Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

if you believe in god then shouldnt you believe he made everything on earth? and if weed was made by god then it must be some good holy stuff!

Genesis 1.29 "Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed, it shall be food for you."

Chapter 22 Revelations "The sacred leaf", that will heal the minds of the people. Happy are the people of the millennial.

so from them 2 statements from the books of God i think that we can draw the conclusion that God made Humans because he was bored getting high alone!
honestly anyone who believes in any god shouldn't believe in anything the bible says.

the bible is OBVIOUSLY entirely a conception of man. any rules and restrictions within such a thing, was created by MAN.

so essentially, smoke as much as you want, fuck what the bible says.

if god exists, it transcends the mood presented by the bible as someone who should be feared and obeyed, impressed upon, that's all BULLSHIT.

god doesn't share any of our emotions, anyone who believes so has their head up their ass, period.

then again, this si not for me to determain, but anyone in their right mind would assume that something with control over time and space and existence itself would transcend the simplicity of human emotion.
All i know is there is proof that there was can only read a book about jesus so there is proof...............SMOKE THE HERB MAN.......and if there is a god he put it here and its medicine
I'm catholic and I dont feel that its the most terrible thing we could be doing. It may not be GREAT but the CRIMES AGAINST OTHERS are the things we should really do our best to avoid. Dont steal, dont hurt others, treat others with l0ve even when they deserve none. Just try to be good to your fellow man and i think ur kool :)
Yup its wrong, just like wearing a condom.

lol! just made my day

Idk man, Im kinda confused too. Im a christian and granted I haven't gone to church in a long time nor have I read the bible in a long time either. But I don't think it's wrong. Although Ive had this urge, probably god talking to me, to read the bible again cause my life's gone off the road that I really want it to go down. So I need guidance back...

Some times I feel as though I shouldn't be smoking and that it's wrong, sometimes I feel like I need to slow down, and other times that its just alright and there's no problem with it.... I just don't know
if you need guidance quit reading the story book called the bible. its from the bronze age.
will you also believe if you spit on a wound it cures it?
do u think sea monsters are a legitimate hazard?
is the earth flat?

if you answer yes to those two views continue reading and studying the bible. if not wake up and live YOUR life. cause back then they also believed in that.
too bad the bible doesn't say there are sea monsters.. just the boogieman in my closet. haha

but thanks mom, I do live my life though; however, the bible is more of a book of lessons as is the torah and the qur'an and they all refer to God as the same god in every religion, just with a different name. I live life as I want to be treated, as people say and as does the bible say. Im nice to people and hope I get the same in return. If not, tough luck. Ill try my best and live sin free and live for Him so I can get into heaven and be at peace for eternity instead of in hell. Im not gonna take my chances and end up in eternal damnation just to die over and over. And if I die and there is no heaven, then I spent my life being nice.... oh well... cant take it back now and not that I would

haha, and no where in the bible does it say that the earth is flat or that there are sea monsters or any of that. That's from the Iliad and all those stories from the greek empire

and actually, they discovered that the earth was round and not the center of the universe and the approximate circumference of the earth by its rotation and the planets around it; however, the library that contained all this information was burned down in an attack on the city and all that knowledge and information was lost for hundreds of years... just fyi