Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member

This is what I have at the moment. The bowl with broken glass in it is one of my Oil spoons that I dropped on the floor of my basement. It is soaking in 91%ISO.

The silver thing is my BHO extractor.

And the blunt box is just some blades and scrapers and pokers and what not.

The jar full of sugar leaf i am gonna use to make butter with in the morning.


Well-Known Member

god damn LOTS of pieces by FDD! you're like his biggest customer huh?


Active Member
I'm still waiting to see a nice Illadelph and some HiSi's. IMHO I think HiSi is one the best companies for scientific glass, my best friend has a the triple mushroom perc and its one of the smoothest bongs I've hit especially for the price. I'm looking for either the double mushroom or the bell perc by Hisi, I'm not a fan of their famous U percs, and unfrtuantely thats all I can find right now in the DFW metroplex. I really wished aqualabs carried them, I don't know why they don't

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'm still waiting to see a nice Illadelph and some HiSi's. IMHO I think HiSi is one the best companies for scientific glass, my best friend has a the triple mushroom perc and its one of the smoothest bongs I've hit especially for the price. I'm looking for either the double mushroom or the bell perc by Hisi, I'm not a fan of their famous U percs, and unfrtuantely thats all I can find right now in the DFW metroplex. I really wished aqualabs carried them, I don't know why they don't
for my next glass.. i want an illadelph beaker bottom straight tube with that illadelph precooler/ash catcher :)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I want to have a bong fight with you Gnome Grown

Line up all of our bongs, pack each bowl

each participant is equipped with an herb iron and extension cord

whoever cashes the most bowls before its all gone, WINS!



Well-Known Member
so this would have to be a video contest?..i had myself a lil smoke gauntlet today! :) i have like 8 tubes!

cryptkeeper,one day when im bored i'll just take pics of all my glass and just post it up! a lot of it is here just scatterd around!