Biggest Celebrity Douchebag Of The Year Award

When it comes to marijuana, I feel Eric Roberts is the biggest celebrity douchebag of the year. This dude goes on Celebrity Rehab (Which should be X-Celebrity Rehab) or (Almost-Celebrity Rehab) for MEDICAL MARIJUANA ADDICTION! Are you kidding? Was this a ploy to get money, recognition, or hurt the marijuana community?

I mean, think about this. A lot of people watch that fucking show, now you have this dude go on there & claim to be "addicted" to medical marijuana. Not just marijuana in general, but MEDICAL... which you may be saying is the same, but to the general population, they see it differently. It would be different (Still not okay) but different if he were to say he's addicted to marijuana, but when he says medical, it makes it seem as if it's not a medicine but a drug.

Furthermore, by using the word "addicted" & "marijuana" in the same sentence, your again, giving general public the opinion that marijuana is an addiction, when in fact it isn't. I think this dude def. deserves douchebag of the year award! What do you think?
There's no such thing as addiction, that show is full of weak minded pole-smackers.

I've been saying the same thing my whole life, I don't believe in addiction, not even with heroine, meth. You can stop yourself whenever you want, you just choose not too. That is the harsh reality of it.
you're not making much sense, but you do got a good point. there is no difference between "Medicine" and "Drug" which is why you get birth control from a drugstore. and people get addicted to medicine all the time. my uncle is addicted to his medical vicodin.
you're not making much sense, but you do got a good point. there is no difference between "Medicine" and "Drug" which is why you get birth control from a drugstore. and people get addicted to medicine all the time. my uncle is addicted to his medical vicodin.

How is he not making sense? I understand fully, I in fact said the same myself when I saw he was on there for medical marijuana. What exactly does not make sense too you? As for addiction, it all comes down to perspective, I think you are the one not understanding here. I think Benassi/Root believe addiction is an excuse more then a condition. That, in itself is a belief, you cannot tell someone they are wrong. In reality, it comes down to what the person believes, some believe addiction is real, others do not... myself, I feel addiction is not a condition, a person can stop whenever/wherever they want to, they just choose not too. I have seen many people do heroin or cocaine for years & stop immediately... with no counseling, yet, on the other hand, others have done it for a few weeks & say they are addicted. So, really, you can observe it from two angles, one being, some are weak minded as Benassi stated, those are the ones who use the excuse 'Addiction' while others are stronger minded & can stop at any moment, debunking the 'Addiction' theory, showing it is myth. Although, one who believes in addiction can say those who stop are simply not addicted... but how are they not addicted when they have been doing it for years & can stop on demand? It all boils down to your belief, therefore no side is right/wrong.

But I am still interested to find out what exactly does not make sense, because it makes full sense. Eric Roberts is exposing medical marijuana as an addiction when in reality, marijuana is not addictive. Therefore, he is giving the illusion to less educated people(s) on the topic of marijuana, reason to believe marijuana requires rehab for addiction & that it is an addictive 'drug'. Not only is he giving this message, but he is making it appear as if he is addicted to 'medical' marijuana, not just marijuana. This is where I think you are getting lost/confused. If Eric had simply said he was addicted to marijuana, it would be less of a shot at the marijuana community, still wrong, yes... but less of a shot. To say he is addicted to medical, he is giving yet more reason to the public to believe that marijuana is a straight drug rather then medicine. There are many people still skeptical to the belief that marijuana is in any form, way, or shape a medicine & believe medical marijuana was made up for pot heads to smoke legally, but has no medical benefits. So, by Roberts saying he is addicted to this medicine, it gives off the illusion that it was created merely for pot heads to benefit from the drug legally. If he were to just say he was addicted to marijuana, people would still see it the same way, but they wouldn't link the two together [being medical] & it would make those who believe medical is beneficial no reason to doubt it's benefits to medicine. But by saying your addicted to medical marijuana, it gives those skeptics a reason to think maybe it has no medical benefit. Are you following now?

Very interesting points of view & yes I believe Roberts is a douche-bag for this move & yes I do believe it changes the opinion of some who watch the program in believing medical marijuana is nothing more then an excuse to smoke legally.