So, I got a job


Well-Known Member
gotta love free money.
No such animal exists. You HAVE to qualify that match by putting in your own money FIRST. IMO 401k is inferior to managing your own money. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a Harvard professor to understand how to grow your wealth.


Well-Known Member
Due to the real estate Market...Its easy.. sorry you can't see it.
But Barney Frank and Chris Dodd made it so easy to get a loan that it tanked the economy..Its not that hard..All experts in the field say no recovery till housing recovers. Housing affects everything..
Seems like the trickle down is working for you lad..LOL.. married into a wealthy family...LOL... it works for UB but not everyone else..
Oh don't say your dumb UB I can tell you are very impressed with yourself....
barney frank and chris dodd single handedly collapsed the entire economy! you heard it here first folks!

ignore the fact that they were in the minority party while wages shrank BEFORE the housing collapse, the entire economic meltdown was the lone result of two rogue democrats who secretly controlled the strings of the entire government!

also, ignore how shrub boasted of his 'ownership society' and record home ownership rates in his SOTU speeches! he was just a puppet of barney frank and chris dodd, who controlled him through advanced mind control techniques, as well as a series of pullies and levers.

in unrelated news, sharks with lasers on their heads are responsible for homosexuality.


Well-Known Member
No buddy your your own words,,, your bitchin..LOL...
I knew it,,,, its OK nancy...LOL.. boy you lefties are real hyprocrites..glad your not the majority anymore the rest of us can't afford folks like Nancy
keep asserting it. maybe it might come true.

go back and check my first post. i asked the same question there.

you sad that i called you a pawn in that other thread? you sad i pointed out how i would be a better asset to the military than you? you jealous?


Well-Known Member
barney frank and chris dodd single handedly collapsed the entire economy! you heard it here first folks!

ignore the fact that they were in the minority party while wages shrank BEFORE the housing collapse, the entire economic meltdown was the lone result of two rogue democrats who secretly controlled the strings of the entire government!

also, ignore how shrub boasted of his 'ownership society' and record home ownership rates in his SOTU speeches! he was just a puppet of barney frank and chris dodd, who controlled him through advanced mind control techniques, as well as a series of pullies and levers.

in unrelated news, sharks with lasers on their heads are responsible for homosexuality.
Again seems easy for everyone else...LOL..
Trickle down workin for you tho..LOL..


Well-Known Member
Hey UB, you wanna know why you aren't seeing any trickle down effect? Cuz its trickling down into CHINA, not the USA.


Well-Known Member
No such animal exists. You HAVE to qualify that match by putting in your own money FIRST. IMO 401k is inferior to managing your own money. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a Harvard professor to understand how to grow your wealth.
that's true, but my money did pretty well in a 401k that i just let other people manage. some day i plan on educating myself about how to do my own investing. i was getting a 6% match on that fucker. i loved it.

i still say it is free money.


Well-Known Member
Hey UB, you wanna know why you aren't seeing any trickle down effect? Cuz its trickling down into CHINA, not the USA.
that is the most reasonable explanation i have heard so far.

1.4 million new jobs created since the recession by american other countries :eyesmoke:

god bless america


Well-Known Member
that's true, but my money did pretty well in a 401k that i just let other people manage. some day i plan on educating myself about how to do my own investing. i was getting a 6% match on that fucker. i loved it.

i still say it is free money.
you should just get some education,,, on life without wifeys safty net


Well-Known Member
For once I agree with you. 401K is a bs excuse for a retirement, manage your money, manage your future.

You are wrong about EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING YOU HAVE EVER SAID though...but on 401K we agree.

No such animal exists. You HAVE to qualify that match by putting in your own money FIRST. IMO 401k is inferior to managing your own money. You don't need to be a rocket scientist or a Harvard professor to understand how to grow your wealth.


Well-Known Member
reconcile that statement with the shrinking wages and zero net job growth despite lower taxes and increased productivity.

glad to hear you're doing well with the networking.
Off the top of my head, that statement could be reconciled with two facts:

The fact that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD.

And the fact that as a share of the economy, federal spending is currently 25 percent. A considerable portion of which is borrowed.


Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head, that statement could be reconciled with two facts:

The fact that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD.

And the fact that as a share of the economy, federal spending is currently 25 percent. A considerable portion of which is borrowed.
Well said Sir.


Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head, that statement could be reconciled with two facts:

The fact that the U.S. has the highest corporate tax rate IN THE WORLD.

And the fact that as a share of the economy, federal spending is currently 25 percent. A considerable portion of which is borrowed.
yet two thirds of corporations pay no federal taxes whatsoever. so i don't think that's it.

and i don't work for the government, so i don't think federal spending is it.



Well-Known Member
yet two thirds of corporations pay no federal taxes whatsoever. so i don't think that's it.

and i don't work for the government, so i don't think federal spending is it.

LMAO oh UB come on down here and live in the real world for a while, you just spew BS..
You have no idea what your talking about


Well-Known Member
LMAO oh UB come on down here and live in the real world for a while, you just spew BS..
You have no idea what your talking about
i do live in the real world. the same world where 2/3 of us corporations pay federal ZERO taxes, despite the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

seriously, go check it out.

GE paid $0 last year, for one prominent example.

do you ever get tired of being wrong?


Well-Known Member
i do live in the real world. the same world where 2/3 of us corporations pay federal ZERO taxes, despite the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

seriously, go check it out.

GE paid $0 last year, for one prominent example.

do you ever get tired of being wrong?
GE has its dick in just about every politicians mouth too. In a past profession I had to deal with GE on a daily basis. That company is too big to be efficient.


Well-Known Member
GE has its dick in just about every politicians mouth too. In a past profession i had to deal with GE on a daily basis. That company is too big to be efficient.
true, but they use the same loopholes available to any corporation, dick in the mouth/ass/orifice of choice of the nearest available politician or not.