Reefer-ee Memo
Surprise #2;
This is not a rule,, just a request.
As I think was mentioned early on, my intentions are to have a seperate pole for voting.
I would like for all of you to consider a single photo to represent you and your grow to be sent to me in a "PM" so that I may include them all in one link when I do the pole. NOT NOW! (LOL) Later when you're near finished or a couple days before the competition closes.
You are not required to submit as a rule. But I will grab one that seems good to me if you don't.
This is to help rattle your creative juices a bit.
The photo should be your campagne platform for getting voted as top contender. The photo may be all that the voter sees for basing their favorite. Up to you to shine with one photo, or make them interested enough to go looking for your series of postings. As stated earlier,
"Make people want to vote for you and your plant." No movies. No words. Just 1 picture to my mailbox by PMs.
I hope this catches most of you early enough to make plans to best utilize this vote gathering incentive.
Remember though, your plant NEEDS to be recognizable as being the contestant entered. And please don't go too vulgar. Also, the photo must be of one used in your updates on this thread.
Sorry Teflon, I never expected a 4 week finish to even be possible.
Before someone decides to go nuts with Photo Shop, often times,
less is more. This is not a photo contest. It's entirely about what you have done with your plant. Have some fun with it.
Examples of what I've in mind -
If your plant comes out looking like a ash tray you may want to include a roach in the branches, sitting on a table in a country setting sort of thing. (dumb example I know - LOL)
Good luck and enjoy.
I have been and will try to continue keeping tabs on the post numbers of updates that pertain to each individual contestant. My intent is to include them as a caption of sorts with each of your individual picture submitted. I hope that will make it easier and more likely for voters to actually go back and see a contestant's grow while helping to eliminate some
clutter for those looking.
Point of interest - We have at present 137 post on this thread and 2669 "views." Could be a few potential voters watching.