Slow seedling growth and few shriveling


Active Member
I'm having an almost carbon copy of your situation. My 9 day old seedlings:

For the record I'm using Fox Farm, it seems like maybe some strains are just slower to start than others. From what I've read the growth should accelerate rapidly once transplanted and entering veg stage. Good lock with your babies brother!
Yours look nice and green though, not yellow. Are they 9 days from planting or emergence?


I'm having an almost carbon copy of your situation. My 9 day old seedlings:

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View attachment 1408776

When do you plan to move them to a bigger container? What about starting to add nutes? I'm a little grey on this myself but maybe ours are becoming somewhat root bound from the small cups..

For the record I'm using Fox Farm, it seems like maybe some strains are just slower to start than others. From what I've read the growth should accelerate rapidly once transplanted and entering veg stage. Good lock with your babies brother!
Well probably pretty soon cuz im with kbo ca i think its my soil, theyve gotten a bit worse and its lookin like nute burn. So ill be transplanting them very soon to 5 gallon buckets in which theyll remain in until the end. Im prob not gonna add nutes until another 2-3 weeks. and i will say im pretty positive theyre not rootbound already.

best of luck to u too dude


Active Member
I can't imagine either of you guys are root bound, a plant would have to be many times the size of the container for that to even be possible. I think most seedling troubles are either too wet or dense soil, not enough oxygen. Make sure the soil is warm 75-80, and well drained. I personally like florescent light for seedlings and clones, they can be almost touching the bulb ensuring plenty of light without a chance of burning.


Well, mine dries out FAST, as in, if i don't water it 12 hours later, its dried to a crisp. I have definite heat issues man!!!


Average is 90ish, peaks at 95. Too hot for my taste, looking to get a much better fan ASAP. Won't a bigger pot help keep moisture longer in higher heat?


Well-Known Member
i would be willing to bet its your soil thats the problem. im not gonna knock MG because if you start your plants right, MG will work. seeds should be planted into a seed starting mix for a few weeks first to develop a root system before being planted into a hot soil like MG and even FFOF. its a reason why miracle-gro and even fox farms has seed starting mediums. its because a young plant doesnt need all those nutes in its first few weeks. a plant has to develop a root system first before it can handle lots of nutes.


Well-Known Member
here is a perfect example. the first two pics are 8 days from planting seed in a rapid rooter. pis 3&4 are 17 days from seed and the last 3 are today which makes her 28 days from seed. she just got her first dose of fish & seaweed today at 1/4 strength. i didnt feed her anything for the first 15 days at which i gave a weak solution of big bloom and then big bloom 2x a week and now shes starting to get fish & seaweed as i said. im using a soilless / seed starting mix with no nutes at all.



Active Member
Average is 90ish, peaks at 95. Too hot for my taste, looking to get a much better fan ASAP. Won't a bigger pot help keep moisture longer in higher heat?
That's really hot, large plants in 1500ppm CO2 can take 90's quite well, but it may be hard on seedlings? I haven't had seedlings that hot so I can't really say. Bigger pot would certainly hold water longer, 75 to 80 would be nice if possible though, mine are a week old in 4" pots at 80 and only watered once so far.


Active Member
here is a perfect example. the first two pics are 8 days from planting seed in a rapid rooter. pis 3&4 are 17 days from seed and the last 3 are today which makes her 28 days from seed. she just got her first dose of fish & seaweed today at 1/4 strength. i didnt feed her anything for the first 15 days at which i gave a weak solution of big bloom and then big bloom 2x a week and now shes starting to get fish & seaweed as i said. im using a soilless / seed starting mix with no nutes at all.
Hey great photos! What's the width of those square pots for size reference?


So I just totally emptied all that miracle grow shit from my seedlings and re-transplanted them all back into the cups with seedling soil (dirt, moss, and vermiculite mix), also mixed in root starter (all natural no nutes with microbials sp?) to help protect the roots from mold and disease and promote strong healthy growth. Pics comin soon aka when they perk up, which is hopefully soon!


Seeing as though they are all in solo cups im gonna need to transplant (if all goes well) to bigger pots(5 gallon bags). My selection around town is slim, so im lookin at plain potting soil (no added nutes) from lowes that i am going to mix with peat moss, and maybe perlite if i can find it. Whatta u guys think?