A Newb and His First


Well-Known Member
===DAY 1===

Hey everyone, well, I just placed my newly sprouted seeds into its new home and I have placed it into my growing area in the top of my closet. I dont have a very good setup because i am not rich and cant afford all the good stuff. So I have done the best with what I have. :mrgreen:

Ok, My setup is really simple, I have a shelf in the top of my closet, I Placed a White Towl on it so as to collect any stray water. And its white so it refelcts light. At the moment, I have only 1, 24" 75W Grow Light, but i plan on getting another one or two when I get paid, We will have to wait and see how things go... Ok, around the light area, i have constructed reflectors out of cardboard and aluminium foil. I also have a fan in there cause everyone keeps saying it is good to have them in there, so... there we go, fan. I went out and bought a timer because I am lazy and dont like to turn things off and on and I figure, anything that will do it for me, is my new best friend. Ok, so, the seeds just sprouted today and a little under 48 hours of wetting the paper towl, They are in pots ready to grow. For my soil i am just using Miricle-Gro Moisture control potting mix... I dont know how well it will work but i havent the money to buy all the MONDO stuff. Ok, so, i dont know what type of seed it is because i just found them in the bag, so.. we will see. (Hopefully something good...) I hope i have a female... cause that would suck if i go through all of this and none of them are female.. but oh well, live, learn, try again. Ok, so here are a couple photos of what is going on at the moment, NOTHING SPECIAL.. But Its MINE! :blsmoke::mrgreen:

This is just a photo of The girlfriends and I plants. (We are having a contest...)

This is MY baby right here, hoping "SHE" will do me good...

This is just a side view of it.

An that is it for now...
Now We Wait... Hope to have some results soon, will post pics of first sign of Life.


Well-Known Member
Day 2

Ok, so some good news, I had another seed sprout, I will probably plant it tomorrow afternoon or something. so far that is 3 that have sprouted, thats good, more chances for females. (Not a big chance boost, but hell, three is better than 2 in my book.) :-)


Well-Known Member

Ok, so it is day three for my plants and I woke up this morning and i saw a plant sticking through the soil.:mrgreen: I am pretty happy about that. I took a picture, but it didnt turn out too well so i will wait till tomorrow and maybe there will be a better picture available and I will post it. I also put my other sprout into a pot today so hopefully that one will grow soon here.:joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
-DAY 6-

Ok, day six and i have good news and bad news, bad news is one of the germinated seeds that i planted... i dont htink it lived, i see no signs of life anywhere from it, not even out of the ground... maybe i put it in upside down on accident... dont know... anyways, GOOD NEWS is that i now have 2 Plants, one just sprouted up from the soil yesterday morning and is doing very well along with the first one. Going to go buy some CFLs today from wally world (Wal-Mart), so we will see how that goes, I will post more when I have it, but here are some pics of the plants so far.

This one is my first... Calling her Killer... she looks so weak though being new and all...

This one is the new one, just came out yesterday, probably going to give it to my girlfriend since hers didnt grow out of the soil even...

FEEL FREE TO COMENT ANYTIME, i am new and i take learning VERY WELL, so any info or help that you would like to throw at me, I am MORE than Willing to soak it up. Thanks. :joint::joint::joint::joint::joint::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:



Active Member
How much light do you have now? You mentioned going to Walmart for mor lights.

Also, how tall is your grow area? You'll want at LEAST 3' of height, though more is better.


Well-Known Member
How far away is ur light? you want them like 1-4 inches away from the tops.... if its not that close you're going to fuck it up mate they will strech


Well-Known Member
Ok,So I re-arranged some things to make way for new lighting. (Which i will have to do agian when I buy More) Photos Will Follow Comment Replies...

pastor420: I just bought some lights and made a reflector box and made this... I have a Grow Light 24" 75w and now I have 3 26w CFLs with a combined Lumens of 5250 on those, i dont know how many lumens are on the grow light... but I am going to get more CFLs when Pay Day comes, Really Short On Cash... down to $11 and that has to Last 'till PAYDAY.. so remember guys, i am poor and dont have the funds for all of the expensive lights... wish i could tho, ANYWAYS, here is a pic of the 3 new CFLs in the box I made... Sad, I know... I spent about... 16 dollars today on lights, adapters, and extension chord and got this box setup like it is, I really like it and it adds SO MUCH Light... it works great...

My Grow Area is 3.3ft tall... That seems like enough room for 2 plants... It is about 4 feet wide... didnt get to pick dimensions.. was kinda strapped for un noticable space...

