Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

ahh i see that sucks

Oh i measured my hpoo, it turned out to be only 3 1/2 quarts so im waiting on my 10 lbs to come in so i can do this tek.

hehe I'm slowing starting to understand the basics of growing the mushrooms. It's more about following a tek to the letter. Not trying to improve on it is hard for me to do.

i think i might try my hand at this again. the cheapest way possible. ill let you know when i get started. until then im reading your thread and learning. :)
if i load this substrate into jars, how long can i keep it before it goes bad?

Is this something that should be made right before its used (cooled)?

if i load this substrate into jars, how long can i keep it before it goes bad?

Is this something that should be made right before its used (cooled)?


Don't make it ahead of time. When you spawn to any sub a clock is started in a race. The race is between the mush myc and anything else that may also like to eat and grow in the delicious, nutritious sub. So, you want the sub to be ready at the time your spawn is ready. The myc will always win in the race this way as it has fully colonized a jar and ready to rip through any food you give it, it has the numbers in the game.

I will have some interesting pics and posts reguarding this in the future.
hi there choempi

this thread has mashed my brains m8
i didnt no growing shrooms was so hard lol
great post m8 great info keep it up ;)

+REP. I'm going to start my first batch of cakes tomorrow. Then on to bulk, after I master the cakes. Thank you for all the great info.
So you say that it is advisable to make a LC jars from spore syringes? I’ll have to look into this too. I have a few syringes that have been sitting around for some time. I hope their still good.
Thanks again.
I made a LC out of one strain and looks like it worked. Do you grow out to agar plates? how do you test your LCs to make sure their not contaminated?

I made a LC out of one strain and looks like it worked. Do you grow out to agar plates? how do you test your LCs to make sure their not contaminated?



Nuther fun fact bro, take a couple 1/2 pint jars for every lc you wanna test, fill like 1 or 2 inches with processd grain per whatever tek you do, and then take a real healthy shot of your LC (LIKE 10CC AT LEAST) and shoot em and watch, 4 or 5 days you can see if it is good, and if it is draw off that grain jar, noc up another lc or 2 and as many jars as you can at +2cc at least per quart...

Nuther fun fact bro, take a couple 1/2 pint jars for every lc you wanna test, fill like 1 or 2 inches with processd grain per whatever tek you do, and then take a real healthy shot of your LC (LIKE 10CC AT LEAST) and shoot em and watch, 4 or 5 days you can see if it is good, and if it is draw of that grain jar, noc up another lc or 2 and as many jars as you can at +2cc at least per quart...

gotta finish after reading realize I didn't tell ya, to draw off the grain jar, sterilize your syringe and let the final time you draw it full, that is sterile h2o, you use that as many times as you want to aspirate the good jars, I have shot up half pints with +70cc. This is a grain LC...
heres a shot of my homemade lid. tyvek and rtv silicone


and hers a pic of the LC jar


I bought a 10 lbs sack of organic rye berries and a case of quart jars. Ill be getting more jars me thinks as time goes on.
I will make up then inoculate 6 quarts for this tek.

Im thinking of using a shotgun fruiting chamber, your thoughts on them?

I bought a 10 lbs sack of organic rye berries and a case of quart jars. Ill be getting more jars me thinks as time goes on.
I will make up then inoculate 6 quarts for this tek.

Im thinking of using a shotgun fruiting chamber, your thoughts on them?


thought you had one already JP...