Jerry's Perpetually Organic Garden


Well-Known Member
by the way i love the tohoe 3 im going to be going TGA subcool and CAli cOnnection from hear out for indoor seeds. im done doing femmed seeds indoor. i like them outdoor bc i don't want to take care of a male for months during veg. but indoor i have had them hermie. cant wait to try some tahoe


Well-Known Member
Once you see powdery mildew on your leaves, it's already throughout the plant. You can't get rid of it, but you can control its spores to a certain extent by lowering humidity, letting your medium dry a bit between feedings, and applying a competing fungal/bacterial innoculant such as Serenade.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
by the way i love the tohoe 3 im going to be going TGA subcool and CAli cOnnection from hear out for indoor seeds. im done doing femmed seeds indoor. i like them outdoor bc i don't want to take care of a male for months during veg. but indoor i have had them hermie. cant wait to try some tahoe
I feel ya bud. Reg seeds are the way to go, especially so you can make your own seeds, but the convenience factor weighs heavily with a lot of people to know you aren't spending your time raising 4 extra male plants. I've had some very nice fem plants, but all (except my Reserva Privada OG Kush) put out a few bananas at some point in their life.

I'm quite high on the TGA and Cali Connect gear if you can't tell (JTR, Querkle, Space Queen, Sour OG, Tahoe OG, and soon to be Sour Diesel). Finding a reputable breeder is tough, and they are two good ones for my money.

Reserva Privada has been good to me too, and the Sour Diesel seeds I picked up are regular, so added bonus there.
High there Jerry.G, man what can i say but absolutely gorgeous, there's some nice vars in there and looking very lush,:bigjoint:
the Tahoe the stretchy one looks nice and the Tahoe #3 should be in a book very nice growing,i like it very much:fire:and TGA,s gear
the seedlings look happy also,are they in straight vermiculite ,well IL be on here alot more now and still getting used to
site and finding my way around,i will be waiting for updates too,how do you honestly rate the TGA gear,atb,SoShiva:weed:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
High there Jerry.G, man what can i say but absolutely gorgeous, there's some nice vars in there and looking very lush,:bigjoint:
the Tahoe the stretchy one looks nice and the Tahoe #3 should be in a book very nice growing,i like it very much:fire:and TGA,s gear
the seedlings look happy also,are they in straight vermiculite ,well IL be on here alot more now and still getting used to
site and finding my way around,i will be waiting for updates too,how do you honestly rate the TGA gear,atb,SoShiva:weed:
Thanks SoShiva, good luck figuring out riu!

My seedlings are in a peat-based mix I make, topped with fox farms light warrior. They like it.

As for TGA, I've only grown/smoked jack ripper, though I have querkle and space queen going now, and it is some of the best bud I've smoked hands down. Very pleased with TGA :leaf:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I harvested the 3 main tops from the Tahoe #3 and all of the Amnesia Lemon. Got some pics of them, and most everyone else.

Tahoe OG #3, 72 days of 12/12. Harvested 3 tops, leaving the rest for a couple more days.

Amnesia Lemon. 72 days of 12/12. Completely harvested. Could have gone a bit longer but whatev.

Sour OG #3. 72 days 12/12. Will be harvested within the week.

I think the Epsom Salt was exactly what she needed, as the rust spots stopped spreading immediately after I gave them some.

LSD on the left, Pineapple Chunk on the right.

Space Queen #2. CONFIRMED FEMALE!:mrgreen:

Querkle #2. CONFIRMED FEMALE! bongsmilie

Space Queen #3. CONFIRMED FEMALE! :bigjoint:

NYC Diesel. Maybe my most beautiful plant to date, which I think says a lot.

Querkle #3. Sex yet to be determined.

Space Queen #1. Sex yet to be determined.

Group shot in the tent.

Jack the Ripper

Sour OG #4. 72 days 12/12. Very near harvest, though probably the last of the Cali Connect's that will be harvested.

Tahoe OG #3 and Sour OG #3 in large white pots. Stoked for these monsters.

Veg room. Just got a new 400w sunleaves MH bulb the other day...I think they like it!

Will be transplanting the Sour Diesel, OG Kush and Amnesia clone into small black pots today.

