...find a wrecked one..strip the rest of the plastic off and go...LOL

Double Edit..... or this....I wish...
I weigh 145 on a good day with clothes on and if I haven't shit yet....weight has nothing to do with it....It's how fast you want to go....176mph by myself...164 with the girl on back....I wouldn't straddle a v-twin...too much noise not enough be a a real bike..LOL...JK

Edit....954 is my next bike...want to find a wrecked one and build it for stunt....or should I say...find a wrecked one..strip the rest of the plastic off and go...LOL

I believe everyone should see freeway lines turn solid before their time is up. With both two and four wheels. Depending on the length of the line and height of the vehicle, this can begin anywhere between 140-170mph. Trees melt at 180+ :D Go Junkies!

100th edit. - My brother has a t-rex, scary fucking thing! Doesnt feel safe as a passenger at all. his is a kawasaki 1200 motor a believe. Purple in color :) And currently broken
I have gone close to 170 in my old 5.0 I had like 10 years ago. I never owned a motorcycle though.
I bought the 5.0 already setup, but I think it had cam heads rods etc replaced with different parts, not to mention wires exhaust intake ignition etc...
Man that car was fun!!!!!
Fk yes....melting trees.....hah....yeah that t-rexx there is the baddest of bad...I dream about it sometimes cruizing up and down SouthBeach.....hopefully I was dreaming a little pre de ja vu shit.

Goodnight 6
Fastest I've been on street was in a customer's car at a high end shop I used to work at. heavily nodded Dodge Viper that ran a supercharger and nitrous. Owner of the car was riding shotgun when we hit 184 on the GPS. The car still had some left in it too and dude just laughed when I started to let off.
Next would be on an R1 that an older stepbrother owned at just over 160.

I had my GPS say top speed 117mph after one of the desert races. I couldn't tell you where exactly it was that I went that fast because I don't remember any sections that felt like I was going that fast or could've gone that fast but whatever. It would regularly say a top speed of 78-84 after the races and that particular race did have some longer valleys in it .
Fastest I've been on street was in a customer's car at a high end shop I used to work at. heavily nodded Dodge Viper that ran a supercharger and nitrous. Owner of the car was riding shotgun when we hit 184 on the GPS. The car still had some left in it too and dude just laughed when I started to let off.
Next would be on an R1 that an older stepbrother owned at just over 160.

I had my GPS say top speed 117mph after one of the desert races. I couldn't tell you where exactly it was that I went that fast because I don't remember any sections that felt like I was going that fast or could've gone that fast but whatever. It would regularly say a top speed of 78-84 after the races and that particular race did have some longer valleys in it .
ManI would love to drive that car!!
I prefer the crusiers myself. I have an 02 softtail standard that I have totally customized. Alot of new powder coat, lowered 2inches, wrapped pipes, the only thing left is to paint sheet metal.I did all the tear down and back together my self. I am fine doing 120 plus on mine when i feel the need.

End-nice ride well for a crotch rocket...
Hey biker boys, lots of cool pics and grease monkey chat!! Love that Exile back you posted Dez, but it doesn look like a fekkin pushbike with a mad engine!!! The Victory bike Duchieman posted also looks sweet. I think if I were a bike bod something like that would be cool. A German guy who worked for me had a Moto Guzzi, he use to pitch up at work and it was the loudest things going...

Genuity, the cesspool looks freaking awesome bru!!! Thanks for the green share my man.

Outdoor, glad you got your lights back in order. Okay so here's a question.

When do people change their bulbs?