Ron Paul takes on FAUX media.


New Member
Everready! Great reply to Med-'O-Mao. LMAO awaiting Mao's response. :mrgreen:

Med ...

Once again you've accused me of being a "fascist." How can someone who espouses a return to the Constitution, a smaller, less intrusive federal government, the elimination of the IRS, a return to gold-backed money and in favor of state's rights be a fascist? Please explain. Thanks ...



New Member

isn't it supposed to be the governments job to protect us...from inside and outside sources of danger. free market economies is what levels the playing field for citizens to get a peice of the economic pie in this country. anyone, even you, could get rich with one good idea.

the government's omnitient role should be only to REGULATE those companies so that price gouging and predatory practices on the citizens do not occure. that is an appropriate use of our tax money.

the problem is, you want to hand over the services that all these free market operations offier, to the government. WHY? dont you see all it will do is EXPAND the size of the government, and raise taxes to pay for those services and and an ungodly amount of waste that always plagues government programs.

INCREASING the government is inharently bad. and if you understood the point of the constitution (to limit government at all costs), you would not advocate this. the very reason we are in this mess of a president being able to use this over-inflated empire-like government is because the people have allowed the size and scope of this government to grow out of control when they weren't looking.

you will solve nothing by handing it even more programs and departments. you will make it worse. you are making it worse.


New Member

isn't it supposed to be the governments job to protect us...from inside and outside sources of danger. free market economies is what levels the playing field for citizens to get a peice of the economic pie in this country. anyone, even you, could get rich with one good idea.

the government's omnitient role should be only to REGULATE those companies so that price gouging and predatory practices on the citizens do not occure. that is an appropriate use of our tax money.

the problem is, you want to hand over the services that all these free market operations offier, to the government. WHY? dont you see all it will do is EXPAND the size of the government, and raise taxes to pay for those services and and an ungodly amount of waste that always plagues government programs.

INCREASING the government is inharently bad. and if you understood the point of the constitution (to limit government at all costs), you would not advocate this. the very reason we are in this mess of a president being able to use this over-inflated empire-like government is because the people have allowed the size and scope of this government to grow out of control when they weren't looking.

you will solve nothing by handing it even more programs and departments. you will make it worse. you are making it worse.
My friend. I am making nothing but Ideas. The only thing I want to turn over to the government at this time is the medical system. Get the profit out of medical. The two things should not be tied together, Health CARE and Profit are not synonomous, they are in fact an oxymoron, I can think of a lot of things to get the government out of like the war on drugs, spying on citizens, torture, renditioning, there is a long list, but medical needs to be a government entity, not private.


Well-Known Member
My friend. I am making nothing but Ideas. The only thing I want to turn over to the government at this time is the medical system. Get the profit out of medical. The two things should not be tied together, Health CARE and Profit are not synonomous, they are in fact an oxymoron, I can think of a lot of things to get the government out of like the war on drugs, spying on citizens, torture, renditioning, there is a long list, but medical needs to be a government entity, not private.
I'm going to hold you to that. You know you want everything to be government run. You hate the very capitalist system that has brought you everything you deserve. You are an anti-capitalist. Paint it any way you wish. I think your guy would be Kucinich, because while he is a complete buffoon when it comes to economics and the size of government, at least he understands what civil liberties are. If you sold your soul to Clinton your not even a real democrat...which is really hard to define anyways.


New Member
My friend. I am making nothing but Ideas. The only thing I want to turn over to the government at this time is the medical system. Get the profit out of medical. The two things should not be tied together, Health CARE and Profit are not synonomous, they are in fact an oxymoron, I can think of a lot of things to get the government out of like the war on drugs, spying on citizens, torture, renditioning, there is a long list, but medical needs to be a government entity, not private.
And the revealing words in the above post is "at this time." The greed of the Left for the fruits of the production of others is insatiable ... and that is very telling in those three little words. :blsmoke:

