Evidence of Deity! Comfort for the Christian, Proof for the Atheist


Active Member
Ah, yes. Good one dear boy! You seemed to have won the insult game.

Your prize is a brand new cemetery plot. You are required to use it this year.


Well-Known Member
JealousGreen Hell, I was going to clap because you formulated a sentence.:clap:
Deciding you are an idiot is not an insult, it's simply deciding you are an idiot. It's the same conclusion everyone who has read this thread has come to. No one person who read this decided what you said deserved support. The stuff you say reflects a deep and unrecognized ignorance that you interpret as a superior position and defend by being a smart ass.


Well-Known Member
JealousGreen Hell, I was going to clap because you formulated a sentence.:clap:
I've been forming cogent sentences throughout this interaction. Your inability to articulate an effective response speaks volumes more than the vapid pseudo-intellectual verbal diarrhea that began this thread.

You can't act smug when you're being touted as the imbecile you are.


Well-Known Member


I'm not going to insult you because that's pointless and you really don't deserve it.. But making a thread like this was not a good idea.. Why don't you quit worrying about others and worry about yourself.. that's the biggest problem in this world. It's not the battle between Religion and Science or whatever the hell the "intelligent" people of the world are doing.. It's the fact that nobody can live and let live.. who gives a shit what the other person thinks???? It's HIS mind.. NOT yours. So here's a bit of advice to all of you. Get off everyone's GOD DAMN NUTS.


"I've been forming cogent sentences throughout this interaction. Your inability to articulate an effective response speaks volumes more than the vapid pseudo-intellectual verbal diarrhea that began this thread.

You can't act smug when you're being touted as the imbecile you are." - JealousGreen

You speak words of emptiness. Quit trolling kid. Nobody cares how intelligent you can sound because we all know the truth.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i did not read through the inevitable troll fest that likely ensued here, but i wanted to point out to the op that i knew this thread was a taunt WITHOUT entering. you just have to hover your mouse over the thread title, genius. just wanted to confirm for you that you even though you fail at being poignant, you did succeed at wasting a full 4 minutes of my time.

Alex Kelly

Active Member
"I've been forming cogent sentences throughout this interaction. Your inability to articulate an effective response speaks volumes more than the vapid pseudo-intellectual verbal diarrhea that began this thread.

You can't act smug when you're being touted as the imbecile you are." - JealousGreen

You speak words of emptiness. Quit trolling kid. Nobody cares how intelligent you can sound because we all know the truth.
Actually, if you re-read this thread, you will see that he was most likely using "intelligent" words and grammar in order to remove the chance of weed4cash to leave another arguement unaddressed and attack you for something random such as the way you conveyed your sentences.

EXAMPLE: JealousGreen Hell, I was going to clap because you formulated a sentence.

Ironically, it was pretty stupid and idiotic to create this thread, although, whatever floats your boat weed4cash. Personally, I will forget about this thread a few days from now and continue to use this sight for research and the acuisition of further intelligence (lol). Weed4cash you made no impact on my thoughts or my stance on any subject. You just showed me there really are people like you around.


Active Member
You all have put a smile on my face. To think Christianity or Atheism is as shallow as your thoughts and comments is truly worthy of a chuckle. In all honesty, those I attracted are every bit what I wrote them to be.

Perhaps you all will gravitate beyond your pointless opinions and really impact life with a worthy cause. What makes shallow intellect? You never take faith past the door of your own box, so you never know any other reality but your own.

How I process and perceive myself has never been influenced by any one but me. You can blame others for making you mad or happy, for committing crimes or buying gifts or loving or hating, but in the end it was you who made the decision based on your perception of your reality.

Every one has a reality. No matter how flat you make a pancake there are always two sides to every argument.


Well-Known Member
You still can't act smug tiny brain. Your resurrection of this thread allowed me to re read your stupidity. It's clear to me that smokey is a puppet profile started by yourself. Your same empty headed attempt at an intelligent manner of speaking is evident. Your initial counter point was your feeble minded attempt to cover your obvious tracks.

It took you 3 months to think up a response.... guess I'll hear your rebuttal in June.


Well-Known Member
This thread is for my own amusement. Indeed you who enter are a parody of the human progress.

First the would be Christian.

What did you hope to find here? Proof of God? You seek a testimony of God but if it is build on the words of a man how will that testimony stand?

Truly you are like the house built upon the sand, and the winds blew and the waves crashed and that house fell, and great was the fall there of.
You hypocrite. You seek the spirit but by the tongue of flesh.

Or did you come to correct the writer?. Doesn't your bible teach you to cast not your pearls before swine, or to give not that which is holy to the dogs?
You insult Christianity with your actions. What measure of your worthless intellect will feed one starving person tonight?

To you atheist, what did you come here to read? An intellectual attempt to convert you? More proof you can disprove? You are even more worthless then the would be Christian dogs. At least they had good intentions. What are your intentions? To go looking for faith and destroy it? A babe on the beach wrecking sand castles is more productive then you are. At least sand castles are real.

You insult humanity with your idle worthless drivel. Every sentence you spew forth is like an ever growing stain of idiocy on the progress of intellectual evolution.

You reek of hypocrisy. You seek to free humanity of the boundaries of religion, yet you your self threaten your own freedom by indulging in your own illegal activities! Hypocrites! Which is worse, spiritual boundaries or steel bars? A man can choose to be free of spiritual boundaries but a man behind bars will remain until he has served his time in full.
GAY ok op you prove your point everybody now knows how big a douche you are high five


Well-Known Member
You reek of hypocrisy. You seek to free humanity of the boundaries of religion, yet you your self threaten your own freedom by indulging in your own illegal activities! Hypocrites! Which is worse, spiritual boundaries or steel bars? A man can choose to be free of spiritual boundaries but a man behind bars will remain until he has served his time in full.

colour me curious.

what illegal activities are you talking about?

religious people are fools and atheists are fools because they are hypocritical enough to grow? (this is a growing forum, so wtf are you doing here?)

lol, well , its bit funny this thread.