Still waiting on my Cali Connection Sour Diesel seeds to arrive...:-|



Well-Known Member
those fall colors on the tahoe #3 and the amnesia are gorgeous. beautiful buds. Thats sick u confirmed a couple fems with those spacequeen and that querkle, and that NYC diesel is soma's i presume? that lady is gonna be a big girl. :joint: farmer

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
those fall colors on the tahoe #3 and the amnesia are gorgeous. beautiful buds. Thats sick u confirmed a couple fems with those spacequeen and that querkle, and that NYC diesel is soma's i presume? that lady is gonna be a big girl. :joint: farmer
The Tahoe #3 was just a pleasure to watch mature, and it will be even more fun to watch the next generation go through it all over again, only MUCH larger! Oh, and the buds on this girl are rock weighed probably 3x as much as a comparable sized branch of Amnesia (well it felt that way while I was trimming). I didn't even want to trim some of the leaves because they were just dripping with resin...but I decided I will be making bubble hash from it, so that made it a bit easier. I still left way more leaves than usual just because they were so frosted.

As for the Space Queen and Querkle, I only flipped the lights on them 2 days ago, so they showed pretty fast. I guess they've been vegging for about a month.

And the NYC Diesel is absolutely Soma's. Got it as a feminized pick and mix. Expensive as hell but looking promising thus far. She would have turned out to be an even bigger girl had I not accidentally snapped her main cola in half while tying her down. Oh well, she is going to be a producer for sure!


Well-Known Member
Beautiful stuff man, really, high quality gardening brother. But when you start off a nice post like that with such profanity, I want to gouge my eyes out with spoons. You don't want that, do you? Go Blue, that loss last night was painful.:-(
You talk about my cali connect girls look at yours them girls are beauties..I love what i see very good grow.I cant wait to see how my sour og ,larry og and bubbas bx2s come out looking now..
How the hell is everything purple is it genetics or temps?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Beautiful stuff man, really, high quality gardening brother. But when you start off a nice post like that with such profanity, I want to gouge my eyes out with spoons. You don't want that, do you? Go Blue, that loss last night was painful.:-(
Thanks Wolverine. I was pretty concerned about that game until midway through the second half, but you gave us a pretty good run there for a bit. Guess I should update my signature to 23-0 now huh?

Anyone for a game of tennis? Look at that nugget! :D
Yeah she just keeps filling out. Still no amber trichs yet either and LOTS of white pistils. I give her another week or so. Today is day 74. I'm chopping the other Sour OG (#3) in the next day or two, along with the stretched Tahoe #2. After watching the second generation Tahoe #2 stretch exactly like the first generation, I've decided that is just how it is going to grow. Buds are looking nice though.

You talk about my cali connect girls look at yours them girls are beauties..I love what i see very good grow.I cant wait to see how my sour og ,larry og and bubbas bx2s come out looking now..
How the hell is everything purple is it genetics or temps?
I'm so jealous you have BOTH the bubba and the larry seeds! I'm germinating at least 5 of the Sour Diesel whenever they get here.

Probably a bit of both, as the plant has to be genetically predisposed to turn purple, and my temps are pretty cold these days (at night). With the lights on the temp stays about 80, with it off it easily falls to around 60 or lower.

My Chiesel and LSD and Blue Widow all previously turned deep colors like this in the winter. Sometimes the water I give them is pretty cold from sitting on my floor, so that may help a bit too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Wolverine. I was pretty concerned about that game until midway through the second half, but you gave us a pretty good run there for a bit. Guess I should update my signature to 23-0 now huh?

Yeah she just keeps filling out. Still no amber trichs yet either and LOTS of white pistils. I give her another week or so. Today is day 74. I'm chopping the other Sour OG (#3) in the next day or two, along with the stretched Tahoe #2. After watching the second generation Tahoe #2 stretch exactly like the first generation, I've decided that is just how it is going to grow. Buds are looking nice though.

I'm so jealous you have BOTH the bubba and the larry seeds! I'm germinating at least 5 of the Sour Diesel whenever they get here.

Probably a bit of both, as the plant has to be genetically predisposed to turn purple, and my temps are pretty cold these days (at night). With the lights on the temp stays about 80, with it off it easily falls to around 60 or lower.

