First canna coco grow with canna nutes

Turtle Koi

Active Member
Hi turtle thanks for droppin i love the spicky leaves to think its a haze thing seen some super silver haze that looks sim.

jah man, I think they look really elegant with the spiky ends. I'm waiting on some NL5xHaze from Sensi, they grow kinda like that. Check this hawaiian I've got, it's the total opposite.




Well-Known Member
jah man, I think they look really elegant with the spiky ends. I'm waiting on some NL5xHaze from Sensi, they grow kinda like that. Check this hawaiian I've got, it's the total opposite.

Cool! real round leaves its got! you got a thread we more pics mate?
Id like to see the NL5xHaze grown out for sure!


Turtle Koi

Active Member
i've got plenty of pics in my journal, haven¿t figured out how to paste the link to it here, please check it out though, I flushed and flicked today! My lirl girls are growin up. Proud pappa.


Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro.....Nice set up you got there!!.........i dont no how to start a journel i thought a thread would be better as you get people droppin in an helpin you out more.

Do you no how to get pics in your albums in your profile i cant sort it....ive named the album but no pics Haha


Turtle Koi

Active Member
Lookin good bro.....Nice set up you got there!!.........i dont no how to start a journel i thought a thread would be better as you get people droppin in an helpin you out more.

Do you no how to get pics in your albums in your profile i cant sort it....ive named the album but no pics Haha

yup for sure you get more people stoppin by through threads, what I do is I then journal them, check for the journal this post icon in the lower left corner of each post, helps keep a good record, i havent started an album, but all my attachments autosave, after uploading in the manage attachments button that appears when you go advanced in your posting. hopefully we'll be surfing this bitch smoothly soon.
yesterday i found a liquid food for hummingbirds made out primarily out of sugar cane molasses and additives like B vitamins, I think that might be a good similar for growers that cant get any bloom blasters like me, cheap too.
gonna roll up a fatty and try to get some sleep, gotta a big concert tonite, easy yo


Well-Known Member
Nice grow Pukka. Sub'd mate! They calyxy's will swell nice when you hit it with the pk. You gave it some yet? around now would be good time, well how long does it flowere for acctually?



Well-Known Member
Looks good Turtle! Can see a couple double serated fingers on you'r fan leaves! Should be a winner for you man!



Well-Known Member
Nice grow Pukka. Sub'd mate! They calyxy's will swell nice when you hit it with the pk. You gave it some yet? around now would be good time, well how long does it flowere for acctually?

Hey jambo

Thanks for droppin in bud....I started usin the PK about a week ago low rate 4ml/g goin to rase to 6ml/g when i think its the sweet spot?? Then back down for a week so like 3 weeks all together......She's a 70-75day flower with bein a haze, Ive got some AN Overdrive to add for the last 2-3 weeks....I started usin the canna boost from the 1st site of flower low rate 8ml/g then at high rate 16ml/g now while im usin the PK, the boost will only last another 2 weeks.....Then im goin to start usin Sucanat (pure sugar cane) its unrefiend sugar so it contains natural molasses, carbs and vitimans apparently your micro beasties love it! and its cheap and organic...i havent used before so got to check it an see!

If you have used the sucanat or anthing simular any info would be sound mate.....Here a few links to some threads on Sucanat if you havent herd of it or your interested,

Sucanat, Soo-ka-nat

How do i use sucanat(pure sugar cane)???



Well-Known Member
heah Pukka, how you doin. Never heard of the sucanat man. I use unsulphered Mollasses but sound's good, i mix a tbl spoon of mollasses in a coffee cup with boiling water then add it to a litre of cold distilled water. I use it like that all through flowering giving the plants it about twice a week! Hope that help's man!



Well-Known Member
Hi gj

would you recommend usin only twice a wk then mate like the molasses? i was thinkin everyfeed maybe if it will work ok, im still doin some research on the stuff so mite end up only usin tsp a day instead of the tbs im not 100% what im goin to do yet

thanks mate
