Club 600


Well-Known Member
i agree with using the least amount of nutes possible! thats why i made the switch to the lucas formula which uses a pretty much exact ratio of elements for successful plant growth without giving anything else that would be wasted. only uses GH micro and bloom with some epsom salts.


Well-Known Member
I personally don't care what type of bike it is, it's still a bike as long as it has less than 4 wheels. Both sportbikes and cruisers are appealing to me for different reasons and I will have one of each eventually. It's a baby steps thing since the wifey is finally ok with me riding street again. I sold my GSXR750 when we moved in together to furnish the apartment and stuck to dirt after that. She's always been afraid to let me ride street ever since she saw me ride dirt, hehe.

I'll either get a cruiser or a sportbike of some sort now and I'll get the other once I've been on the first one for a while. I have no interest in riding like I used to since I now have two little ones to think about so no matter what I get, I'll be keeping things mellow on the road. No 150+ mph rides for me anymore. I'll stick to pulling wheelies when I can see for sure there's no popo around and keeping the speeds reasonable.

One of my favorite things to do was do wheelies to stoppies to wheelies to stoppies and repeat on my street after washing the bike. The neighborhood kids got a kick out of it too and would stop whatever they were doing to watch. It's all 1st gear stuff and still fun. I'd ride standup wheelies down the street that takes you in and out of my housing tract in 3rd sometimes too but the street is kind of tight so it was a little sketchy keeping an eye out for cars pulling out to leave.

All fun stuff with minimal penalty for failure.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Yup, this was from the original set of seeds I got from the bag of weed I bought, this would have been DNA's very first run of Headband. I still have some seeds of Thelma selfed and a few from another HB which seems to have shortened down the flower on the ones I tried. I ran it last time and I am regretting not running it again as the Oscar Headband, is super sticky and thick to smoke, but gets heavily seeded!
All I can say is thank you seed fairy. I just finished jarring my half gallon grow bag harvest. I had seven headband x cali-o and seven 'the og18' which were feminized from reserva privada but ended up seeded from some splooge that I can only guess came from the h x c-o. Just finished a few bong hits of the headband/c-o and it is super sticky with the distinct taste of the diesel in there, a very nice smoke. I hit my half ounce per plant mark and actually just a touch over. My casey jones is doing really nicely, very frosty. I have yet to water her tonight so I'll get some fresh pics up later.

SS and Jig, good for you guys, glad to see some of us actually are taking the opportunity to visit with one another.

For all of you guys with the second generation lemon skunks, don't forget to post up some pics when they hit the dirt, or water. I have seen neither the lemon skunk or white widow second generations grown out. I have some but it's going to take some time for me to get to them. I'm not going to do a sativa grow my next grow. I don't have enough of a stash so I'm going to do a six plant grow and do my sativas in the summer. I wanted to not use my big lights this summer but damn this growing thing is addictive and I couldn't imagine not growing for four months. Stoners, can't ever make up their minds and stick to a plan.


Well-Known Member
I know this isnt the newbie thread, but I was wondering if I put a few pics up if I could get a lil advice on my clones? Thanx


Well-Known Member
The bigger clone is the Bubba Kush, and the smaller is the GPD.
The Bubba has what looks like burn spots on some of the leaves, and one deformed twisted leaf.
The GDP had yellowing on 2 leaves. It had it on one leaf a lil when I 1st got it. I dont know if it is over watered of deficient.
I have had them almost a week, and watered them that day and not since. My probe says still wet enough.


Well-Known Member
Hah...first thing...ditch the probe...stick your finger in the dirt...if it is still wet an inch to inch and a half under the topsoil then you are good....and I can tell you what DST will say....water in some good micro is key to a healthy plant.


Well-Known Member
Hah...first thing...ditch the probe...stick your finger in the dirt...if it is still wet an inch to inch and a half under the topsoil then you are good....and I can tell you what DST will say....water in some good micro is key to a healthy plant.
I was worried about nutrients on a young clone, I'll go buy some 2morrow. I am out of micro and grow nutes right now!!


Well-Known Member
Damn dude! The fairy was good to you, very nice.

Cherry Cheese x BX sounds like it'd be nice. They all actually sound really nice when you hear (read) DST and Westy talking about them.


Well-Known Member
Along those lines I decided to try out some new nutes as well. I've still got the FF stuff and the Scrog plants are on that. The small tent is getting an Earth Juice lineup to try out against the FF stuff and the Hydro plants in the 4x4 tent are getting the GH Flora nutes using the expert program. I got hooked up with some GH stuff to try out right after buying the Earth Juice stuff so I figured, why not do them all?


Well-Known Member
Along those lines I decided to try out some new nutes as well. I've still got the FF stuff and the Scrog plants are on that. The small tent is getting an Earth Juice lineup to try out against the FF stuff and the Hydro plants in the 4x4 tent are getting the GH Flora nutes using the expert program. I got hooked up with some GH stuff to try out right after buying the Earth Juice stuff so I figured, why not do them all?
I have a local friend that use the ones I linked with hydo. His plants came out great every time. He never really wants to give much advice though. I asked him for help, and he hasnt gotten back to me.......

I just want to use something that has results I have seen, and I can I can get the gallon bottles for $89 shipped.....but dont have that much right now. The elec bills from last month kicked my ass.....$255


Well-Known Member
I have a local friend that use the ones I linked with hydo. His plants came out great every time. He never really wants to give much advice though. I asked him for help, and he hasnt gotten back to me.......

I just want to use something that has results I have seen, and I can I can get the gallon bottles for $89 shipped.....but dont have that much right now. The elec bills from last month kicked my ass.....$255
winter months are like that, running heat and growing. mine is 284.