Blue venom grow

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
just started to germinate the fem seed in paper towel now, plan to use one 27w 6500k cfl to begin with, in a 2.5x2.5x4 cabnet with 2 120mm computer cooling fans

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
receved the seeds monday, bv seed germinated the next day! which was cool but its been 3 days and still no sprout? anyways heres the set up im going to use

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
naw accual wattage is 107w for veg, and 140 for flowering...had some good results from this amout of light, all my grows are for personal consumption anyway's

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
plant is finally obove the ground and looks good, but still has the shell on it so no need for pics yet...hopfully tamarrow will see leafs!

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
well tecnically day 2 of being above ground, still has that darn shell on it haha....third pic is of a bag seed that i planted 3 days before i planted the blue venom.

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
today is day 3 for the blue venom and day 5 for the bagseed...removed the shell carfully with a pair of tweezers came off completly dry and without problem, but will see..first pic dosent give real detail but thos are the cotyledons
Nice, just planted some seeds myself and waiting for them to pop dirt now. Your grow will be interesting to see, with all these blue names most plants don't turn blue lol. I want to grow a plant that turns blue... I like the color blue.

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
Nice, just planted some seeds myself and waiting for them to pop dirt now. Your grow will be interesting to see, with all these blue names most plants don't turn blue lol. I want to grow a plant that turns blue... I like the color blue.
haha yea iv seen pics of the bud thats produced from the blue venom not really blue at all lol...its just crossed with blueberry and white widow...what strain you growin?

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
blue venom day 4, bagseed day 6: the cotyledons are starting to fill up with clorophyll and are about to open up..i think she's going to be fine :mrgreen:

I just planted 2 white widow and 2 blackjack seeds so I'll see how that turns out. Blackjack is supposed to turn purpleish so I'm looking forward to that...should it ever pop out the soil.

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
I just planted 2 white widow and 2 blackjack seeds so I'll see how that turns out. Blackjack is supposed to turn purpleish so I'm looking forward to that...should it ever pop out the soil.
nice dude sounds like a good grow:blsmoke:..u should start a grow journal id defnitly like to see how they turn out

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
blue venom day 6, bag seed day 8: shes gunna be fine!! new lush green growth showing from the bv! the bagseed is also lookin pritty heathy too

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
i think because of the shell situation the bv was pushed back in development by like 2-3 days...but now that its open it should start to take off!!

green thumb115

Well-Known Member
day 7 blue venom, day 9 bagseed: can see tecnically the 3 set of leafs comeing in on the blue venom...just gave the first dose of nutes to the bagseed at little over 1/4 strength, i think their both doin good! :mrgreen:
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