Well I think that for someone just looking for personal meds the set up I'm running is gonna provide more than enough which is 360W of actual power draw (714W max rating). Irish is running DOUBLE the power I am but he gets his panels for free.....lucky bastard
LedBudGuy ran five ISIS-170's over a 24sq ft area with short little plants and pulled just over 27 zips. His journal is on this forum. The ISIS pull about 110W each so that yield was off 550watts

He is running an additional panel this time over the same area and taller plants so will be very interesting to see if the yield goes up or if the plants he ran last time were the penetration limit for those panels. Either way that translates to a yield of about 21 oz for 16 sq ft (4x4) and I'm kinda hoping to see someone try a four light ISIS set up in a 4x4 reflective tent with CO2 and see what kind of numbers they put up......