Not to mention the guy is growing the 100 dollar a seed for free lmao.If that aint free advertising what is??
Well I'm the GUY, and the reason it wasn't done here (the journal), is because of the trolls who have finally shown themselves in this thread. I knew it would cause all this bullcrap, and that the authenticity of the cut would work itself out eventually. I can only imagine the garbage Doc has to put up with on a daily basis making himself available to the public like he does on the phone and through emails.
If you care to watch the journal, you know where to go now, if not, you know where else you can go. No one is advertising for Doc. There happens to be a group of growers in Michigan who happen to like his genetics and that is it, no conspiracies I assure you. I do know that Doc has given people seeds in return for journaling his genetics on their own, that they had purchased. They in turn are just journaling the seeds sent them. If you call that advertising, then you are wrong, It's called loyalty to a brand, as they were not asked to journal the free seeds sent them (I wasn't). Dr.Gruber is only one of them, and is one of the nicest, most compassionate persons I have ever had the pleasure of calling a friend. I know several others also, so instead of people complaining, then why not buy a pack of 10 Niagra seeds for $100.00, or 10 Millenium Bud seeds for $125.00, and journal your grow with pictures. Send Doc a link and he may consider peoples troubles, and might just find something new for you to try (I can't say this as a fact, as he is his own person, but he is a generous man when treated with the respect due).
For all you Shantibaba / Neville fanatics, if you think the info they originally gave out about the original G13's characteristics as fact, then you really have something wrong with you. There is only one European breeder that has this cut, and it isn't Reeferman, so save your $75.00.
By the way, the seeds were a gift. There were no stipulations, restrictions, or any requirements made on Doc's behalf. I have been waiting for years for Doc to get these seeds released to his brands standards.