My Chiesel and LSD and Blue Widow all previously turned deep colors like this in the winter. Sometimes the water I give them is pretty cold from sitting on my floor, so that may help a bit too.
Guh... You guys have a good team, no doubt. Also friendly refs, the free throw ratio was mind-boggling. Good luck in the BTT when it comes.
Overall, how do you like the Tahoe OG, and what kind of yield do you get from it? I was thinking of trying that one, or maybe the Deadhead OG, not sure though...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I thought we got a couple friendly out-of-bounds possession calls, but the fouls/free-throws were legit. It was basically hack-a-Sullinger out there every time he touched the ball. Can't blame them either for fouling him all the time, but that is where the disparity comes from. Also you guys ran the Princeton/Northwestern style pass-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-pass-shoot with-:03-left-on-the-shot-clock, which doesn't draw a lot of free throws.

I really like the was very easy to grow, not finicky at all about nutes. The yield of my first Tahoe #3 plant will be less than its potential, though as I said the buds are rock solid. I always find my second generation and beyond (clones) of a plant do better than from seed, especially if they are regular seeds, as I tend to flower those plants smaller in order to identify sex. The next generation Tahoe #3 that I has been in flower a couple weeks will be more in line with what I feel is the potential of the strain.

And not to mention it is probably the frostiest strain I've ever grown, and that the smell is just absolutely delicious, though hard to describe. Even the Tahoe #2 that stretches smells very similar to my keeper #3.

I would highly recommend trying the Tahoe based on my experience. I haven't seen much of anyone else growing the Deadhead, and the one person I did said it hermied on them to the point they trashed it, or something to that effect. My Sour OG is pretty nasty too. I don't think you can make a bad choice with the Cali Connect gear.


Well-Known Member
I thought we got a couple friendly out-of-bounds possession calls, but the fouls/free-throws were legit. It was basically hack-a-Sullinger out there every time he touched the ball. Can't blame them either for fouling him all the time, but that is where the disparity comes from. Also you guys ran the Princeton/Northwestern style pass-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-pass-shoot with-:03-left-on-the-shot-clock, which doesn't draw a lot of free throws.

I really like the was very easy to grow, not finicky at all about nutes. The yield of my first Tahoe #3 plant will be less than its potential, though as I said the buds are rock solid. I always find my second generation and beyond (clones) of a plant do better than from seed, especially if they are regular seeds, as I tend to flower those plants smaller in order to identify sex. The next generation Tahoe #3 that I has been in flower a couple weeks will be more in line with what I feel is the potential of the strain.

And not to mention it is probably the frostiest strain I've ever grown, and that the smell is just absolutely delicious, though hard to describe. Even the Tahoe #2 that stretches smells very similar to my keeper #3.

I would highly recommend trying the Tahoe based on my experience. I haven't seen much of anyone else growing the Deadhead, and the one person I did said it hermied on them to the point they trashed it, or something to that effect. My Sour OG is pretty nasty too. I don't think you can make a bad choice with the Cali Connect gear.
LOL, I'll leave my officiating related comments out to avoid sour grape (mmm... sour grapes) syndrome, but Morris got mugged a few times, anyhoo...

Thanks for the reply, I will give it a shot if the OG cut I'm currently running isn't up to snuff. I'm trying to hold out for their Larry OG to be restocked by 'tude.

I'm also in the last four weeks flowering a supposedly Sour Diesel cutting, but I'm thinking it's actually an OG strain judging on the golfball shaped buds, smells fairly sour, but not quite Dies.:bigjoint:
I thought we got a couple friendly out-of-bounds possession calls, but the fouls/free-throws were legit. It was basically hack-a-Sullinger out there every time he touched the ball. Can't blame them either for fouling him all the time, but that is where the disparity comes from. Also you guys ran the Princeton/Northwestern style pass-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-dribble-pass-pass-pass-shoot with-:03-left-on-the-shot-clock, which doesn't draw a lot of free throws.