Thanks for the responce Pastor.

TillTheDayIDie420: My lights are different... the grow light is like... 2 inches away and the new CFLs are like... 10"... i need to find a way to get them closer, but also, they are warm so i need to reduce heat... But i will see how this goes for a couple days, Hopefully Friday, i will get 3 more CFLs and add them to the Front of the plants for Added Light Surface Area. :-)


I just got a new thermomiter (Cant spell) That tells me the Humidity too and my specs look like... 76degrees Farenheit, and 40% humidity... is that good? Just wondering. I bought the new CFLs today and some stuff to get them all going in the same spot, only cost me (Rounded Up) $17, I am so happy... Here are some pics of what my new grow area looks like... The thing in front is a reflector for light it closes and opens that little crack so i can see and water and stuff... its cool... for a newb i suppose.. but that is just me looking at myself... Here are the pics...

And here is a picture of my new thermamater... (fuck that word all to hell..)

Here, One without glare.

Cool Huh?!?!?! not really, i have seen your guy's setups... Those are only Dreams to me... lol Oh well, i am happy with mine, its... Well, Mine, and i like it.. Thanks for the comments guys, keep them coming, this is fun!

OH YEAH!!! Ill call this P.S. even tho it isnt... LoOk At My KiCk AsS Co2 SyStEm... F&#kin EXPENSIVE, Let Me Tell You...



Well-Known Member
Very nice mate... you're grow is commin along... those look like warm CFL's
they are prime for Flowering.... but... you have enough light to do the job... try and find cool light CFL's they work better for veg... but if u can up the warm CFL's to 5 After a while when they start gettin bigger... Keep it up lad


Well-Known Member
I am actually going to up them to 6... I am thinking of putting light boxes in front and back of the plants and then hanging the grow light above them... to try and get them to branch outwards instead of upwards kinda like a bush... (Save Space..) What do you think? Thanks By the way. Tilltheday, really appreciate the support...



Well-Known Member
i think you're plants will Grow nicely mate, and if you dont want them to grow upwords do that, and just make sure ur lights arnt to far from the tops... there not HPS so u can get all the lights CLOSE like 2-4 inch's, you're going to need to replace ur CO2 daily... which sucks but it will improve you're growth alot.... Pick up Nutrients too. there are lots of threads that tell you how much to use... there should be a ppm chart on them also. but i think you're buds will do just fine... ive seen 1 plant grown from 5 cfl's Produce a Decent yeild... so you will also produce a decent yeild with all the lights you have... nothing compaired to a hps but buy that after you sell... unless ur doing this for smoke... but you shouldent have to many problems just do lots of reasearch and you will have some nice budz :) np for the support enytime mate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bud, hope to see you along for my whole growing Ride. lol :-P Thanks again, Back to Peeking in the closet door...



Well-Known Member
Thanks bud, hope to see you along for my whole growing Ride. lol :-P Thanks again, Back to Peeking in the closet door...


haha mate, ill be watchin you're progress, after i get my new computer running ill start hosting my pictures... but im still iffy about it... cause if enycop wanted to bust some1... you're ip adress tells them exactly where you live... but i dont think you have to worry to much about that...

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Freedom of Speech. Cant bust you on Saying Something. Right?
or get an IP Mask, real easy to find..


Active Member
Scepter, 3 feet is good enough. And Tilltheday is right that you want them closer. The plus about CFLs is that you can get so close without frying the plant. He is also right that you want more light, the 6 you mentioned would be wonderful for the amount of room you have. And read, read, read.:grin:


Well-Known Member

Ok well, my Plants are looking good, they have a great color to them its kind of like this color but a little darker, not much darker tho... They look awsome!!! But they are small cause they are young... They will b perfect... i just know it... I JUST KNOW IT!!! Anyways, i have added a wet towl to add humidity. Stats are varying from 75oF - 44% humidity TO 82oF - 47%humidity. NOT MUCH MORE TO SAY.. PICTURES!!! HERE you guys go... not much to look at.. but they are my baby girls...

Ok, PEACE!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Nice set up! You did real nice with what you had!
I don't even know if it makes a difference, but I always take the cover off that 24" strip light. It seems that it would allow more light through to the plant.:blsmoke:


Active Member
One more thing I dont think anyone has mentioned to you, you want to swap out that tin foil for Mylar, Tin foil will tend to give you hot spots, and cause your plants to butn, mylar wont do this. Other than that, looks great man, keep us posted
