WHAT DID I DO, NOOOOOO!!! Main stalk split!!!!


Active Member
So anyway, my baby was gettin very bushy and I made a little cossbar for the two stems to push them appart(where I topped). I went to low and my Main stalk Split down about half an inch. I placed a small zip tie to help it go back together.. I guess? WHAT DID I DOOOO!!!! is anything gonna happen here? my baby gonna die? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! :cry:

here is a pic of what im talkin about..

It dosent seem to have had a instant effect or anything like that, So far all the leafs and rest still look good... Guess only time will tell..


t dub c

Well-Known Member
It will be fine just leave the tie on there for a bit then it will be all good. Ive seen people use tape, hemp ,whatever. It works though. good luck with the rest of your grow mang.


Active Member
Sweet, thanks for the reply guys... My heart about droped when I heard the stalk tare =*(.. Will this stun my plant for a few days?


Well-Known Member
Im guessing ezell is the messenger of death, but keep goin and never give up,, as these plants are VERY resilient, they will bounce back.....:peace:...................


Well-Known Member
Your Plant Will Die Throgh It Away.
That plant will not die.....if you have grown for 15 years you should know this.

The plant may have a fat knuckle there but it is going to LIVE! and growth will only slow for 24-48 hours and then back to normal growth behavior.

Remember any of us who tell you that your broken girl will LIVE have been there done that........trust us.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
can also us a plaster, or a band aid I think you call them - to put on cuts.

will pull the stems together and allow the plant to breathe though the material, awill alo stop any infections from attacking plant by gtting in wound, peel off when healed over.


Sector 5 Moderator
Assholes coming out of the friggin woodwork - as always. Anyway, stressing a plant like this (assuming it is a healthy plant) and even abusing it always results in the plant becoming better in some way, either it bushing out, producing more resin or some other betterment.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
make sure you post some pics in a week or two, just to show that dude who has been growin for 15 years that he dont know what he is talking about .peace duder.


Active Member
HAHA I will for sure. Thanks for the Info guys. So far she looks great, I didnt notice a difference at all. She keeps lookin better and better everyday. Ill post some pics later on..

Thanks again guys. :joint:


Active Member
same thing happened to me at wk 5/6 and im coming up on wk 8 and the buds on 2 of my branches snapped the first 1 i dont no what happened maybe the weight it was nearly off hanging by its bark lol and i done the same as u and alls well nearly 3 wks later itll be fine dont worry about it theres been no change in mine from it happened


Active Member
so how about this story...fim'd the plant at 3 feet tall...it split into 2 and grew another 2 feet....at 5 feet, i realized i wanted to keep it low due to stay discrete outside....so I was tying them down..i had one staked....but i had just staked a bunch of single stalks, it's been raining tons, so they really could bend....so I staked one main branch and when I staked the other, i thought it was a single plant, all of a sudden.....it snapped at the big Y. It snapped about 4 inches...and the mainstem was almost an inch thick..i used electrical tape to bind it...next day, it's fine...amazing.....it's so much fun and these plants absolutely take abuse...