The UK Growers Thread!

Cheers mate, do u mix it with anything?? Really 31p for 20 litres that sounds spot on for my budget!

i just mix it with a little sand that it just pop your germed seed in the soil and let it do the work. after about 10 days i start using canna vega nutes for veging then switch to canna bloom for flowering. i've never had any problem with this setup and hope it works for you.
and yeah i was surprised myself when i was in tesco on friday and saw the soil at that price so i grabbed a few as they usually a bit dearer.
Sweet il have a look at that to then.. Would vermiculite be just as good for drainage?? And like what percentage roughly?

i don't know about vermiculite mate i never used it, with the john innes i'd mix it 6-7parts to 3-4 perlite, it's easy enough to find the mix you want just do it in small mixes, when i did mine i used a plastic storage bin 5gal? and a plastic jug from the kitchen. my mix i think was 6parts soil, 2parts sand and 2parts perlite and it worked well, the only downside apart from the mixing is the cost sand and perlite aswell as the soil mix isn't cheap if your buying it from BnQ even leaving the sand out it's still pricey compared to the hydro shops, if you have one you can get to i'd go to them mate you can buy bio-bizz and plagron for a tenner a bag and it's all ready to go and you don't have to worry about getting bugs in your soil mate
Ok cheers for ur replys guys, were do I get the sand from? Can I just use building sand... Il will give them both a try!

you can use builders sand mate you just need to check to make sure it has been cleaned, i imagine you'll smell it if it's not. sometimes it's marked up as play sand etc it just means it's been cleaned mate
you can use builders sand mate you just need to check to make sure it has been cleaned, i imagine you'll smell it if it's not. sometimes it's marked up as play sand etc it just means it's been cleaned mate

Ok that's cool well thanks man I now feel ready to get my baby lady in some nice soil!! Cheers for the help
no worries mate, check ya local for a hydro store before you set off though mate it might save you a few quid
ain't that the truth my local one does Biobizz All mix (20 litres) for £6 - 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% mixture of organic fertilizers, admittedly couple of quid more than what I'd pay for 20 litres of standard in B&Q but I'll pay £2 for the peace of mind, ease and lack of mess!

Saying that I mixed my own for a year and have still got most of the the industrial bag of vermiculite I bought in my cupboard!
Just a QQ for the coco growers out there, what do you have your ph at? Everyone says 6.5 for soil but I've heard lots of different things about coco.
ain't that the truth my local one does Biobizz All mix (20 litres) for £6 - 20% sphagnum peat moss, 35% garden peat, 10% high quality worm manure, 30% perlite and 5% mixture of organic fertilizers, admittedly couple of quid more than what I'd pay for 20 litres of standard in B&Q but I'll pay £2 for the peace of mind, ease and lack of mess!

Saying that I mixed my own for a year and have still got most of the the industrial bag of vermiculite I bought in my cupboard!

i'm with you mate i still got perlite left from my first run and a monster bag i picked up at the hydro store for£16, i'm fond of the plagron light mix aswell as the bio-bizz there a tenner a bag in mine but i think there 30l? could be wrong i don't pay much attention to the bags lol yeah buying from BnQ works out alot dearer i think about a year odd back it worked out nearly double the price when you added the perlite and sand not to mention 3x the amount of bags, i use bio-bizz nutes aswell mate so all in all it works out pennys a run, what nutes do you use mate?
Just a QQ for the coco growers out there, what do you have your ph at? Everyone says 6.5 for soil but I've heard lots of different things about coco.

i ran mine at 5.8 mate but raised and lowered a little with feedings and 5.8-6.0 on straight waterings
i'm with you mate i still got perlite left from my first run and a monster bag i picked up at the hydro store for£16, i'm fond of the plagron light mix aswell as the bio-bizz there a tenner a bag in mine but i think there 30l? could be wrong i don't pay much attention to the bags lol yeah buying from BnQ works out alot dearer i think about a year odd back it worked out nearly double the price when you added the perlite and sand not to mention 3x the amount of bags, i use bio-bizz nutes aswell mate so all in all it works out pennys a run, what nutes do you use mate?

ha they must have seen us coming! Remember when the guy cam from out back of the shop with the bag, never mind I'm sure the house plants will use it eventually!

I got 50l of All Mix this time for £11 I think.

I'm using the biobizz range with this lot (and till it runs out!) Biogrow, bloom and max as per their schedule with 2 x Blue widow and 1 x Kandy Kush.
hey is there any growers from scotland on here would be good to hear from other growers closer to home and how there experiences have been with indoor growing.
lets help each other out and you never know we cud be having a smoke together in a few months.
Just a QQ for the coco growers out there, what do you have your ph at? Everyone says 6.5 for soil but I've heard lots of different things about coco.

Hi WOW..... well canna say on there site 5.5 - 6.2ph but i always go for the 5.8 ruffly in middle, they also say 6.2 good for veg and 5.8 for flower, if your thinkin bout goin for coco pal i would deff recommend Canna very easy heres a link to there grow put in what your usin your tank size and it works it all out for you...its wicked for 1st time coco users!

Grow Guide | CANNA UK


Oh yea and you water with nutes evertime in coco its hydro
hey is there any growers from scotland on here would be good to hear from other growers closer to home and how there experiences have been with indoor growing.
lets help each other out and you never know we cud be having a smoke together in a few months.

hi mate, im scottish. i take it the 'bhoy' at the end of your name is a reference to ur fitba team!! as ye can see with the union jack on my avatar ye can probably guess what team i support. roll on the next 6 weeks, playin each other 3 times. maybe get a least 1 good game oot o them all. where abouts are you? im in darkest hun filled ayrshire.
I got rid of Jehova's Witnesses the other day, not by saying I'm jewish, or that I'm an athiest..

I said 'Come on in, I'm about to shave my pubes.'