Well if it helps, I am 43 years old now. I have been using canabbis since I was 16.
Compared to people my own age, I far more youthful, spiritual, physically healthier than they (most of dem have beer bellies and really unfit and bad attitudes about greed and stuff). I read and study the Bible everyday and am deeply committed to my Christian Faith. I still love doing the music and am a kind and gentle person who loves my brother and sister very much and never want to hurt them. That is what being Christian is really about.
I smoke like Bob Marley, believe me!
I think we have to be careful with very strong bud, as it can cause psychosis (usually not lasting very long). But I think a lot of this psychosis is inate, because we have unresolved issues in our psyche (soul). When I am on the ball with my Christian Faith I never get any paranoia (conscience attack).
For us who find ourselves on the margins of society because we are different, you know life is hard. Smoking the weed keeps me sane and is a bit of an emotional painkiller for me.
I sure hope this does not bar me from the Good LORD's Kingdom, through His Son Jesus Christ who came in the flesh! (just to show you that I am the real deal). If the LORD had told me "Thou shalt not smoke ganja" then I would not do it, but He has not ever informed me that way.
Even our Saviour liked a glass of wine, so we read!!! And He is God's Son!!!
Also, I know (being half jewish) that canabbis was used in the oil with which the Old Testament Kings and Prophets were annointed!!! Yes, it is an ingredient mentioned in the Talmud for the annointing oil in the Priestly Tradition. That would mean that the ceremonial tools for the Tabernacle would have been annointed this way, too. Check it out on wickipaedia. Can't remember the link off hand, but I have read it in many places.
One Love! Brothers and Sisters in Jesus The Christ! PEACE be with you my thinking feeling experimenting friends!!!