Drug test, please help!!!

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The Stoned Sitar

New Member
Recently, i got busted by my mom and will now be taken to a clinic or something of that nature to be drug tested! Obviously, I do not want to stop smoking and need help passing the drug test!! It will be random and I will be notified the day of or the day before..

basically, im looking for something i can just keep in my car like synthetic urine or powdered urine.. can someone enlighten me on the pros and cons of each and if they work??


Active Member
get the synthetic urine. it comes with a little warmer pouch that you can break and hold against the fake pee bottle to warm it up to body temperature (or you can remove the lid and microwave it for a few seconds). They run about $25 and instructions are included with the product. They also come with two lids - the solid lid and a lid with a spout. Don't use the spout lid - when you squeeze it it makes a loud hissing/sucking noise. Just use the solid lid and pour it slowly. Synthetic urine is your only way to go if you want to smoke every day. You can hide the bottle in your shorts but don't try to sneak it in a backpack or something they won't let you take that into the bathroom. The cleanser drinks and pills typically take 24-48 hours to work. I managed a head shop for years and know what I'm talking about here.


Well-Known Member
lmfao are you serious?Your moms gonna pay to get you piss tested at a clinic?
Just tell her to go fuck herself.


Active Member
get the synthetic urine. it comes with a little warmer pouch that you can break and hold against the fake pee bottle to warm it up to body temperature (or you can remove the lid and microwave it for a few seconds). They run about $25 and instructions are included with the product. They also come with two lids - the solid lid and a lid with a spout. Don't use the spout lid - when you squeeze it it makes a loud hissing/sucking noise. Just use the solid lid and pour it slowly. Synthetic urine is your only way to go if you want to smoke every day. You can hide the bottle in your shorts but don't try to sneak it in a backpack or something they won't let you take that into the bathroom. The cleanser drinks and pills typically take 24-48 hours to work. I managed a head shop for years and know what I'm talking about here.

agreed... ive used this for a job and random tests 5 times and passed them all no problem


Active Member
lmfao are you serious?Your moms gonna pay to get you piss tested at a clinic?
Just tell her to go fuck herself.
Maybe not the best of advice, i mean she does pay the rent doesnt she? I use dehydrated w/o issue, but im not condoning its use in your situation. Only one time had an issue. I used a warmer, hard to explain TOO WARM. \Close to the body, no warmer. Best of luck to ya


Well-Known Member
Fuck that. What is she gonna do if you test positive for weed? Send you to rehab? I guess not. Anyways, sythetic urine sounds about right!


Active Member
If your not going to quit smoking, you should tell her. Let her know she is wasting her money, a test isnt going to stop you from smoking. See what she says. You cant be arrested or fined for failing a drug test, unless it is a requirement of probation or parole. Dont waste your money to pass a test, unless it is a requirement for probation or parole.

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
get the synthetic urine. it comes with a little warmer pouch that you can break and hold against the fake pee bottle to warm it up to body temperature (or you can remove the lid and microwave it for a few seconds). They run about $25 and instructions are included with the product. They also come with two lids - the solid lid and a lid with a spout. Don't use the spout lid - when you squeeze it it makes a loud hissing/sucking noise. Just use the solid lid and pour it slowly. Synthetic urine is your only way to go if you want to smoke every day. You can hide the bottle in your shorts but don't try to sneak it in a backpack or something they won't let you take that into the bathroom. The cleanser drinks and pills typically take 24-48 hours to work. I managed a head shop for years and know what I'm talking about here.
THANK YOU!! If i get busted then she'll take my computer and phone and not pay for college so... +rep!


Well-Known Member
What was the behavior that your mom didn't like that got you busted? Maybe you should try talking to her and figuring out what she wants improved so she'll lighten up. For instance, say she is paying for your college tuition and you are sitting in the dorm getting stoned everyday and getting straight F's for your Mom's hard earned money. Fix the grades, she gets off your back. It may not be that simple, but communication is the key. That and synthetic urine. But seriously, if you don't fix the behavior, the testing will go on forever because your mom won't believe you anyway.

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
What was the behavior that your mom didn't like that got you busted? Maybe you should try talking to her and figuring out what she wants improved so she'll lighten up. For instance, say she is paying for your college tuition and you are sitting in the dorm getting stoned everyday and getting straight F's for your Mom's hard earned money. Fix the grades, she gets off your back. It may not be that simple, but communication is the key. That and synthetic urine. But seriously, if you don't fix the behavior, the testing will go on forever because your mom won't believe you anyway.
Not to sound arrogant, but I make straight As (with the occasional B) in honors classes at a private academy in one of the richest counties in America. I have a very steady girlfriend of over two years. I haven't really ever done anything wrong.. at ALL!! I've never even had a sip of alcohol. The only lies i've ever even told to my parents involved marijuana and that was out of necessity for obvious reasons. My behavior is that of an intelligent, responsible, loving, caring, giving child with a bright future.. who happens to smoke marijuana.. She is a strong believer in the gateway theory and believes quite firmly that is is morally unjust AND against the bible. I tell the truth when I say my only vice is that I smoke marijuana. I use marijuana for the wonderful, positive, and medical affects of it. I'm not trying to escape reality or hide my problems, if anything marijuana helps confront my problems. After many, many conversations, medical journals, facts, articles, and hours and hours of research, she refuses to believe anything because she thinks it's all from "stoners with agendas just trying to ease their guilt so they can have their precious marijuana", and even IF she believed me, she would still fall back on the gateway THEORY and her religious beliefs, which in the words of George Carlin is just about as logical as saying, "nuh uh". Therefore, my only option is hiding it from her completely until i'm an adult or maybe even out of college.


New Member
you live under your moms house and i assume your underage so do what your told and when you hit 18 smoke till you croak...untill then stay focused on your education


Well-Known Member
So your mom busts you and expects you to PASS a drug test???? how does that make any sense..I call bullshit..JR

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
i'm 16 and she expects me to quit.. and marijuana doesn't effect my education.. what mama don't know won't hurt.. i'm not gunna let her bullshit beliefs fuck with my life


Well-Known Member
You will be banned from this site now............you are a minor Bye Bye kid ....good luck with the piss test........is mommy gonna hold your peepee while you piss in cup?


Well-Known Member
quick post a picture of your mom before you get banned ....fap fap fap
Lmfao! Too funny man.

To the op, maybe your mom should enroll you into a rough, RouGh public school. Not some dainty fucking academy. Then you will get your teeth kicked in and ThEN you will know how much shit your mom does for you. :)
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