I really like the was very easy to grow, not finicky at all about nutes. The yield of my first Tahoe #3 plant will be less than its potential, though as I said the buds are rock solid. I always find my second generation and beyond (clones) of a plant do better than from seed, especially if they are regular seeds, as I tend to flower those plants smaller in order to identify sex. The next generation Tahoe #3 that I has been in flower a couple weeks will be more in line with what I feel is the potential of the strain.

And not to mention it is probably the frostiest strain I've ever grown, and that the smell is just absolutely delicious, though hard to describe. Even the Tahoe #2 that stretches smells very similar to my keeper #3.

I would highly recommend trying the Tahoe based on my experience. I haven't seen much of anyone else growing the Deadhead, and the one person I did said it hermied on them to the point they trashed it, or something to that effect. My Sour OG is pretty nasty too. I don't think you can make a bad choice with the Cali Connect gear.
I have to agree well at least for the tahoe and the deadhead so far they are really some keepers im hoping my clones root so i can keep these strains around because the tahoe is really one strong frosty girl and the deadhead smells just like my og kush 18 from reserva privada just like it..Yeah i only got a cople of larry ogs but the bubbas i have a whole ten pack with 2 growing now so i still have eight im giving 2 to a fellow grower maybe we can work something out if you want some.Because they are out of stock everywhere...

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
LOL, I'll leave my officiating related comments out to avoid sour grape (mmm... sour grapes) syndrome, but Morris got mugged a few times, anyhoo...

Thanks for the reply, I will give it a shot if the OG cut I'm currently running isn't up to snuff. I'm trying to hold out for their Larry OG to be restocked by 'tude.

I'm also in the last four weeks flowering a supposedly Sour Diesel cutting, but I'm thinking it's actually an OG strain judging on the golfball shaped buds, smells fairly sour, but not quite Dies.:bigjoint:
I feel you on the diesel...sour is good but I want that fuel!

I have to agree well at least for the tahoe and the deadhead so far they are really some keepers im hoping my clones root so i can keep these strains around because the tahoe is really one strong frosty girl and the deadhead smells just like my og kush 18 from reserva privada just like it..Yeah i only got a cople of larry ogs but the bubbas i have a whole ten pack with 2 growing now so i still have eight im giving 2 to a fellow grower maybe we can work something out if you want some.Because they are out of stock everywhere...
I forgot you were doing the deadhead too...I've not had the #18 but I loved their regular OG, so I qualify that as a sound endorsement.

Thanks for the offer wbw, but I'm sure ol swerve will get them back in stock eventually. In the meantime I might grab some TGA plush berry. Sub said it should be in stock @ the tude in a week or so.

I don't know if I could be as generous as you with my seeds either!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I was kinda rushed so the pics are sub-par, but they look pretty much like they did in my last update.

Tahoe #2. The scissor hash produced from trimming this plant was unlike any I had seen. It accumulated so fast into a sandy-colored gel that it just dripped off the scissors. 'Hate the growth, love the smoke' will probably be my motto for this girl.

Sour #3. Trying to fight that mag deficiency better this next round!

Sour #3 also hermied on me during the last couple weeks, I assume due to the deficiency problem. I'm going to try and get some dolomite lime to replace the garden lime I've been using, which will add Magnesium.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good...based off your journal I decided to order the Tahoe OG from Cali Connect. I also got the Sour OG and the Deadhead OG, will be running in organic soil along with barney's tangerine dream. they should arrive in a few weeks. for now, i have Barneys Vanilla Kush, TGA Pandora's Box, and Kannabia La Blanca and Afrodite all shooting up nicely. Out of the Deadhead, Sour and Tahoe, which is your favorite and why(thus far)?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Lookin good...based off your journal I decided to order the Tahoe OG from Cali Connect. I also got the Sour OG and the Deadhead OG, will be running in organic soil along with barney's tangerine dream. they should arrive in a few weeks. for now, i have Barneys Vanilla Kush, TGA Pandora's Box, and Kannabia La Blanca and Afrodite all shooting up nicely. Out of the Deadhead, Sour and Tahoe, which is your favorite and why(thus far)?
I haven't grown/smoked the Deadhead so I can't comment on it, and it is a bit too early to judge the Sour and Tahoe, but based on appearance and smell they will both be winners.

Good luck with your grow!