I Never Get Much From Edibles

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I don't know man. If you get high from smoking it it shouldn't matter what the delivery method is. Cooking with cannabis can be tricky but if done right it's like you took some strong pain killers and sometimes can be too intense.
delivery makes all the difference. you can get high smoking crack but you can't get high eating it. so your theory is flawed.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
I'm exactly the same. and I don't think it has anything to do with "not doing it right" , lol. I think it has more to do with a persons digestive system.

lol@the people saying "not making it right" lmfao! when I make it, everyones stoned off thier ass but me, go figure.:clap:

just out of curiousity what temps do you do this at and for how long.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just out of curiousity what temps do you do this at and for how long.
It is irrelevant. If it's fucking everyone else over, they are probably good brownies :D I made up some butter and gave it to my flatmate instead of binning it, he cooked up a 3 foot long garlic bread with it, didn't do owt to me, he was alseep at about 3pm and didn't get up till the following day :D


Well-Known Member
delivery makes all the difference. you can get high smoking crack but you can't get high eating it. so your theory is flawed.
I wasn't talking about unsubstantiated delivery methods. No one has ever eaten crack and got high. I meant out of all the delivery methods known for cannabis i.e. eating, smoking, vaping. If someone has digestive problems like the poster who said they have crohns disease that might be a different story but if you don't have any digestive issues you should be effected.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well if you think the temp has nothing to do with it no offernce but thats totaly wrong. over a certain temp your killing the thc, and under isnt cenverting the thca to thc
some just have a higher tollerance to this is all. i wasnt insulting your shit dood, there is the right temps and way and there is the wrong way to.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm saying that if the butter is.Fucking everyone.else up then there's no requirement to explain the cooking temps as its obviously "effective" stuff :)

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
and your not concerned about maybe being able for them to work for you...no worries then

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't really see how i can change (myself and others, i'm not the only cook of the butter or the food) it to the extent that it wipes me out as all tesimony appears to state it should. If it is putting people on their back for close to 24 hours, something tells me it's been made pretty damned well.

But at the end of the day no, i do not really care two ways about it, i'd much much much rather have a completely controllable joint. I abhor drugs which leave you out of crontrol, unable to come down, i have a responsible life to live, i can't be stoned for 10 hours, stuff to take care of and to do.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
ya got shit to do here with full time job to. no worries. and again wassnt insulting your cookies or how you do this. just other ways to look at things or try...