Drug test, please help!!!

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The Stoned Sitar

New Member
you guys don't have to be assholes.. i'm not arrogant or selfish.. my mom and I just disagree on marijuana.. it's not that big of a deal.. i'm not some snobby rich punk ass private school kid.. stop judging goddammit

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
i do have the utmost respect for my parents.. except for my dad cuz he left us in october for a hot single blonde bimbo bitch so fuck him but thats a different story.. i do everything for her.. i'm a great kid.. don't act like yall never did anything against what your parents said....

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
lmfao are you serious?Your moms gonna pay to get you piss tested at a clinic?
Just tell her to go fuck herself.
Took the words out of my mouth!!! (off my keyboard?) Dude, grow a pair, and sit them down, and teach them the truth about Cannabis, the most useful plant on earth.

The Stoned Sitar

New Member
Took the words out of my mouth!!! (off my keyboard?) Dude, grow a pair, and sit them down, and teach them the truth about Cannabis, the most useful plant on earth.
i have many, MANY times..! they refuse to listen.. they think its all bullshit.. and they think its against the bible.. and morally wrong even if they DID believe the truth about cannabis


Well-Known Member
I went to seminary and I can't remember the part about cannabis. Wait....was it "Let he who is without sin be the first stoned?" Those are words to live by my friend.


Well-Known Member
A book of fiction dictates who I can stone....fuck that..........Im staying stoned all the time dont care who is first.


Uses the Rollitup profile
you guys don't have to be assholes.. i'm not arrogant or selfish.. my mom and I just disagree on marijuana.. it's not that big of a deal.. i'm not some snobby rich punk ass private school kid.. stop judging goddammit

Well, it IS a big deal that a minor is a member here, we take that seriously.

Ta ta :mrgreen:
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