Best Metal Band Of All Time?

the white lotus they were local to louisville but split about a year or two ago. i think their ms is still up tho, but i think it only has their last 2 songs on it
I reckon Pantera are prob the best metal band of all time but suggestions please :)
Black Sabath, 40 years later they still sound fresh and original.
I'm partial to them because they were who I heard the first time I ever got high.
Metalica is pretty damn good too.
Black sabath are outstanding! really good to get high too :)
But if we were heading in that kind of style i would pick Black label society over Black Sabath i think.
Pantera for classic

but my all time favourite for sheer genious and technical skill : Sikth.

eh, i could do without megadeth, metallicas old stuff is true, rob zombie live is a great show!
if you like job for a cowboy, look up "job for a sponge" on youtube, its knee deep to spongebob, pretty well done
but in my opinion the most talented metal band out there today is between the buried and me (sorry but screw avenged sevenfold, their new stuff if terribad)
between the buried and me is the only band ive heard that can actually do a very good job covering a queen song!
The Nu-Metal band Dope should definitely be mentioned here. Although they fall under the category of Nu-Metal, Metal music is Metal music; I also wouldn't consider them best of all time by any means because I wouldn't categorize their success anywhere near the success of Pantera, Metallica or Ozzy Osbourne for that matter. But Dope definitely has some good tunes to say the least and their name happens to be a mutual friend of mine haha.

Edit: My bad it appears most retailers have Dope classified under the Rock genre. They seem to me like they lean a little heavier toward Metal music for a "Rock" band IMO.
Very good documentary all about metal:


Pretty hard to contain all genres of Metal into one best band.....
Black Sabbath would be # 1 for old School
Panterra for shred metal
KISS for Glam or Show Metal
SLAYER for the satanic stuff or death metal.

Very good documentary all about metal: