Ron Paul takes on FAUX media.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, smirgen, he has some good points, but he has no chance at the repuke nomination. You may as well face the facts. Maybe he will run as an independent and garner a large % of the repuke votes, then the dems can win big.
If he ran indep, i'd have a hard time choosing between him and Obama. Obama is a bit too pro war for me, RP is a bit too anti-other things, stem cell research, kyoto. However, on the REP ticket, a vote for RP is simply wasted, and only helps McCain.


New Member
If he ran indep, i'd have a hard time choosing between him and Obama. Obama is a bit too pro war for me, RP is a bit too anti-other things, stem cell research, kyoto. However, on the REP ticket, a vote for RP is simply wasted, and only helps McCain.
In the primaries this is true, but in the general, if the repukes go for an independent Ron Paul, that will help the Democratic nominee. My fear is that too many democrats would vote for Ron Paul and give the presidency to McCain, God forbid!


New Member
I agree, we simply cannot continue, our economy will collapse. VV
And I'm the one accused of doom and gloom. I agree, if McCain is elected, we're fucked. Maybe Obama, or Hillary will do something to turn it around. Bill Clinton brought us out of Bush1s recession, maybe he'll help hillary do the same for bush2s depression. Ending the fricking war is job1. With McCain weve got another trillion or two just in military spending, which leads me to believe the elections will be rigged by the M.I.C. (Military Industrial Complex). The American people need to stand the fuck up against all repukes that want to continue this insane foriegn policy


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
First, Ron Paul is the only hope to restore America to the level that made us legendary to this day (that would be before the federal reserve came to be). Bill Clinton had NO effect on the economy and no president since the fed came to power has or will have until they are gone...that is a fact of monetary policy...of which they are in complete control. People who say their vote is wasted for voting for whoever are just plain ignorant. How can you waste a vote? The only wasted vote is one NOT cast. Fuck stand up for something! Dr. Paul is the ONLY one with a SOLID record of NO flopping around, period. If you don't agree with the policies he has then you are simply uneducated or totally misunderstand his positions. I apologize for the forcefulness of the post and do not mean to insult anyone. I believe the point of an argument is not to win or lose, but to make progress...and hopefully I have done a little of that.


New Member
When you consider his privatization plans, you may have a little different view. All you have to do is look at what the private sector has done and is still doing with Medical to understand that their mantra is profit over service. His liberty qualities are outstanding, but to turn control of the country over to the private sector with all the greedy CEOs running the show is just fucking outrageous. The federal Government has a role to play in society and one of the main ones should be taking care of their citizens, either through oversight or direct control of the necessary services.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
I will just get into one spot of that argument. The private sector is regulated and subsidized by government to be that way. Paul's privatization would bring much more competition, which means better quality and lower prices because of the withdrawal of government from the private sector. The free market works much better without government controls...thats why you pay so much to eat. Education, Medicine, social security, etc...everything the federal government takes over to 'help' everyone out just gets convoluted, over regulated, over expanded, spent into should get the picture.


New Member
I will just get into one spot of that argument. The private sector is regulated and subsidized by government to be that way. Paul's privatization would bring much more competition, which means better quality and lower prices because of the withdrawal of government from the private sector. The free market works much better without government controls...thats why you pay so much to eat. Education, Medicine, social security, etc...everything the federal government takes over to 'help' everyone out just gets convoluted, over regulated, over expanded, spent into should get the picture.
Excellent post Everready ... and I agree with every word of it. You're new to the forum so I'll let you in on a little secret: Getting Med to understand the beauty of free markets is like getting a dog to mate with a cat. It ain't gonna happen. Med is a Marxist through and through. His politics are the politics of envy. His religion is to destroy the producers and his sacrament is Big Government.

Take care ... :)



New Member
Excellent post Everready ... and I agree with every word of it. You're new to the forum so I'll let you in on a little secret: Getting Med to understand the beauty of free markets is like getting a dog to mate with a cat. It ain't gonna happen. Med is a Marxist through and through. His politics are the politics of envy. His religion is to destroy the producers and his sacrament is Big Government.

Take care ... :)

I'm so glad you know so much about me. It seems every time I deflate your little meglomaniacal closet of Ideas you come back with the pinko commie marxist crapola. You are definently a one trick pony. Please show me how the government has caused CEOs to become so greedy and pay themselves Mega-million dollar salaries, while laying off thousands of workers, hiring illegals, and shipping thousands of jobs overseas, come on you fascist twit, show me how it is the governments fault!


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
You say- Please show me how the government has caused CEOs to become so greedy and pay themselves Mega-million dollar salaries, while laying off thousands of workers, hiring illegals, and shipping thousands of jobs overseas, come on you fascist twit, show me how it is the governments fault!

I say- My pleasure!
Free trade agreements, devaluation of our currency(monetary policy), higher taxes on american goods, and foriegn policy to name a few are directly responsible for what you have stated...that is our government at work. Our companies are rewarded for using cheap labor and having the job over seas because they can circumvent laws here that require equal pay, health care plans, etc. The devaluation of our currency and the fact that it is our number one export only furthers this. Toss in the free trade agreements and why the hell would you want to have a company here?
The very high salaries come into play because they aren't really salaries. It is a cool thing the government has done in all their infinite wisdom that allows those type of profits to be doled out like that depending on the type of business...
If you want details you can start googling any time.



Well-Known Member
go everready!! i really don't understand why so many people dont realize how much freedom they really have how much power they have to make the different.
My guess is they been trip away the freedom they really have for so long and been dump down by the gov.
Well all i have to say is if you want to use ur maryjane freely then fight for it!! It's your right but u have to earn it not take it for granted...
Good luck Ron Paul!! I really hope he'll do well tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
If he ran indep, i'd have a hard time choosing between him and Obama. Obama is a bit too pro war for me, RP is a bit too anti-other things, stem cell research, kyoto. However, on the REP ticket, a vote for RP is simply wasted, and only helps McCain.
HAHAHA kyoto! HAHAHAH! 99-0 it got shut down HARD!


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad you know so much about me. It seems every time I deflate your little meglomaniacal closet of Ideas you come back with the pinko commie marxist crapola. You are definently a one trick pony. Please show me how the government has caused CEOs to become so greedy and pay themselves Mega-million dollar salaries, while laying off thousands of workers, hiring illegals, and shipping thousands of jobs overseas, come on you fascist twit, show me how it is the governments fault! Marx suggesting secure borders? :mrgreen: