Poll: myhcorhizal use in ebb/flow?

Should I put mycorhizal fungi in my hydro setup ?

  • Yeah dude, fungi can boost growth and fight off infection

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Waste of time, they won't live. Just use h2o2

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • I have no fucking clue but I'll answer anyway

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Your a douche, do your own homework :)

    Votes: 1 6.7%

  • Total voters

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
they did tell me thet there are only a few of these that are benneficial in hydro and the rest wont survive though, having the webbing or fuzz for soil guys isnt good,. that using to much.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well nothing was said about the amount of water drop. just the ppm drop and i see that as a norml drop to what im used to


Well-Known Member
Dope. Then our plants are eating constantly. How is that critical mass? Got it as a freebee. That fuzz is what you want bro, I promise.


Well-Known Member
Ill say this once more Roots Excelorator completely dissolves and won't clog anything, not even aero sparyers. ..and especially if you show due dilligence cleaning in between uses with h2o2. You use enzymes in conjunction at a low rate throughout nutrient changes and everything stays clean.
Say it all you want, but roots excellerator doesn't have beneficial microbes in it and that is what we are talking about here. Its good shit, I use it, but its mostly hormones that are doing the work.

Med1.. glad you corrected yourself about no place to live in hydro. I spoke with several people about this, including a guy that manages a lab that produces myco fungus for sale to various hydro nutrient makers. They do "due better" in soil but the fungus actually colonize the roots themselves, attaching themselves to the roots and actually penetrating the cellular walls of the roots. I asked him if I should add something to my hydroton for them to "live in" his words..no need. Once they are established they are established so yeah, no need to be constantly dumping them in there. As if somehow they just up and fucking disappear in a week. In my restoration work we only inoculate roots and soils ONCE with beneficials... same as with commercial ag. Its actually kind of shameful that nutrient manufacturers tell you to just keep adding and adding them.

120 ppm drop AND 5 gallons.. that got to equal what.. 200 total ppm drop in one night? Pretty greedy little fuckers you have there. I measure after topping off with plain water, my uptake record to date is 118 for 12 plants in a 50 gallon rez.


Well-Known Member
That's before topping off. Sometimes I do an addback with a topoff. They are greedy. Its 15 LA Confidentials vegged for 2 weeks (when I innoculate most ) then to flower. 50 gal res using 40 gallons of solution.


Well-Known Member
ok i just went and asked a tech and i put my foot in mouth...yes they will live buit isnt recomended in a recirculating system as it will explode and clog shit up and foam the rez.
My system is a recurring system. the bennies with colonize the root zone and the medium, plus I use a sponge for them to colonize as well. As for food for them to eat they have plenty, roots die off all the time and grow new ones that is a fact of life for plants. Some people add carbs for the bennies to eat but it is not needed, I am not talking about adding carbs to sweeten the flavor up that is in the last phase.

Say it all you want, but roots excellerator doesn't have beneficial microbes in it and that is what we are talking about here. Its good shit, I use it, but its mostly hormones that are doing the work
Agree it is a chemical only

legallyflying said:
Its actually kind of shameful that nutrient manufacturers tell you to just keep adding and adding them
Agree again, I hate it when they make all kinds of hype or magic for people to buy.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
im not a hydro guy and was just passin on info from our nute guys. i did correct myself and say it does work.